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I am happy to announce that a new release of the Mobile Development Kit is now available for all Mobile Services customers and can be downloaded on the SAP Software Center and community Download page. SAP Mobile Services Client has also been updated in Google Play Store and in Apple app store.

Please note, this release changes numbering to cloud numbering going forward (YY.M.Patch).

SAP Mobile Development Kit enables developers and technical business users to build multi-channel applications. It allows you to build your application once, in an integrated development environment (SAP Business Application Studio/ VSCode extension) and run it natively on Mobile (Android & iOS) and as a web application (online) in the browser.

This release includes the following:

Editable Data Table Control

Data Table (a scrollable table that supports showing more columns in a table and scrolling to view data off page) has been further enhanced to support editing the entries in the table directly without having to open the full object edit view. Editable Data Table supports the inline edit mode using Simple Property, List Picker, Duration Picker, Time Picker and Date Picker Form Cell controls.

Data Table control in MDK Page Editor

Editable Data Table example in MDK Mobile clients

In addition to defining the metadata for the editable data table, developers also need to add buttons on the page with the necessary rules using the new APIs to, at a minimum, provide a save option to get the changes and save the changes to the backend service. Additional buttons can also be added to switch between display only and edit mode for the data table.

Below are the new APIs added to enable the editing features:

  • IDataTableSectionProxy

    • getEditMode(): returns current edit mode of Data Table control
      let currentEditMode = context.getControl('SectionedTable0').getSection('SectionDataTable0').getEditMode();​

    • setEditMode: allows to set the edit mode of Data Table control

    • getChanges: provides the data that has been modified. This is applicable to the data that are bound to backend properties
      let changedObjects = context.getControl('SectionedTable0').getSection('SectionDataTable0').getChanges();
      let message = JSON.stringify(changedObjects);​

    • getCell: provides access to a cell
      let cell = context.getControl('SectionedTable0').getSection('SectionDataTable0').getCell(0, 0);

    • reset: reset the data changes to previous state. This is applicable only to data changes which are not yet saved or submitted

  • IDataTableCellProxy

    • getParent : returns the DataTableSection proxy
      context.getControl('SectionedTable0').getSection('SectionDataTable0').getCell(0, 0).getParent();​

    • getColumnIndex(): returns the column index of a cell
      context.getControl('SectionedTable0').getSection('SectionDataTable0').getCell(0, 0).getColumnIndex();​

    • getRowIndex(): returns the row index of a cell
      context.getControl('SectionedTable0').getSection('SectionDataTable0').getCell(0, 0).getRowIndex();​

    • getValue(): returns the cell value
      context.getControl('SectionedTable0').getSection('SectionDataTable0').getCell(0, 0).getValue();​

    • setValue : set the value in the cell
      let currentCell = context.getControl('SectionedTable0').getSection('SectionDataTable0').getCell(0, 0);
      const newValue = "My Product";

  • IDataTableListPickerCellProxy

    Below methods are applicable to a cell which has EditType property set to List.

    • getCaption() : returns the caption of the cell
      context.getControl('SectionedTable0').getSection('SectionDataTable0').getCell(0, 1).getCaption();​

    • setCaption : Set the caption property of the cell
      let currentCell = context.getControl('SectionedTable0').getSection('SectionDataTable0').getCell(0, 1);
      let caption = "New Caption";

    • getTargetSpecifier() : Get a target specifier from this cell
      let currentCell = context.getControl('SectionedTable0').getSection('SectionDataTable0').getCell(0, 1);
      const targetSpecifier = currentCell.getTargetSpecifier();
      let message = 'ReturnValue = ' + targetSpecifier.getReturnValue() + '\n' +
      'DisplayValue = ' + targetSpecifier.getDisplayValue() + '\n' +
      'Service = ' + targetSpecifier.getService() + '\n' +
      'EntitySet = ' + targetSpecifier.getEntitySet() + '\n' +
      'QueryOptions = ' + targetSpecifier.getQueryOptions();

    • setTargetSpecifier : set the target specifier on a cell
      let currentCell = context.getControl('SectionedTable0').getSection('SectionDataTable0').getCell(0, 1);
      const targetSpecifier = currentCell.getTargetSpecifier().setQueryOptions("$top=5");

iOS Segmented Tabs Option

We have enhanced existing Tabs control (part of a Tabs page) to show Tabs as Segments in iOS platform to display different views in each segment.
"TabStripType": "Segmented" 

Please note

  • This feature is not applicable for Android and web platforms. The TabStripType property will be ignored and Tabs appear as “Normal” type in these platforms.

  • Icon will be ignored in this mode.

  • All tabs will be shown on the page, it is not scrollable, and the tab text may possibility be truncated.

  • TabStrip will use the full width of the screen and each tab will get divided into equal portions based on the number of tabs.

  • Same Tab styling applies to the new segmented Tab type.

Segmented Tabs example in iOS client

For more information, please see documentation.

Optional Separator in Sections

To provide more flexibility with rendering of controls and sections, you can now show or hide separator lines in the following places:

  • Above and below Sections

  • Between sections

  • Between Header and Section

  • Between Section and Footer

  • Between Controls within a section for collection sections

  • Between Form Cell Sections

  • Between Form Cell Section Header and Controls

  • Between Controls in a Form Cell Section

Contact Table with and without Separator lines in MDK Mobile clients

Contact Table with and without Separator lines in MDK Web app

"Sections": [{
"Separators": {
"TopSectionSeparator": false,
"BottomSectionSeparator": false,
"HeaderSeparator": false,
"FooterSeparator": false,
"ControlSeparator": false
"_Type": "Section.Type.ContactCell",

 Form Cell controls in Sectioned Table with and without Separator lines in MDK Mobile clients

Form Cell controls in Sectioned Table with and without Separator lines in MDK Web app

"Controls": [{
"_Type": "Control.Type.SectionedTable",
"_Name": "SectionedTable",
"Sections": [{
"Separators": {
"TopSectionSeparator": false,
"BottomSectionSeparator": false,
"HeaderSeparator": true,
"FooterSeparator": false,
"ControlSeparator": false
"Controls": [{
"Value": "{Street}",
"_Type": "Control.Type.FormCell.SimpleProperty",
"_Name": "Street",
"Caption": "Street",
"Separator": true


"_Type": "Section.Type.FormCell",
"_Name": "SectionFormCell1"

For more information, see documentation for setting the visibility of separators lines in a section and below Form cell control in Form Cell section.

Section Header Enhancements

Section Header control has been enhanced to support additional elements

Section Header enhancements in MDK mobile clients

Section Header enhancements in MDK Web app

"Header": {
"_Name": "SectionHeader4",
"AccessoryType": "none",
"UseTopPadding": true,
"OnPress": {
"Name": "/MDK2304/Actions/Misc/GenericMessageBox.action",
"Properties": {
"Message": "Message from Header Bar"
"Caption": "Test caption",
"Items": [{
"_Type": "SectionHeaderItem.Type.Label",
"_Name": "label2",
"Position": "Left",
"Title": "Label 2"
"_Name": "button2",
"Title": "Button 2",
"Position": "Right",
"_Type": "SectionHeaderItem.Type.Button",
"OnPress": {
"Name": "/MDK2304/Actions/Misc/GenericMessageBox.action",
"Properties": {
"Message": "Message from button2"
"_Name": "buttonextra",
"Title": "Button Extra",
"Position": "Right",
"_Type": "SectionHeaderItem.Type.Button",
"OnPress": {
"Name": "/MDK2304/Actions/Misc/GenericMessageBox.action",
"Properties": {
"Message": "Message from button"

Section Header and Footer Styling Support

You can use the Styles property to apply various styling options for Header and Footer in Section controls.

Section Header and Footer styling in MDK mobile clients

Section Header and Footer styling in MDK Web app

For more information, see Header (Label, Icon and Button) and Footer styling documentation.

Reset API for Side Drawer

MDK already supports resetting navigation stack to the initial page when calling it from the active side drawer item via its ResetIfPressedWhenActive property. In this release, a new API is introduced to reset a specific side drawer menu frame’s navigation stack even when it’s not the active one. This can help in resetting a business flow in that frame when user completes the process in another side drawer menu’s frame.

  • getMenuItem(name: string): returns a single SideDrawerMenuItemProxy instance of the menu item that is identified by the provided name

  • reset(): resets the specified SideDrawerMenuItem’s navigation stack, and returns a promise of the current page proxy

const MENU_NAME = 'WorkOrders';
export default function ResetWorkOrdersMenu(context) {
//Get the global side drawer control proxy
var sideDrawerControlProxy = context.getPageProxy().getGlobalSideDrawerControlProxy();
//get a single SideDrawerMenuItemProxy instance of the menu item
var menuItem = sideDrawerControlProxy.getMenuItem(MENU_NAME);
if (menuItem == null) {
alert(`Can not find menu [${MENU_NAME}]`);
} else {
menuItem.reset().then((currentPageProxy) => {
console.log("current page proxy is " + currentPageProxy);
var currentPageCaption = currentPageProxy.getCaption();
console.log("Current page caption is " + currentPageCaption);
// alert(`Reset menu [${MENU_NAME}] success, the current page caption is [${currentPageCaption}]`);
}).catch(() => {
alert(`Reset menu [${MENU_NAME}] fail`);

Support Overriding Back Button

MDK now provides ability to overrides the default behaviour of back button. One of the use cases is to prompt the user to confirm if they really want to navigate back in case navigation would result in losing unsaved changes.

You can define a OnBackButtonPressed event at page level that will be triggered when user presses the back button in the action bar.

OnBackButtonPressed event option in MDK editor

Overriding Back Button example in MDK Mobile Clients

Overriding Back Button example in MDK Web app

export default function OnBackButtonPressed(context) {
return context.executeAction('/DemoSampleApp/Actions/MessageBox.action').then((result) => {

"_Type": "Action.Type.Message",
"ActionResult": {
"_Name": "MessageBox"
"Message": "Are you sure want to navigate back?",
"Title": "Confirmation",
"OKCaption": "OK",
"CancelCaption": "Cancel"


For more information, see documentation.

New MDK Icon

MDK icon for public store client (SAP Mobile Services Client) and the default icon for all branded clients created with the MDK SDK have been updated.
Blue icon has been designed and reserved for the public store client (app name as Mobile Svcs) and the grey monochrome icon is the default icon for the branded clients built using MDK SDK and Cloud Build service.

Icon in the Migration view and the default placeholder icon for MDK controls in BAS editor have also been updated.

MDK Editor in SAP Business Application Studio

Signed QR code for Onboarding

MDK now supports validating digitally signed QR code during onboarding in both Android and iOS clients.  Using the digitally signed QR code increases the security of the onboarding process.

Please note to consider below information:

  • This feature is available in BTP Cloud Foundry environment only.

  • To configure digitally signed QR code for on-boarding, enable QR Code Signature under the app security in the Mobile Services cockpit.

SAP Mobile Services admin cockpit

  • You can use Mobile Services to generate the keys or you can provide your own keys. The Public key is used in the MDK client to verify the digital signature whereas private key is used in the mobile services to sign the QR code being displayed.

    • Create a new file named as SignedQRCodePublicKey.pem file

    • Copy the public key from Mobile services and paste it in this file

    • Add the SignedQRCodePublicKey.pem file under .mdkproject/App_Resources/Android/src/main/assets and .mdkproject/App_Resources/iOS

  • Edit the BrandedSettings.json and add the SignedQRCodeOption property in ConnectionSettings block. This property accepts one of the following values:

    • SignedOnly – MDK client accepts only signed QR codes

    • UnsignedOnly - MDK client accepts only unsigned QR codes

    • Both - MDK client can accept both signed and unsigned QR codes
      "ConnectionSettings": {
      "EnableOverrides": true,
      "SignedQRCodeOption": "SignedOnly",

For more information on Signed QR code, see documentation.

New to MDK development?

Follow these tutorials to get started and learn more about Mobile development kit!

I am looking forward to your feedback/comments.
