Update 2020 - New video series
I plan to re-work beginning of 2020 all videos and make them available for you
🙂 For now I only started but more will come
🙂 -
Link to new video series
I wil keep this page until I managed to re-create most content but this will take some time.
In this blog entry I want to do a quick summary of all How-To-Videos that I created for SAP Cloud Application Studio. Further below I list every single video and give some basic details about each video. All videos are in HD 720p :smile:
Video Overview:
The playlist contains two types of videos:
University Alliances Training for SAP Cloud Applications Studio
The first 11 videos explain in 1.5 hours based on one example the basics of developments. In the introduction I also explain very basic architectural concepts of the platform itself. These are originally based on ByDesign but the concept and also the enviroment is the same for Cloud for Customer, so I would also recommend it to any Cloud for Customer (C4C) beginner in order to understand the basics of our Partner Development Infratstructure (PDI).
Further advanced topics (based on Cloud for Customer)
All other videos are always specific to one topic but also based on a very similar use case (Bonus Plan) which is earlier explained in the University Alliances Training videos.
Short best-practise videos by stefankrauth:
Stefan created a series of videos where he highlights in-depth best practise videos. Highly recommended especially for advanced SAP Cloud Applications Studio users:
Cloud Applications Studio: Short Best-Practice Videos
Video List
SAP Cloud Dev: Beginners Guide! Get Started! -
This video shows in a 12 minute on-hand session all the basic steps of creating a full application with SAP Cloud Application Studio.
You will learn how to:
- Log on to the development enviroment
- Create a solution
- Create a business object (structure for database)
- Create business logic
- Create screens (UI)
- Test your application
Introduction (Slide-Set)
SAP Cloud Dev: 01 - Introduction Solution OnDemand Studio -
SAP Cloud Dev: 02 - Strategic Positioning of the SAP Cloud Platform -
SAP Cloud Dev: 03 - Workflow when developing in the SAP Cloud -
The first 3 videos are a basic introduction. In the videos I will explain you the architecture and the basic concepts of the SAP Cloud Platform. Highly recommended for every beginner regardless of Cloud for Customer or ByDesign.
University Alliances Training - Bonus Plan Use-Case
SAP Cloud Dev: 04 - Creating a Basic Cloud Application -
This is the first hands-on part of this video series. It explains the Bonus Plan use case and shows you how to create your first application including a Business Object, how to create a basic UI for it and also how to test it quickly.
SAP Cloud Dev: 05- Creating Business Logic -
You learn how to add simple business logic to your application using the ABSL language.
SAP Cloud Dev: 06 - Enhancing the User Interface -
You learn how to improve the generated user interface (UI) with the UI Designer tool.
SAP Cloud Dev: 07 - Using Associations to Retrieve Business Objects -
Associations are a very important concept, they allow you to link business objects. They built the relationship between two database tables.
SAP Cloud Dev: 08 - Enhancing the Bonus Calculation -
You learn a bit more about how to programm with the ABSL scripting language. You will learn how to query data from the standard Salesorder Business Object and calculate the value of all sales orders in the system in order to get a bonus for a certain employee.
Note: Sales Orders only exist in ByDesign, but a very similar logic used with the CustomerQuote Business Object will allow you to do this also for Cloud fro Customer.
SAP Cloud Dev: 09 - Extending the SAP Business ByDesign Standard Application -
You learn how you can create a new extension field with SAP Cloud Appications Studio.
SAP Cloud Dev: 10 - Testing the Application as a Business User -
You learn how you can test your complete application in the frontend.
Feature Overview of SAP Cloud Applications Studio
SAP Cloud Dev: 11 - SAP Cloud Applications Studio Feature Overview - Video-Link
This is a general overview of all the features of the SAP Cloud Applications Studio. Highly recommendended for everyone that wants to get a high-level overview!
Topic: UI (Summary: Blog-Link)
SAP Cloud Dev: Thing-Based UI - 1. Basics -
SAP Cloud Dev: Thing-Based UI - 2. Refresh -
SAP Cloud Dev: Thing-Based UI - 3. Delete Icon -
SAP Cloud Dev: Thing-Based UI - 4. Fine tuning the Quick Create UI -
SAP Cloud Dev: Thing-Based UI - 5. Fine tuning the Thing Inspector UI -
These videos show the basic steps for a Cloud for Customer specific thing-based user interface (UI). Thing-Based UI's were introduced with Cloud for Customer and are very much different to the Object-Based UI's. Watch this videos to see how to create your first Thing-Based UI scenario with SAP Applications Studio and the UI Designer.
Topic: Extensibility (Summary: Blog-Link)
SAP Cloud Dev: Extensibility and Dynamic UI - Part 1 -
You learn how to extend a by SAP predelivered Business Object which is part of the standard application. You will add 2 fields to the Employee business object, add them to the UI and configure a dynamic UI.
SAP Cloud Dev: Extensibility - Part 2 -
You will learn how to use the extended fields in your own application.
SAP Cloud Dev: Extensibility - Part 3 -
You will learn how to add business logic to the standard business object Employee.
Topic: Integration (Summary: Blog-Link)
SAP Cloud Dev: Integration - 1 - XML upload -
You learn how to provide a XML interface for mass data uploads via XML.
SAP Cloud Dev: Integration - 2 - Provide Web Service -
You learn how to provide a web service interface for your custom business object.
SAP Cloud Dev: Integration - 4 - Invoke External Web Service -
You learn how to consume an external SOAP web service (provided by an external application) with SAP Cloud Applications Studio.
I hope my video tutorials will help to get a quick start into the development with SAP Cloud Applications Studio! Currently I don't find the time but I will try to put up more videos in the future :smile:
vatsav created a good starting point with
Ways to get "Help"
ralf.baumann with
Getting started with the SAP Cloud Applications Studio
There is also an official SAP Cloud Applications Studio training by SAP which also leverages parts of my video tutorials but there you have even a person that can directly explain in addition why you do what you do :smile: .