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BI analysis authorization generation fails due to *empty* DSO

0 Kudos

Hello all,

I tried to execute mass generation of analysis authorizations in RSECADMIN from an DSO (copied from the template 0TCA_DS01). This DSO contains the necessary data for authorization in the active table. While executing and selecting this DSO in RSECADMIN -> generate, new authorizations are not generated because the program says the dso is empty (message rsec 092 or 093). I began debugging without success and also did not find any note or thread yet.

Is there anyone out there who can help here? Is something missing in the DSO? I just filled the field version with A (as usual for active data) and entered FLAT for the system ID. For fields 0RECORDMODE, DATEFROM, DATETO, SIGNHIGH I got some messages in transformation that these fields are initial (whath I ignored because I do not need them).

Thanks a lot in advance for resolving this issue,


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Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Petra,

Please check again which Error Message are really thrown by the system. The ones you mentioned are most likely the wrong ones, since they are indicating the reading of data from a particular InfoProvider.

You can check the logs written for your generations on the entry screen of the authorisation generation by pressing the respective button / icon.

If the error message was RSEC 094, you would have missed a certain InfoObject in your DataStore Object (which would be named in the Error Message).


SAP NetWeaver BI Organisation

0 Kudos

Hello Andreas,

I am online again and the message is RSEC097 but as already written the DSO is not empty.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Petra,

the message is only thrown when one of the named DataStore Objects is really empty.

Could it be:

1.) That you have a typo in your DataStore Object name

2.) The message should also name a DataStore Object. Which one is it (for which authorisation generation)

3.) Are you on a Support Package Stack level lower than 14, and try to generate hierarchy authorisation. If so, please check OSS note # 1041515.

If none of the above is solving your issue, you might have to open a customer message.


SAP NetWeaver BI Organisation

0 Kudos

Hello Andreas,


I just let one of my colleagues open a customer message because none of your options is applicable for me.

1) there is no typo (-> used paste & copy)

2) the standard message named the dso that contains the necessary data

3) it fails for generating standard auths and though we are on package 11 I did not try to generate hierarchy auths so the note would not solve the issue.



0 Kudos

Problem solved myself.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Petra,

Could you please share the solution for others facing similar issues with generation?



0 Kudos

Hello Matt,

of course:

Since I filled the the fields valid from and valid to dates and also filled the objvers field with the constant A everything works fine now ecxept for one problem, that the generated authorizations cannot be edited manually (for example to correct a typo in the text description of one single authorization)..



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Petra,

Mine is working now too - I had problems with the data being extracted from the source ECC6 system.

The message when trying to change or delete generated authorisations is only a warning. I find that if you hit 'enter' when you receive the warning, it goes ahead and makes the change anyway.

Give it a try!
