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Approach/Logic to achieve below requirement in SAP BO Webi report

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Below are the city names with their codes in a table like below

City Code

Sydney B

Sydney A

Perth D

Perth C

Melbourne E

Melbourne F

Adelaide B

Adelaide C

Like there are more no of city names available in table with its codes.

The requirement is: Need to display the cities having code 'B' and take flag as YES for the same. If the B code is not available against a city then display Code B against those cities and take flag as NO. Besides, required to display distinct city names though multiple entries and display Code and its respective flag.

the final required output should looks like below.

City Code Flag

Sydney B Yes

Perth B No

Melbourne B No

Adelaide B Yes

Please suggest how to achieve the above requirement in SAP BO WebI. We are using BO 4.1 SP5 version.

Thanks in Advance.

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follow below steps.

Drag City object

After that add one more column in right and type "B"

Add third column for flag and place below formula.

=if([City] inlist ("Perth";"Melbourne")) then "No" else "Yes"

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Thanks Amit for your response.

Agree with your formula which i have tried but if no of cities are more then I hope it is not recommended to in list all cities names and moreover its not dynamic. If any city not mentioned in the formula may get tagged under 'B' in future. In that case the said formula fails.

Is there any other way to handle which would be dynamic.

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

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This approach should do what you're looking for.

1. Create a variable: [City Code Trimmed]
Using the formula: =Substr([City Code];1;Length([City Code])-1)

2. Create a second variable: [Flag]
Formula: =Max(If(Right([City Code];1)="B"; 1;0)) In([City Code Trimmed])

3. Then you can use the formula:

=If([Flag]=1;(Concatenation([City Code Trimmed];"B Yes"));Concatenation([City Code Trimmed];"B No"))

Not had chance to look at the calculation contexts, so in the table on the right, you could simply hide the "City Code Trimmed" column.

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Any work around please??