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Ab bestimmte PSP-Elemente werden nicht angezeigt

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Hallo BW Spezialisten,

wir haben in unser BW System (NW 7.5) COPA Reporting in dem die PSP-Elemente auch angezeigt werden. Diese PSP-Elemente sind unter einem ZWBS_ELEM (unser Haupt PSP-Element) als Attribute angelegt und von dort aus im Report (Enterprise Portal) angezeigt.

Alle Objekte werden täglich geladen. Nun sind aber einige PSP-Elemente in der Reporting nicht angezeigt, obwohl die Daten im Zielobjekt vorhanden sind. Warum diese PSP-Elemente nicht angezeigt werden, kann ich mir nicht erklären.

Hat jemand eine Idee oder eine Lösung?

Vielen Dank im Voraus und schönes neues Jahr.

Beste Grüße

M. K.

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Answers (2)

Answers (2)

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Hi Kristian,

thanks for the answer. We have NW 7.5 on anyDB. The data model as you described is correct. We only do filtering at the Enterprise Portal level. But the problem is that only certain WBS elements are displayed. For some reason, the other WBS elements are missing in the data model. The missing WBS elements are displayed in the InfoObject tables, but they are not loaded into the DSO and InfoCube.

  • The WBS elements are missing in the portal from P-007059 (displayed as #)

  • The WBS element (WBSELMEX) is an attribute of WBS element (WBS_ELEM). (Picture 2)

What could be the problem here, any idea?

Best regards


Active Participant
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Hi Mehmet

You wrote in german but I think I know what you ask for. You write that you know that the data is in your cube (or DSO). So on top of that there will be a multiprovider or composite provider (and maybe a view if you use HANA) and on top of that a query. multi and composite providers can't filter so you problem must be in a HANA view or in the query. Try to make a new query 1:1 to the info provider, no filters, no calculations, no nothing. Does it show the missing elements?

With kind regards
