on 2024 Jul 24 6:56 AM
Hi all, I hope all are doing well.
I'm new to SAP ABAP.
We have requirement from our client, where a user should be restricted by the user name to a particular cost center.
For this I have created a Custom Table with fields MANDT, UNAME & KOSTL and i have assigned the cost centers based on User name.
USER1 CC1000
USER1 CC2000
USER2 CC2000
USER3 CC3000
And also I have developed the code in standard functionality using Exits(Enhancements) EXIT_SAPLKBER_001.
But my code is restricting for all users even they are available in table also.
Can anyone suggest me a proper approach to get a expected output.
Thanks in advance.....
For Your Reference:
TYPES: BEGIN OF ts_z_cs_auth,
mandt TYPE z_cs_auth-mandt,
uname TYPE z_cs_auth-uname,
kostl TYPE z_cs_auth-kostl,
END OF z_ts_cs_auth.
* Internal Table
DATA: lt_user_cs TYPE TABLE OF z_ts_cs_auth.
* Work Area
DATA: ls_user_cs TYPE ts_z_cs_auth.
* Local Variables
DATA: lv_user_name TYPE sy-uname,
lv_cs TYPE ts_z_cs_auth-kostl,
* lv_message TYPE string,
lv_authority_check TYPE c LENGTH 1.
lv_user = sy-uname.
" Read the authorized cost centers for the user from the custom table
SELECT uname
INTO TABLE lt_user_cs
FROM z_cs_auth
WHERE uname = lv_user AND kostl = lv_cs.
IF lt_user_cs IS INITIAL.
" No entries found for the user in the custom table
MESSAGE e001(zuser_auth).
user = sy-uname
object = 'z_cs_auth'
field1 = 'kostl'
value1 = ls_user_cs-kostl
user_dont_exist = 1
user_is_authorized = 2
user_not_authorized = 3
user_is_locked = 4
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
* Implement suitable error handling here
MESSAGE e002(zuser_auth).
First of all, you should check the cost center is reachable at this exit. If yes, then you must fill lv_cs by cost center that pass to exit.
SELECT count(*)
FROM z_cs_auth
WHERE uname = @SY-uname AND kostl = @iv_kostl."iv_kostl is cost center that reachabel form exit.
IF sy-subrc is not INITIAL.
" No entries found for the user in the custom table
MESSAGE e001(zuser_auth).
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User | Count |
69 | |
10 | |
8 | |
8 | |
7 | |
7 | |
6 | |
6 | |
6 | |
5 |
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