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ChaRM: automatic import of all corrections

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We are implementing ChaRM and have the following questions:

1) Are there any possibilities to set up an automatic import of all the corrections or urgent corrections into QAS and/or PRD system via background job or from task plan?

2) When we create a change request it is very borring to set up each time the appropriate Requester, IBase, Change Manager...

What is the approach to set this values only one time and reuse it again?

(which action profile, actions are responsible for this issue?)

Thank you very much!

H. Thomasson

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Answers (1)

Former Member
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1) Yes you can shedule automatic periodic imports. For this select the correct maintenance cycle and execute the action Import Transport Requests in the task list. At the bottom of the popup you can schedule this task.

2) Not sure, but I think default values can be assigned in the IMG.


Former Member
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Hi Roel,

thank you very much for your response.

>1) Yes you can shedule automatic periodic imports. For this select the correct maintenance cycle and execute the action Import Transport Requests in the task list. At the bottom of the popup you can schedule this task.

Could you please specify:

a) Does it apply for urgent corrections, corrections within maintenance project?

b) Can I schedule this job hourly and automatic via tcode SM37?

Thank you very much!

Holger Thomasson

Former Member
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1) number of the CTS project will be used to import TRs from a specific cycle. This is applicable for UCs and NCs within that release.

2) should be possible I think. you can also use the schedule manager.


Edited by: Roel Beckers on Sep 22, 2008 2:35 PM

Former Member
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Hi Roel,

1) Is that approach for several NC's and UC's with their several TR's?

Or only for one special NC with one or more TR's?

Could you please give me here more details.

Thank you very much!

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When triggering the import from Solution Manager for a certain ChaRM Maintenance Cycle, the import will be filtered on the CTS project assigned to this Maintenance Cycle.

This means that all TRs (independent from UC or NC) assigned to this Maintenance Cycle/CTS project will be imported in the follow-up system.


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Hi Roel,

many thank's!

What is the actions (tcode, report, etc.) to execute for this issue?

Thank you very much!

Former Member
0 Kudos


Transaction is /TMWFLOW/PROJ.

Then select the correct maintenance cycle and click the 'Full Screen' button at the right.

Navigate to the correct system where you want to import the transport requests and right-click the action 'Import Transport Requests (Background)' and select 'Schedule'.

In the new window you have a section 'Periodic Scheduling'. There you can configure the import with a minimum periodic schedule of 'Daily'.

If you need it i.e. twice a day, I think it's possible to adapt the job yourself in SM36/37.

Hope this helps!


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Roel!

Many thank's!

Could you also help with this issue?

When new normal corrections (type: SDMJ) will be created it is not possible to see them in tcode "DSWP" --> Change Request Management --> "Not Completed".

Only with tcode "CRM_DNO_MONITOR" or via Work Center can the normal corrections (type: SDMJ) be shown.

It will ge great...

Many thanks
