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About SAPSCRIPT Standard Variables

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Hello Experts,

I am currently working on SAPScript requirement.

I am encountering the following challenges during the development. I need to print a paragraph at the last page of the form, or which i am exploring the SAP Script variables - PAGE, SAPSCRIPT-FORMPAGES, SAPSCRIPT-JOBPAGES and NEXTPAGE. 

To achieve the requirement, I have done the coding in the script like this:


 In my development, the layout has three pages: FIRST, NEXT and LAST.


However, when i debug the script i have observed the below:

1) Though the current layout has data which will suffice for only one page, the value of &NEXTPAGE& is not zero when i am on the 'MAIN' window of the FIRST page of the layout. Instead, the value of &NEXTPAGE& is 2, whereas i am expecting 0 here.


because of this discrepancy, the special instructions paragraph is not outputting on the layout.


2) So, instead of NEXTPAGE i have made use of other SAPScript variables PAGE, SAPSCRIPT-FORMPAGES, SAPSCRIPT-JOBPAGES.


Again, the result is same as before, and the special instructions paragraph hasn't been outputted on the layout.

Even though the value of PAGE and SAPSCRIPT-JOBPAGES is same, the special instructions are not printing on the form.

Any reason for this?


3) When do we make use of SAPSCRIPT-FORMPAGES and why it is showing zero here?








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