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Ariba integration with CIG - PO instead of Cloud Connector

0 Kudos

Hi guys,

We are going to implement Ariba in our compagny, using Cloud Integration Gateway.

The documentation recommand to use Cloud Connector to connect CIG to our on premise ERP.

The documentation also mention that PI/PO can be used (SAP provides a software component for that), but I don't really understand what would be its role in this integration.

We have PI/PO in our landscape for a lot of integrations and we are interested in keeping using it.

May PO replace completely the Cloud Connector? Would it be a valid scenario soported by SAP?

Thank you

Best regards


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Hi Frédéric,

The purpose of the SAP Cloud Connector and SAP PO/PI is not the same.

The SAP Cloud connector is used to establish a secure connection between any SAP cloud solutions (Ariba, SCP, etc.). It will let you to bound your on-premise ERP with your SAP Ariba tenant to allow Ariba to send data in your system.

The SAP PO/PI is used for integration scenario. In Ariba's context, PO/PI can be used as a middleware between Ariba and your ERP to redefine the integration process (how you integrate PR, PO, GRN, etc.).

So, my opinion is that you do not need to use SAP PI/PO unless you want to define a specific (not standard) integration process. Which means you "just" need to :

  1. Install Ariba component on your SAP ERP system
  2. Install a SAP Cloud Connector on a standalone server (one SAP Cloud Connector for many on-premise ERP or cloud solutions)
  3. Bound your SAP ERP system to your Ariba tenant through the SAP Coud Connector

Obviously, this is high level step so I suggest you have a look at this tutorial which is very good

I hope this help,

Best regards

0 Kudos

Hi Cédric,

Thanks for your answer!

That makes a lot of sense, but I read CIG prerequisites like the following ones:

  • SAP Cloud Connector installed & configured (for Direct Connect option).
  • Supported middleware should be configured (for Mediated Connect option).

I though maybe PO could be used to save ressources by not adding the cloud connector in the landscape.

Best regards


0 Kudos

Hi Frédéric,

I don' know PO/PI so I cannot say how it works. I don't know if you can "skip" using the Cloud Connector as long as you use PO/PI but if you do so you will need to define the integration process in PO/PI while in "Direct Connectivity" you do not have to define that integration process.

So you should consider what will save the most ressources :

  1. Installing the SAP Cloud Connector and let CIG drive the integration process
  2. Using PO/PI instead of SAP Cloud Connector and redefine the whole integration process

My opinion is that the first option will save more ressources because the SAP Cloud Connector is not only used in SAP Ariba's context but for all SAP cloud solutions like SAP Cloud Platform and this is very pretty easy to setup. You can also use it in front of your on premises system which means one SAP Cloud Connector for multiples backends systems or cloud solutions.

For instance, you can setup two servers on which you install the SAP Cloud Connector only (including SAP JVM) :

  1. One is used for production and is related to DEV, QA, PROD environements (on-premise) and to TEST and PROD environements (cloud)
  2. One is used for high-availibility and will replace the first one in case of issue with the server (failover)

In addition, you could also setup and third server with the SAP Cloud Connector for testing purpose like :

  • new version of SAP Cloud Connector or SAP JVM
  • Sandbox environements (on-premise)
  • Trials accounts (cloud)

I hope this help.

Best regards,


0 Kudos

Thank Cedric for your answers (and sorry for my late reply)

We will definitly use Cloud Connector,

