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Application Modifies RPT File On The Fly Instead Of Using Parameters

Former Member
0 Kudos

I am working with an application that is apparently modifying the Crystal Reports RPT file on the fly, substituting record selection values for generic values. For example, the line in the Record Selection formula:

calcdata.erid = 0

is replaced with:

calcdata.erid = 687

I discovered this when I exported the report preview back into an RPT file loaded into the Crystal Reports designer. I have never seen this before and was wondering if anyone else had. There seem to be some restrictive report development issues related to this pre-processing and I was hoping the knowledge pool here might have some experience with the scenario.


Who is in contact with the application's developer but so far the engineers with whom I have spoken are unfamiliar with this feature...

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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Fuskie,

Since this has something to do with the application, I would suggest you to post this message in the developers thread. Please post as per the development platform (Java / .net).

For .net -

For Java -

The people there would be more capable to answer your query.

Hope this helps.

