SAP HANA provides a single in-memory data platform that supports both transactions and analytics on diverse data, a key requirement for applications supporting a modern, real-time digital business. In today’s digital economy, businesses cannot take action on stale insights, thus a true in-memory data platform should support real-time processing for transactions and analytics for all of a company’s data. This is a key differentiator of the SAP HANA platform against other traditional database vendors.
So what really makes SAP HANA different?
Run Simple with SAP HANA
In-Memory First
SAP achieved a true transaction and analytical (i.e. translytical) platform by designing SAP HANA from the ground up with a new data processing architecture in mind. This architecture greatly simplifies applications built on this platform removing many of the legacy overhead required to optimize applications on traditional disk-based database solutions.
SAP HANA is the only true in-memory columnar data store optimized for both high-speed transactional scenarios and also very fast query performance optimally supporting both OLTP and OLAP application scenarios. With SAP HANA, there is a single copy of data as there is no need to move data to external systems to offload analytic workloads or populate materialized views and in-memory caches to achieve acceptable performance. This allows applications built on SAP HANA to process transactional and analytical workloads at high speed without any data duplication enabling businesses to have accurate insights based on the latest data.
Other solutions in the market typically provide an in-memory “option” to existing disk-based, row-oriented solutions, requiring a copy of data to be made into in-memory storage (image below). Row-based storages don’t yield the same level of data compression as columnar storages leading to higher costs and inefficiencies. These solutions may provide some performance improvements in certain use-cases, but they do not deliver the overall value that SAP HANA does by truly reducing the data footprint, increasing overall performance for all data and reducing management costs of the solution.
Managing Data of All Sizes
Does it always make sense to have all data in-memory? Realistically, this is not necessary. Here again, SAP HANA provides an innovative way to manage hot and warm data storage in an optimal way to strike the right balance between price and performance.
SAP HANA Dynamic Data Tiering provides multistore table partitions which easily allow a single table to span across memory and disk. This greatly simplifies access to hot and warm data in consuming applications and greatly reduces the administrative effort to manage large data volumes. This provides for much lower total cost of ownership by reducing the amount of hardware needed, lower administration costs, and more efficient IT operations overall.
For more information about sizing SAP HANA see:
Foundation for a Modern Data Platform
SAP HANA is a modern multi-tenant in-memory platform to build next-generation Big Data, IoT, translytical, and advanced analytics applications. SAP HANA allows advanced analytics using a single data platform. How is this done?
SAP HANA natively provides capabilities for machine learning, spatial processing, graph, streaming analytics, time series, text analytics/search, and cognitive services all within the same platform. Applications on SAP HANA can provide real-time actionable insights from a wide-variety of data types.
For example, government agencies and relief organizations could gain greater insight into natural disaster risk and disaster avoidance based on geographic, weather, satellite, street and population information. This information can be used to automatically determine which populations are at the most risk, provide warnings in advance and automatically plan rescue management strategies in case of an emergency. See this great
demo video for more details or see it in person at our Natural Disaster Risk Prediction with SAP HANA showcase at TechEd 2017.
Combining these innovative technologies with SAP HANA’s advanced application development, modeling and custom algorithm support inside the database layer, more business logic can be executed close to the data. Specifically, SAP HANA’s support technology like stored procedures, business functions, core data services, rules framework, calculation views, and the application function library provide developers with a way to easily model complex data-intensive operations as close to the data as possible. Most competitive solutions require that you copy the data between core data storage and other technology stacks to perform these advanced analytics on the data.
See these technologies in action at
SAP HANA Academy YouTube Channel
Accelerating Innovation
SAP HANA also provides a robust application development platform supporting well adopted programming languages such as Java, JavaScript and Node. JS with an extensible architecture to build the next generation of in-memory applications. SAP HANA extended application services, advanced model (XS Advanced) provides a new architecture based on Cloud Foundry. Cloud foundry is the de facto standard for enterprise Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS).
Adopting Cloud Foundry brings benefits such as greater portability to offer multi-cloud deployment scenarios and additional openness enabling developers to leverage technology available in the open source community easily with SAP’s value-added services. The openness and flexibility of this new architecture, among others, supports microservices architectures where applications can be developed as suites of independently deployable services.
To learn more about how to advance your digital transformation and run simple with SAP HANA:
Your Digital Transformation – Powered by SAP HANA
Run Live with SAP HANA
Businesses want real-time insight on all types of live data. Yet at the same time, the data is siloed in different environments that are heterogeneous - built from legacy assets, incorporating new cloud storage and applications, and embracing software from different vendors and the open source community. SAP delivers innovative technology to support this need for real-time insights on all types of live data from many sources.
SAP HANA provides the ability to gain real-time access to all data to gain insight in the context of an organization’s business processes and immediately take action by providing:
- Analytics on live transaction data from any source at rest or in motion (e.g. streaming)
- Data virtualization to gain real-time insight from data in Hadoop or many other systems minimizing data movement
- Instant response time for a delightful user experience from anywhere from the same platform
With all these capabilities, HANA is making an enormous impact on businesses that are undergoing a digital transformation.
Did you know that 76% of the world's transaction revenue are processed by an SAP system?
This means that SAP is uniquely positioned to really help the world run better and improve people’s lives. SAP HANA, as the foundation for SAP’s applications, has allowed SAP to continue to provide many innovative capabilities to the business and greater simplification within IT.
For example, SAP’s own S/4HANA is a modern re-design of ERP, explicitly taking advantage of everything that the SAP HANA in-memory platform offers. SAP S/4HANA has a greatly simplified data model, supports a simplified system landscape, and a simplified consumer grade user experience.
Take a look at the image below for a more specific example. This is an example of SAP inventory management on a traditional database. There were 26 tables just for inventory management, shown on the left, not including change logs or other potential tables created by customers. Now with S/4HANA, we’re able to greatly reduce this table count down to one, MATDOC, shown on the right side of the picture.
As a result, business processes are transformed by running from one simplified data model, while the IT landscape is greatly simplified by supporting real-time operational reporting on the same system. S/4HANA is able to accelerate the path from data to insight to action by embedding advanced analytics directly within the transaction system.
The SAP HANA platform is allowing for radical changes to how applications are built as the constraints of old are being thrown off.
To learn more about how to Run Live with SAP:
S/4HANA in 2 Minutes:
Business Benefits
IT Benefits
The Next Generation Data Warehouse
3 Key Points You Should Know About BW/4HANA
Run Anywhere with SAP HANA
In today’s world, IT needs to be agile to adjust to the changing demands of the business. The SAP HANA platform is available in a variety of deployment options that best fit the business needs from a developer learning the technology, to performing a proof-of-concept, to running business critical applications.
Let’s look at a few examples…
SAP HANA, express edition
This streamlined edition of SAP HANA, for resource-constrained hosts, deploys on your laptop/desktop or in the Public Cloud and it is free for applications that use up to 32GB of memory.
SAP HANA provided on more Cloud platforms than other vendors freeing you to choose your provider of choice and consumption model that fits your needs. SAP HANA is offered in the following models
- Private Cloud, Managed Service
- Public Cloud, Infrastructure-as-a-Service
- Public Cloud, Pay-as-you-go model
SAP HANA, on-premise
SAP HANA is available on premise as a quick to deploy appliance or with a tailored data center integration (TDI) model allowing customers more choices to leverage existing hardware and infrastructure for greater reduction in cost and maintenance.
At TechEd Las Vegas 2017, SAP will introduce HANA TDI Phase 5 which will provide new opportunities for cost optimization of SAP HANA from a hardware perspective. For more information, please refer to this
blog by Addi Brosig.
Learn more about how to Run Anywhere with SAP HANA: