piejanssens, who developed a great custom task to detect and remove unused libraries (
read more...), reached out to me on Twitter that it is not allowed to reference the UI5 Ecosystem Showcase repository within blogs in our SAP community as it is related to my GitHub user (which is related to SAP). Therefore,
vobu and I decided to move the repository into the ownership of the
UI5 Community GitHub organization.
So, please update your bookmarks and use the following links:
Boost the UI5 Tooling with the UI5 Ecosystem Showcase
The UI5 Ecosystem Showcase repository has been started after the UI5con 2019 as a result of a Friday afternoon hackathon to showcase the openness and extensibility of the
UI5 Tooling.
We wantd to demonstrate that it is easily possible to develop own tasks and middlewares and share them with other UI5 projects to benefit from a modern development experience and foster the adoption of the UI5 Tooling for the UI5 development. For simplicity reason, we created a GitHub repository underneath of my GitHub user.
This initiative started the development of many extensions for the UI5 Tooling. Over the last 1,5 years, the GitHub repository has become a central place into which more and more people contributed either by adding own custom tasks and custom middlewares or by providing fixes to existing ones. In addition, several members of the UI5 community also developed their own extensions and shared them as NPM packages but kept the code in their own GitHub repository.
I am really impressed what has happened and what you as UI5 community members have achieved out of the initial idea of the showcase. I just can say:
“I am really proud of you! Thanks so much for being active members and contributors to the UI5 ecosystem!”
Next Stop: UI5 Community GitHub Organization
Now, let’s talk a bit more about the UI5 Community GitHub organization: end of last year, while I was working together with
tobias.hofmann on a presentation about the OpenUI5 Community Process, Tobias came up with the idea of a community managed GitHub organization. Some weeks back, the time has come and we finally created this GitHub organization:
Within this organization we want to host and cluster several different project types:
- Custom Controls
- Custom Libraries
- Custom Tasks
- Custom Middlewares
- Sample Applications
Next to those projects we want to create a central place for templates which can be used to create one of the project types above. The idea would be that those template are by default so called "template repositories" which can be used while creating new GitHub repositories, but even further those templates should ideally also be used for a e.g. a project generator (such as the Yeoman generator for libraries from
8d8214c7f9734f45be69f95cc0d5aeee who created a
nice generator for UI5 libraries which has also been moved into the UI5 community GitHub organization).
Naming conventions for the repository are:
- Templates: template-ui5-*
- Custom Controls: ui5-cc-*
- Custom Libraries: ui5-library-*
- Custom Middlewares: ui5-middleware-*
- Custom Tasks: ui5-tasks-*
Outlook: Benefit from the UI5 Community Ecosystem
We want to make the UI5 Community to a central place to host all those different project types and ideally create a place where to advertise them. Having something similar like
BestOfJS for UI5 => BestOfUI5 would be awesome to have. I personally think we should also incorporate the ideas of the
UI5Lab project and merge them into the UI5 Community.
For the projects hosted in the UI5 Community, it would be great to automatically get some GitHub actions which help to manage the projects (e.g. by validating, testing and releasing them).
Overall, this could become a great journey to learn to leverage all those modern tools of the JavaScript community to take the "BestOfJS" to create the "BestOfUI5", to inspire each other and to share this knowledge among us!
That's it for now, more details to come...
If you have ideas for the UI5 community GitHub organization, want to join or even contribute, please let us know. Let us jointly shape the UI5 community organization together! #endlesspossibilites
Final Words
Let me end this blog post with words of
vobu carved in our UI5 Community Home:
we're UI5, folks!