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Breakpoint Reached SM21 Error in Program SAPMSSY1

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Hello Gurus,

So I'm receiving this error repeatedly in our BW Production system per the SM21 logs:

Here are the details:


The description says: "A BREAK-POINT command in an ABAP/4 program occurred in an ABAP/4 program in a system status where debugging is not possible (for example, update, background processing, conversion exit)."

However, I'm unable to open de-bug mode for Program SAPMSSY1 because program-sapmssy1-type-s.jpg

Any insight as to what's causing this error?

Thanks in Advance! A. Cook

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Thanks Erdem, I understand that part... I was just commenting that now I have to find which transformation routine(s) these BREAK-POINTS are hard-coated in. The times these errors occur are when the bulk of our transaction loads are occurring and the details don't readily tell me which transformation it's hitting when the BREAK-POINT is encountered.

Regards, A. Cook

Answers (4)

Answers (4)

Active Contributor

SAPMSSY1 is the system program for initiating RFC calls at server side.

The system log message A03 indicates that SAP reached the statement BREAK-POINT in your code (could also be the BREAK macro), but can't execute it for the reasons mentioned in the log. It sends a message in the system log with a red icon, but I think it's harmless (unless the system log fulls the disk, but I guess it merely can't happen because there won't be enough RFC calls).

Based on your log, it seems that the concerned program is SAPMSSY1 so it's very surprising ; could you please confirm if there's such a statement in that program or not? If you don't find anything, please contact the SAP support.

PS: when you say "I'm unable to open de-bug mode", and that you get the message "Program SAPMSSY1 is not an executable program (type S)", the message indicates that you tried to execute the program, so of course it fails.

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You will not be able to debug SAPMSSY1 because it is a SAP standard program that is responsible for calling RFC connections.

This kind of message ("A BREAK-POINT command in an ABAP/4 program occurred...") usually occurs because there is a BREAK-POINT statement hard-coded in one (or more) routines in transformations. What you will need to do is track down these routines (you can match the error time stamp with load jobs time stamps to know which loads are related to these messages) and edit its routines. Any BREAL-POINT statement you find in these routines, just transform it into a comment (putting an * in the start of the line) and save the routine.

It will take a little effort but it is the only way to know which routines are causing these messages.

**I've attempted to find which routine this is, but we have several jobs running at the time these errors are raised. In fact, these times are when the bulk of our overnight loads are occurring. I was hoping for a better answer, but I will just have to do a deep-dive to find out what's causing it**

Thank you Gurus, A. Cook

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Hi Anissa,

Hard coded break-point statements in transformation routines cause these messages. Simply comment such lines and they will disappear.

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Thank you Erdem! Now let me discern which transformation routine has the hard coded break-point!

Regards, A. Cook

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There is no BREAK-POINT statement in the program. I've already searched for it and couldn't find it.

Thanks, A. Cook