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Calling a Webi Report from Dashboards without login Prompt

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Hi All,

I am using Bo4.1 SP1 and calling a Webi report from a Dashboard using opendoc. I am able to call the Webi report and it works fine, but I get the login prompt when I call the Webi report from Dashboard.

I looked up the web and found that we can use the serSes or token parameters to avoid the login prompt. But the examples made used of the SDK. Can someone guide me on how I can achieve this without using the SDK as our application does not have any SDK usage and I am not aware how I could use the authentication parameters in the opendoc ?

Any help is appreciated. Thanks

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Hi Dipti,

What URL you use to login to BI Launch Pad? Are you using exact same server name and port number in open document url? What server name and port you are using for live data connections in the Dashboard?

I have SAP BI 4.1 and Dashboard Design 4.1 environment. Did following two quick tests which may help you to narrow down the issue:

  • Test 01: (Webi report does not prompt for password)

Used following link in Xcelsius Dashboard to open Webi Report. Opened Xcelsius Dashboard from BI Launch Pad, clicked on Webi open document link and found that Webi Report opens without any issue. Webi Report does not prompt for password.

  • Test 02: (Webi report does not prompt for password)

Passed CELogonToken from Dashboard to Webi Report using CELogonToken parameter:


     1. Added Flash Variable connection to the dashboard

     2. Added Flash Variable and named it as CELogonToken

     3. Mapped above flash variable with excel cell. (Say B2)

     4. Concatenated value of cell B2 to the open document url to the Webi report.<Append value of cell B2>

     5. Mapped above URL with URL Button Component and exported the dashboard to BOE Server.

  1. 6. Opened Dashboard from BI Launchpad, clicked on URL Button Component and found that Webi Report opens without any issue and it does not prompt for password.

Hope this helps!



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Hi Vinay,

I rried the Test 01 and I still get the login prompt.

How did you get the CELogenToekn value and add it to a cell in excel. Can you guide me to the steps sp that i could try that and see if that works for me.

Appreciate your help.

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Hi Dipti,

Refer Test 02 in last post for getting value of CELogonToken in excel cell.


Vinay Mhaske

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But how do I get the CELogon Token to be used in Excel ?

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Hi Dipti,

Please refer to the below documents for CELogonToken.

I hope this helps.



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Hi Dipti,

As per my knowledge it won't ask for the login credentials if you use SSO.

But normally SSO authentication URL will be different from the regular URL.

Try to use the SSO URL's like

instead of


I hope this helps.


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Hi Sampath,

Thanks for your reply...

SSO is not the authentication mode that is setup on our environemnt, we use the traditional enterprise authenrtication on that server as its still a test server and so I use the opendoc url

http://SERVERNAME:8080/BOE/OpenDocument/opendoc/openDocument.jsp? , but not able to overcome the login .

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Would be much better if you use the relative path instead of the full path

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I tried using the relative path but it does not work when I try to go from dashboard to Webi report and give the Page not found error.

Can you give an example of the relative path to go from a dashboard to webi report without login prompt ?

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Start from /BOE  I would not recommend using ../../

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This works fine for me


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I tried the below url and it says page not found.


but if use the below, then it works fine and asks for authentication prompt -


is it because of the default port 8080 ?

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I tried the below url and it says page not found.


but if use the below, then it works fine and asks for authentication prompt -


is it because of the default port 8080 ?

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Hey Amr,

No joy, I tried it without http:// , but still does not work,

So I have a URL button in the Dashboard and I am mapping the URL property to a cell in excel which has the below formula - ( The webi report I am calling from this Dashboard has a prompt state which I pass from the Dashboard )

The URL is mapped to the cell which has the formula -


And the Encode URL is unchecked.

Please let me know if we are on the same page and what that I am missing.

I really appreciate our help.

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Any help is appreciated... do i have to change anything in the CMC to get this working ?

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use the above formula instead

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I struggled for a day long to get my dashboards linked to each other (Parent & Child) and above URL worked for me...none of them used parameters/prompts thus plain url works here.

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I faced the same issue while working with such scenario. Well, good thing is we were using WindowsAd authentication so I did not have to use any tokens.

Which authentication type are you using?

If you could you specify environment details here, then I may go ahead and give you some inputs.



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Hi Tejas,

Currently since its a test environment we are using the Enterprise users to login to BO 4.1. So we currently using the SAP Authentication where have created a Enterprise user to login to LauchPad, webi, dashbords application.

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Hi Dipti

Please try this URL

http://SERVERNAME:8080/BOE/OpenDocument/opendoc/openDocument.jsp?sIDType=CUID&iDocID=AU9Mc5CrmURPrpho4dISJhw&lsSEnter Prompt1:=Prompt1value&lsSEnter Prompt2:=Prompt2value

Give the servername, docid of webi report and prompt part, if any prompt.

or else u can try with 6405 instead of 8080.

For me its working with 6405.



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Hi dipti,

I am facing the same problem but i am also not able to send parameters to webi.

can you help me in that.



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Hi Dipti,

As Sainath and Amr said no authentication required when you view your Webi report from Dashboard.

If you are opening it from localy then you have to pass logen token using token parameter in open doc url.

Go through open doc user guide for SSO for open doc.



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Hi Dipti,

As said by Amr when you are viewing the Dashboard from the server no authentication is required for calling the Report, if you preview the dashboard from your local then you need to specify the login details.If you are viewing from the Server then it works on the SSO authentication which requires only one time login.



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Why do you have to use authentication? how you access the dashboard?

are you accessing the dashboard from the same server as webi?

if you are calling the Webi Reports in the same session you dont need a new login

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Both the Dashboard and Webi are on the same server. I access the Dashboards from BI Platform. So I first login to the BI Platform (so a session is created ) and then open the Dashboard and from dashboard I have a button coded with the opendoc to call a webi report and it is during this that the login prompt appears again. Now I am thinking since its a different application within the Platform it prompts for the login again, not sure though.

As I have several webi reports which have links that drill down to other webi reports and for these the login prompt does not appear as its all in the same session.

So, how do I overcome the login prompt, if its using SSO then how do I implement it in the opendoc without use of SDK.

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Please check cms name in the open doc url. is it the same as the cms name in Open doc application in cmc.



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The url name in the opendoc application and the open doc url both are the same.

My opendoc works fine, but asks for login when I call a webi report from dashboard, I dont want to ask for the login credentials again.

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what is cms name of your bo server check with the BO admin and change the cms name in your Open doc url in application and the in url in dashboard.

i have done the same in my scenario to make it work.

