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B4HANA - Composite Provider and Open ODS are not able to retrieve the data through ODP extraction.

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Dear All,

Please go through my query completely and answer if you came across the similar issue.

Our landscape is

S/4 (1809 release) CDS View ---> ODP Extarctor based on CDS view (B4- latest version) --->Open ODS based on ODP extractor(B4) --->CP based on Open ODS (B4)-->Queries on CP (B4)

We are not persisting data anywhere in the landscape.

while accessing data through few of the composite providers and Open ODS views, we are getting below error and not able to retrieve any data where as few queries are working fine and few are going to debugger mode on top of same composite provider.

What could be the possible reasons for it and how can we fix the same?

Your inputs are much appreciated.



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Preview data works without data filters only.

Check the DataSource-> fields tab -> any field has property as M.

0 Kudos

HI ramanjaneyulu,

Have you solved this issue? We are facing the same. Please share the solution if possible.

Ravi kiran