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Accessing EJB from Web Dynpro (WAS 6.30 SP 2)

0 Kudos

Hi all,

     I understand that there is currently no way access an EJB directly from a Web Dynpro application. There is a published example that does it by creating a web service from the EJB then generating a model in Web Dynpro from the wsdl description. I do not have that option using the ramp-up version WAS6.30 SP 2. Am I missing something? Do I have another option for accessing the bean?

     Any help would be appreciated,


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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Gregory,

you are right: the Web Services features of Web Dynpro which are part of the Sneak Preview Edition on SDN are not part of WAS6.30 SP 2. They have been enhanced and will be part of Web AS 6.40 SP 4 which is expected Q1 2004.

In the meantime you could describe your EJBs in XMI fromat and use them via the Web Dynpro XMI model importer. This approach however requires several manual steps.

Please come back to us if you want more documentation on the XMI approach.

Many greetings


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Ivo,

Could you supply me with some documentation on the XMI approach?

Best regards,

Joost Heesters

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Joost,

I already documented a little within another posting in that forum:

"With the Sneak Preview of the Web Application Server it is possible to connect to an EJB backend via XMI Model only.

- after creating a model, choose import model from UML definition

- enter the path for your external model (extenstion needs to be .xmi)

- for build an deploy process of a Web Dynpro app with an XMI model, you need to create a JAR file (add Java classes essential for the import)

- store JAR file locally in /lib of the Web Dynpro project

- make the JAR file available (properties, java build path, libraries, add jars)

- to start the display and change mode for the imported model classes, open the Model Editor view by choosing EDIT in the context menu for the model in the Web Dynpro Explorer

To be able to import an XMI model into the Web Dynpro development environment, you must use an external modeling tool that can produce XMI files. To import to Web Dynpro you require Version 1.1 with Unisys Extension 1.3.

SAP has tested the modeling environments of the companies Rational Rose and TogetherSoft."

If you need more detailed information and documentation, please let me know your e-mail address, I would then send you a document describing it at full length.

Best regards,
