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Can you add printer/s into one or more printer groups in Printing Assistant Landscape?

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What do you think would be the logical printer grouping? Currently, we are in the process of migration to S4Hana and our printer groups are divided into ECC printers and S4Hana printers. The ECC printers contain all our printers and for future printers to be added after S4Hana we are now adding it to S4Hana printer group. Our target systems seem logical as we have multiple logical target groups in which we separated ECC and S4Hana environment and its accompanying Prod and Non-Prod environments.

Currently when we are adding printers in ECC, whenever we are distributing it to target system groups, it usually takes a lot of time as it updates all printers in the ECC printer group to all target systems even though we only add one printer in the group. Now, we explored trying to create a pseudo printer group where the only printers in that group are printers we are going to add/delete in the target groups. However, whenever we are going to remove those added printers in this pseudo group, we can't add it to the ECC system. It seems that it needs to be redistributed in the pseudo group once again, which will make it be deleted in the target groups, before adding it to ECC group (which will then distribute from ECC group and this takes a lot of time). It just made us realize that we no matter what we try we really need to redistribute the entire set of printers in ECC group just to add a handful of printers. Any advice how we can circumvent this problem?

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DATA: lv_random TYPE i. CALL FUNCTION 'QF05_RANDOM_INTEGER' EXPORTING ran_int_min = 1 ran_int_max = 100 IMPORTING ran_int = lv_random. WRITE: / 'Random Number:', lv_random.

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