Continuing with the release of newer capabilities with
version 2.0, we are happy to announce the release of the SAP Warehouse Operator mobile app's version 2.1. With our pursuit to delight warehouse workers with new features and innovations, the new release brings the following along with it -
- Picking of Batch Managed Products
- Internal HU Movements enabling Layout Oriented Storage Control (LOSC) use cases
- Resource Management with Resource Groups
- Mobile Device Management support (MDM) support enabling administrators to simplify onboarding for end users
- Manual barcode validation as a fallback option when barcode scanning is not possible
- Allow warehouse workers to skip the current order and choose an alternative one in special cases - controlled by app configuration

I would totally encourage you to try out the features. If you want to make your first impressions on the app and its features please
download the app from Apple App Store and try out the features in the embedded demo mode.
You can also use this QR code to download it.
You can reach out to us at if you,
- Have specific questions on how to set up the configurations to use the app.
- Want to discuss your warehouse process set up with us and explore the product fit together.
- Would like to influence the app’s roadmap.
Finally, as always, we encourage you to visit our
SAP Mobile Applications community page and click
“follow”. We’ll be publishing more informative blog posts. Please post questions in the
SAP Extended Warehouse Management area. Want to be notified? Check your
#communications to ensure you have your settings activated.