On May 4th, SAP’s
Dave Fowler and I were privileged to represent SAP at two important student engagement events at the
University of Illinois Chicago.
The first was the
Employer Meet & Greet - an informal job fair. The event was be open to
Information & Decision Sciences,
MIS, and
Business Analytics students. There was a diverse mix of graduating seniors and graduate students in attendance since this event was attached to the Project Expo. We discussed SAP internship and full-time opportunities and were pleased to sign up dozens of students for SAP’s talent community.
The second event was the IDS Project Expo - part of our MIS, IDS, and Business Analytics Capstone classes. It was set up like a science fair with student consulting teams standing next to a display of their work product. This was a great opportunity for us to get a look at actual work product and hear the students articulate what they had done while serving as judges for the Expo. These were live SAP Next-Gen consulting projects completed for local businesses and non-profits and demonstrating innovative solutions for real clients. Two of the projects had significant SAP content: one related to early adoption of
SAP Leonardo blockchain solutions and another the initial design of a new SAP Next-Gen Hub website.
SAP Next-Gen, in partnership with the SAP Midwest Market Unit, Academia, ASUG, Customers, SAP Partners and Local Thought leaders are committed to the development and on-going nurture of a cross organization, cross discipline community dedicated to the growth and development of best practices, intellectual development and business growth through the journey to tomorrow’s digital Economy.
Next-Gen Laboratory at UIC serves as a center of knowledge that concentrates expertise and resources in exponential technologies. The center’s programs and research will emphasize advances in information technology, operations and supply chain management, and business data analytics across numerous industries. Through connections with students, startups, thought leaders, researchers, accelerators and venture firms, enterprises will be privy to new concepts, prototype applications and models to reimagine business. UIC Next-Gen will serve as a knowledge and resource gateway for the Chicago region, and will also be the U.S. Midwest hub of a global network of academic and industry researchers promoting the exchange of ideas for disruptive innovation.