Major Update of UI5 Ecosystem Showcase
UI5 Ecosystem Showcase repository has been recently migrated to
UI5 Tooling V3 exclusively. This means that all tooling extensions from now on will only work with UI5 Tooling V3 onwards. The support for older releases of the UI5 Tooling has been dropped.
Tooling Extension Versioning
To indicate the relationship of the tooling extensions with the UI5 Tooling V3, we decided to switch all major versions to 3. This means all the tooling extensions which support UI5 Tooling V3 exclusively will be released with version 3.0.0 and higher.
This concept allows us to indicate the compatibility to the related UI5 Tooling versions with the major version and we can provide proper bugfixes and features to the individual branches. But in general, the UI5 Ecosystem Showcase will always try to follow the latest major version of the UI5 Tooling and phase out the support for previous releases.
Migration Steps
First of all, you need to ensure to use the latest version of the UI5 Tooling:
npm install @ui5/cli@latest
Please ensure that your development environment uses the
latest version of Node.js (at least v16.18.0 or v18.12.0).
In your package.json, please make sure to update any tooling extensions provided from the UI5 Ecosystem Showcase repository to the latest major version 3 release. BTW: a nice tool to manage your projects dependencies is
npm-check-updates. It works on single projects and even on workspaces (npm, yarn or pnpm).
# check for dependency updates
# update your dependencies
ncu -u
# check for dependency updates in your workspace (incl. root project)
ncu -ws --root
# update your dependencies in your workspace (incl. root project)
ncu -ws --root -u
An example upgrade of a typical TypeScript UI5 application can be seen here:
Basically, all dependencies to the UI5 tooling extensions from the UI5 Ecosystem Showcase repository should point to
Related Information
The major Easy-UI5 generators: ui5-tsapp, ui5-tslibrary, ui5-app, and ui5-library have been updated to ensure a seamless start of your new development journeys. The ui5-project generator always uses the latest versions of dependencies. From now on, all projects will only and should make use of the UI5 Tooling V3 and the tooling extensions with the major version 3 from the UI5 Ecosystem Showcase project.
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