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Previous blog : How to Install SDI DP Agent and steps to be followed

In todays digital world, it is more important than ever to make sure your software is up-to-date. Keeping your SDI DP Agent up to date is no exception, and ensuring the latest version is installed can help make sure that your applications are running at peak efficiency. Also, you will receive latest Security patches or bugs been fixed in latest versions.


Here’s how to upgrade your SDI DP Agent to the latest version:

1. Check the Agent version number of your existing SDI DP Agent.

2 Go to the download page for the SDI DP Agent on the SDI PAM Portal. Look for the newest version number that is higher than your current one. Download the setup file and run it.

3. Follow the below instructions of the installation wizard to complete the update process.


SAP HANA 2.0 Product Availability Matrix for the Latest Support Packages

After you downloaded the latest version of DP Agent, Extract to you local path and click on your preferred way to install

Let's start the DP Agent Upgrade, which automatically detects

If you see Installation gets failed, Kindly check the logs and determine what could be error for failure

Execute the commands if any ports are still running through below
( find the pid which was running SDI or copy the PID from Failed Installation )

------- For Linux
ps a
kill -9 pid

------- For windows
netstat -ano | findstr :<PORT>

taskkill /PID <PID> /F

Install after you killed the running ports ... proceed with your Domain\Username and password

Installation is successful and let's check the DP Agent Version in next Steps


Go to the DP Agent Installed path and execute the command

You will see DP Agent Configuration Tool Login Screen and enter your credentials if you have already having one or Set up a new Admin

Check the DP Agent Version if it's changed to the latest version


Thats it! Your SDI DP Agent is now upgraded to the latest version.