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Change request stuck by inconsistency

0 Kudos

Hi experts!

A user has incorrectly filled a field at a certain WF step (filled both CURTP and PEINH fields, but not the field ZPRSDAT) and now it is stucked: When the approver tries to proceed with the material code creation the activation fails requiring a ZPRSDAT date.

But the main problem is: The fields CURTP, PEINH, and ZPRSDAT are now disabled in the step where the user incorrectly filled it and so in the approval step.

Someone know how can I solve this inconsistency?

Thanks in advance!

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Guilherme,

again, this depends on the settings of your specific system - check this with the technical team in charge of this data model extension what's the reason to have this field in "read-only" mode and if/how it's possible to maintain it.



0 Kudos

OK Ricardo, many thanks!

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hello guilherme_assis ,

hard to give you a proper answer - it really depends how the specific Change Request type (and its workflow) has been configured. Probably the current processor has the possibility to reject the request and push it back for reprocessing.

In case you are totally stuck, you can still delete the Change Request from the backend using the technical report USMD_DELETE_CREQUEST.


0 Kudos

Hi Riccardo!

Pushing back and foward the workflow is possible in my current scenario.

What we are impossible to do its to change the values in the problematic fields - I believe it is because inconsistency - but don't know how or even if its possible to do that (as admin or as a processor).