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Accessing RFC ( table ) for inputfield f4 help

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Hello Friends,

I have to call the RFC in order to retrieve the table which I have to display as f4 help for input field.

This RFC should be called with importing parameter, where I can set the values of these importing parameter ? is there any example avaiable ?

I have went through that pdf doc, of accessing abap function in web dynpro application, but there in example he is not setting the import parameters,

thanks and kind regards,

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Former Member
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Hi Shah,

For your problem Object Value Selector (OVS) is the right solution. Its used for F4 help for an input field. Follow the below link:

Now to set the import parameters do the following steps:

You have to perform the model binding to only Z<RFC>_Input model, not Z<RFC>_Output. After the model node is bound it will contain a node "Output" which will contain the output data. In order to set the import parameters first create Z<RFC>_Input object say "input" and set the import parameter [input.setName("name");]. Now bind it to the model node [wdContext.node<ModelNode>().bind(input);]. Now execute the model.

Better approach is to first analyze the import parameters and its type and then set those in webdypro.



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if you observe the code here

this line initializes a class of Bapi_Flight_Getlist_Input

Bapi_Flight_Getlist_Input input = new Bapi_Flight_Getlist_Input();

//this line binds your newly created object to the model node


// Create new elements in the Destination_From and Destination_To nodes

// this statement is to set pass Destination_from parameter to the Bapi

//once you say control+spacebar you will get what parameter

//does setDestination_From method take

//here the destination_from is taken directly from the inputfield in the view

//so we have created an instance to hold the value

// similarly if you want to pass a value

<b> Bapisfldst fldst = new Bapifldst();

fldst.setDestination_From( "FrankFurt");


//here is the normal code

input.setDestination_From(new Bapisfldst());

input.setDestination_To(new Bapisfldst());

Hope it is clear.


Abhimanyu L

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Abhimanyu,

From where comes "Bapisfldst" ? is this BAPI Ref ?


aah okey this is structure ....

I will give it a try and get back to you thanks

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Shah H

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Shah,

This list is actually an AbstractList which gets generated automatically when u create the RFC model.If u check the model,it will be available there.



Former Member
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Hello Abhimanyu,

Thanks I will try out this,

can you please let me know how I will access the out component of RFC ? can I retrieve the out component in same way as you mentioned for set purpose ?


Former Member
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Hi Shah,

What exactly u mean by out component of RFC??If it is output node,it will be available in the node structure of the model.inside the request node itself,output node will be available.



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Hello Sumit,

Okey here I will summrize what i am trying to do:

I have to call a RFC which will return me a table which I have to show when user click on f4 help button of my input field. The RFC requires 4 import parameter inorder to call if. So I went like this:

I created a new model with this RFC. it created me following model classes:




I went to my component and add this model. Then I went to my custom controller and did the mapping of four fields ( which are aviable in Zport_get_variant_input ) and output node which is also surprisinglly avaiable in the Zport_get_variant_input class ( I thought it will be avaiable in Zport_get_variant_output ) but the documentation which i am following ( this getFlight example, in that example he is also mapping the Flight_List node from *input class )

Any way, till now things are okey, now I have to call this BAPI while providing the four import parameter value and retrieve the table.

Any suggestion now how I can proceed ?

Thanks and kind regards,

Former Member
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Hi Shah,

Whatever u r doing,i don't see any problem with that.Since u r starting with RFC now,i will suggest u to go thru this document also.

<a href="">Do's & Dont's with RFC</a>



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while executing the RFC I have to set some import parameter, is there any example avaiable how I can set the import parameter, and retrieve the table ?


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Is the input values are coming from the R/3 system?

If the values are coming from the R/3 system means u need to create the instance of your class and simple bind the DDK to your valueattribute getting from R/3 system.

