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Changing the title of a BW query

Former Member
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Does anyone know how to change the title in a BW query? I would like to pass a parameter within a url that would change the title on a saved query, but I can't find the document to do this. Can someone point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance,


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Former Member
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it is not possible to change the description of the query itself, as the Web API will only work on the query view and not on the Query itself. So it is not possible to change the description which is stored in the database.

If you only want to change a displayed text in a Web Application this would be possible, but you would need to describe your scenario a litte bit more in detail.


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I don't want to change the query description, just the title which is displayed after the query executes. This title can be found above the toolbar in a query. For example the default title for one of queries is: <b>'CMRPT23 Project Cost - Incl Cost Pools, Cost/Excess & DW Adj'</b>. We have sliced and diced this query and would like for the users to see a different title. If I could send a different title to be displayed by way of a url, that would be wonderful. The user would be so pleased.

Thank you,


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Its not the title that I want to change, its a text field which is displayed at the top of an executed query.



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Than you need to change that in your web template. If you are not using a web template and just executing the query on the web using a default web template, then you would have to create a web template for that query and modify the title there. In using the default template you would be picking up whatever the title of the query is.



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if you want to parameterize this from outside, you would need to use some javascript coding:

Use a custom defined attribute (for example of a table) or a not used caption attribute from another web item.

You can read the attribute by using the javascript function SAPBWGetItemProp.

You can set the the attribute in the url by using &cmd_1=item%3dABC%26caption%3dmytitle


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How would you be able to do/call that in the variables entry screen of the web template?

Former Member
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You can use a text variable to modify the title of a query or web element. I don't know what rules you want to modify the description with but you could create a customer exit text variable to achieve this.