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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Time flies, when you’re on a mission — a mission to enter the next decade of customer success with SAP HANA! After having released SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 05 in 2020 with a 5-year maintenance window as well as achieving incredible customer adoption, and exceeding our quality and stability goals, we have been focused on developing the next set of exciting features and enhancements in our upcoming new version – SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 06. This new SAP HANA version is now generally available as of December 3, 2021, and will have a 2-year maintenance window.

With the release of SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 06, we are delivering impactful new features to further reduce total-cost-of-ownership (TCO) as well as continue to enhance security and administration capabilities for improved database operations efficiency and flexibility.

We continue to invest into extending our already robust back-up & recovery capabilities. With SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 06, we now offer full back-up compression inclusive of log files and catalog data. This also includes the ability to park a back-up file in a staging area and run repeated point-in-time recoveries. Back-ups and many other administrator tasks can be scheduled via a system-wide scheduler, that even works across multiple tenants in a Multi-tenant Database Container (MDC) configuration. These back-up & recovery enhancements provide for lower TCO, more options, and easier administration.

In addition, as we see increasingly diverse workloads on our customers' SAP HANA landscapes, we have continued to improve the native workload management functionality. In SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 06, customers can now set up workload class hierarchies with integrated admission control, and administrators can monitor workload class statistics in real-time. This allows for improved workload management administration, flexibility, and visibility.

Also, for the many SAP HANA customers using our ‘capture & replay’ tool, they can now jump-start to a certain replay point-in-time and can run real-time analysis for replay blocking situations. This can help administrators be more efficient and effective to detect, analyze, or verify any potential issues before applying changes or upgrades.

SAP HANA native storage extension (NSE) is a commonly used and proven technology to provide scalability and intelligent data tiering by placing data in hot and warm storage. The ability to do this can optimize the SAP HANA memory footprint, while at the same time assisting customers to reduce costs and improve price/performance characteristics. With SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 06, we have added another set of new features that help customers by providing guidance with an enhanced NSE advisor extended monitoring, as well as analysis capabilities and online (re-)partitioning. Administrators can now exclude database objects from recommendations and can configure the system so that statistics data is stored on NSE. This further reduces the memory footprint and ultimately the TCO.

For data integration with Smart Data Access (SDA) and SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 06, we are now supporting new virtualized data sources such as Microsoft SQL Server 2017 and 2019 as well as Oracle 18c and 19c editions. Also, we are providing support for connecting to SAP HANA Cloud using geospatial data types via the Remote Table Replication (RTR) capability if the source system is SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 06. The RTR capability allows customers to seamlessly and dynamically extend their on-premises SAP HANA system data and objects via real-time log-based replication to SAP HANA Cloud in a hybrid scenario without a database migration.

SAP HANA has always been used as a mission-critical database platform with sensitive enterprise data, and as such, adherence to the latest enterprise security requirements is critical. When setting up a new database instance with SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 06, it is now possible to set up Transport Layer Security/Secure Socket Layer (TLS/SSL) automatically, allowing multiple user mappings for Security Assertion Markup Layer (SAML) and JSON Web Tokens (JWT), and supporting JWT provider configuration with public keys. The support for these new protocols provides additional enterprise security authentication options and flexibility.

We are also continuing to invest in our market-leading SAP HANA multi-model capabilities. In SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 06, we are delivering numerous new and enhanced algorithms for SAP HANA geospatial and our machine learning Predictive Analysis Library (PAL). This includes advanced functions such as unified regression, spectral clustering, Bayesian (probabilistic) time series analysis (BCPD, BSTS), intermittent time series analysis, volatile time series analysis (GARCH), multivariate time series analysis (Vector ARIMA), and Unified Exponential Smoothing (incl. massive parallel forecasting, Additive Model time series analysis, model interpretability and explainability enhancements). The addition of these new algorithms allows developers and data scientists to create and embed intelligence in the next generation of advanced applications.

In summary, we have many planned exciting new features and updates with SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 06 allowing our customers to reduce their TCO, enhance security, simplify administration, and ultimately gain real business value from their data! As we have stated before, our customers can rest assured that they have our full commitment to help them safeguard and maximize their previous investments, and our planned new release of SAP HANA is delivering on that promise.

Want to learn more about the new SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 06 release? If so, please register for the upcoming “What’s New in SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 06 webinars” delivered by our SAP HANA Product Management team.

If you have any questions, please make sure to visit the SAP Community Q&A for SAP HANA or submit your question directly.
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for those who want to know more, join the detailed webinar for special topics

Active Contributor
You say that SPS06 will have a 2 years maintenance window while it was 5 years for SPS05.
It means SPS06 will be out of maintenance 2 years before SPS05.
In parallel, I guess that most SPS06 innovations are already present in HANA Cloud since long time.
So, for customers having stability as first priority, they are encouraged to stay on SPS05.
And, for customers having innovation as first priority, they are encouraged to go on HANA Cloud.

In this context, why to go for SPS06 ?
Active Contributor
0 Kudos

On note 2378962,it says SPS06 End of maintenance is still to be defined. Does that mean we can still expect 5 years maintenance for SPS06 ?


Active Contributor
Dear Stefan,

can you let me know if the SPS 06 does contain also an update for the XS Advanced Frontend server? Currently we're stuck with SAPUI5 1.71 that is shipped via the software component SAPUI5 FESV6 XSA 1. Will there be a FESV7 or to be aligned with the ABAP World FESV2020?

Best Regards
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Michael,

thanks for you comment.

Indeed, SAP HANA 2.0 SPS06 does have a shorter maintenance period.

But even though we are running a Cloud first strategy, there is a bunch of new features included in SAP HANA 2.0 SPS06 that are in particular focusing on the OnPrem side of the house. The feedback we've got as part of the beta phase was very positive, customers appreciate our innovations and indicated that they will directly upgrade to the new version.

As an example, to mention the Backup & Recovery enhancements or the new point-in-time replace for Capture & Replay

Of course, if customers do not need of the new innovations, they are free to stay on the Version 2.0 SPS05 and maybe skip 2.0 SPS06 for now.

Hope this helps.


Kind Regards,

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Michael,

the note has been changed now.

Kind Regards,
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Gregor,

with SPS06 we only include SAPUI5 FESV6, which provides SAPUI5 1.71 as a long term maintenance release. Any newer versions would require you to package it with your app or consume it via npm or a custom CDN.

Based on the demand we might provide newer versions of the FES component with XS Advanced in future.

Best regards,

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
yes, I noticed. Thanks
Active Contributor
Hi Christian,

would the SAP Influencing Opportunity SAP Databases the right place to voice this demand?

With CAP XS Advanced got a great programming model. But the only legal way regarding the UI is to use the software component SAPUI5 FESV6 XSA 1 or as you've mentioned package it with the app. But when using the Launchpad Module you can't use the packaging.

Best Regards
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hi Gregor,

yes, it would be good to see the actual demand for new SAP UI5 versions on HANA Platform Edition.  Feel free to open a request in SAP Databases. I know that the custom development story on XSA got fueled with the availability of CAP and that especially you are doing a lot here. Let us follow up on your expectations.

Best regards,

Active Contributor
Hi Christian,

I've filed the improvement request:

Provide XSA software component with current SAPUI5 Long-term Maintenance release

Best Regards
0 Kudos

Is there a Hana Express based on SPS 06? If yes, where can I download it from?

0 Kudos
Hi Ravi,

not yet, right now the latest version is based on SPS 05.
