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browser problem.

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Dear experts

i am configuring the outlook express through portal for this i upload the .par file in the portal but when i open the instant message or other things

message occurs your internet security settings do not allow the execution of activx objects.To solve this problem

go into internet explorer-tools-internet options..."there open a tab security and select the web content zone 'local intranet

and choose custom level....."in the open dialog'security settings ,active the option enable or prompt for the setting 'intialize

and script Activex control not marked as safe'.Apply the same settings for 'trusted sites' as well

and i made changes in internet explorer but same error occur again

please help

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Make sure that you are running internet explorer as an Administrator user, then perform the action specified in the message.



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Thanks for replay

i login with administrator user in the portal but same message(problem) again happen

what i do

please help.........

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Which version of portal and IE?

Try with any other browser and observe your results.

Good Luck!

Sandeep Tudumu

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Run internet explorer as an Administrator user and what is the IE version you are using? if you are getting problem in IE try in Mozilla.

one point to add is : "To install any Active X control, you should run your browser as an Administrator user", this is because generally, the network people of organisations disable the ability to install ActiveX for normal users for security reasons.



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sandeepji thanks for replying

i using ie of 6.0 and portal of 7.0 version

i also portal with mozilla but message vbscript is not support by your browser

is their any browser which support vbscript or portal correctly?

please help...........

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i using 6.0 version of ie and portal of 7.0 version and i already run the portal from administrator user and in mozilla i got error

vbscript is not support by your browser

is their any browser which support vbscript or portal correctly?

please help...........

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Login to Portal as an administrator is fine. I am asking you to login to your computer/System as an administrator.

Because, to instal any ActiveX control in your browser you should have Administrator rights to the browser.

