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The SAP Cloud Transport Management Service not only enables the transportation of objects across different subaccounts of SAP Group Reporting Data Collection, but it also facilitates the transportation of forms, folders (excluding predefined content), data mapping definitions, and jobs. This feature allows users to transfer content from one SAP Group Reporting Data Collections application to another located in different subaccounts - in this article, from a development (DEV) environment to quality assurance (QA) and then on a production (PROD) system.

A dedicated license is required to use SAP Cloud Transport Management with SAP Group Reporting Data Collection.

The following setup instructions are applicable in a scenario where you have distinct subaccounts for SAP Group Reporting Data Collection and the SAP Cloud Transport Management Service. In this setting, the SAP Cloud Transport Management Service (TMS) entitlement is governed under a separate subaccount. It's important to note that these services are managed independently, each under their respective subaccount. This is not mandatory, TMS can be setup in the same subaccount as GRDC.


The following graphic outlines all the required steps :

CTMS and GRDC steps.png

1. Add the TMS entitlement and plans

  1. Select your source subaccount and choose Entitlements > Configure Entitlements > Add Service Plans.
  2. In the list of entitlements, search for Cloud Transport Management, select both the available standard plans and click Add Service Plans.

  3. Once back on the Entitlements page, click Save.


2. Subscribe to the TMS application

Subscribe to the Cloud Transport Management application as described in the following chapter of the SAP Cloud Transport Management documentation: Steps to Use the User Interface of Cloud Transport Management.


3. Assign user roles and permissions of TMS

This procedure is described in the following chapter of the SAP Cloud Transport Management documentation: Steps to Assign User Roles and Permissions in Cloud Transport Management.


4. Create a service instance of TMS

Create a service instance of Cloud Transport Management and the corresponding service key, that you must download for later use. This procedure is described in the following chapter of the SAP Cloud Transport Management documentation: Creating a Service Instance and a Service Key.


5. Assign the GRDC_TMS_EXPORT role

For more information, see Map Role Collections to User Groups.


6. Create a service instance of GRDC (transportdata plan) on each target subaccounts

To enable the transport using SAP Cloud Transport Management, you first create an instance of the SAP Group Reporting Data Collection service and then create a service key for accessing it. These tasks are performed in the SAP BTP cockpit:

  1. Enable Cloud Foundry.
  2. Subscribe to GRDC.
  3. Create a space.
  4. Create a service instance with the transportdata plan.
  5. Create a service key.

More details here.


7. Create the target destinations (one for each tier landscape)

Open your DevOps subaccount and create a destination to specify where to transport content to.

Repeat this step for each tier landscape, if you have DEV, QA and PROD, you need to create 3 destinations (with name CTMS_DEV, CTMS_QA and CTMS_PROD for example).


The parameters to enter in the URL, Client ID, Client Secret and Token Service URL fields are the ones that have been generated at step 6.
NameCTMS_DEV (choose the name you want)
URLEndpoint from service key generated at step 6:
Proxy TypeInternet
Client IDClient ID from service key generated at step 6
Client SecretSecret ID from service key generated at step 6
Token Service URL TypeDedicated
Token Service URL

URL from service key generated at step 6


8. Create the transport nodes and the transport routes

On the DevOps subaccount, open the SAP Cloud Transport Management application and do the following:

  1. Open the Transport Nodes, and create a new source transport node for the Dev subaccount (or the entry point of you transport) with the following properties:

    • Name: enter a name of your choice (Dev_Node for example)
    • Allow Upload to Node: checked
  2. Create the target transport nodes (one for each target, here QA and PROD), with the following properties:

    • Name: enter a name of your choice (QA_Node and Prod_Node for example)
    • Allow Upload to Node: not checked
    • Forward Mode: Auto
    • Content Type: Application Content
    • Destination: select the destination you created at step 7: CTMS_QA or CTMS_PROD
  3. Create the transport route between the transport nodes, as described in Create Transport Routes.

    In our example you should have a route from Dev_Node to QA_Node and another route from QA_Node to Prod_Node (2 routes in total).


9. Create the TMS destination

On the DevOps subaccount, create a destination named GRDC_TMS_EXPORT_BACKEND to specify where to transport content to. This destination contains the following properties, which can be found in the service key generated at step 4:

NameGRDC_TMS_EXPORT_BACKEND (mandatory name)
URLURI from service key generated at step 4
Proxy TypeInternet
Client IDClient ID from service key generated at step 4
Client SecretClient Secret from service key generated at step 4
Token Service URL TypeDedicated
Token Service URL<URL from service key generated at step 4>/oauth/token
Additional Propertiessource-node-name : Dev_Node (Transport node created at step 8.1)


Big picture

CTMS and GRDC with DevOps.drawio (1).png



Additional resources