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Product and Topic Expert


This blog post is only applicable for the latest version 2 of the SAP Cloud SDK. You can find an updated tutorial for version 3 over at our tutorial page.

The following steps will explain how to secure applications in SAP Cloud Platform, CloudFoundry which are built based on the SAP Cloud SDK.

Note: This post is part of a series. For a complete overview visit the SAP Cloud SDK Overview.

Goal of this blog post

This tutorial will cover how to protect your Java-based Hello World microservice with authenticated and authorized users. To achieve this the tutorial covers the following aspects:

  1. Setting up and configuring the App Router component as a central entry point to your microservice landscape to handle authentication and authorization for you.

  2. Protect your Java microservice so that it only accepts requests based on a valid JSON Web Token (JWT) that is received from the App Router.

  3. Assign roles and scopes to your application users and let your backend deal with authorization information.



Before we dive deeper into the real setup of the architecture, let's quickly review the architecture we intend to go for.

Figure 1 presents the final setup. First, we still have our existing "Hello World" or "Business Partner" Java-based microservice that we have created in the previous tutorials. However, instead of letting the customer access this application directly, we will use the so-called Application Router (App Router) that serves two purposes.

On the one hand, the App Router is a general entry point into the world of microservices. The main idea is that you can split an application into multiple microservices with independent deployability, polyglot runtimes & persistence and independent teams. Therefore, a central entry component is required that hides the complexity of the microservice landscape from the end customer.

On the other hand, the App Router is mainly responsible for managing authentication flows. The App Router takes incoming, unauthenticated requests from users and initiates an OAuth2 flow with the XSUAA service. The XSUAA service is an SAP-specific fork of CloudFoundry's UAA service to deal with authentication and authorization (it may again delegate this aspect to other providers such as external Identity Providers, see later in this tutorial). If the user authenticates at the XSUAA, it will respond with a JSON Web Token (JWT) containing the authenticated users as well as all scopes that he or she has been granted.

Figure 1: Authentication Flow during Runtime

The JWT is passed by the App Router to the underlying microservices so that they are freed up from this task. At the same time, these microservices can only be accessed with a valid JWT, hence, are protected from unauthenticated traffic.

The JWT contains a signature that needs to be verifiable by every microservice to establish trust. Hence, every service require a key (client-secrets or public keys) to verify this signature and reject any requests with non-valid JWTs. Therefore, every service has to maintain a service binding to the XSUAA that provides this information for runtime verification (Figure 2). To enable this, every microservice binds to a dedicated XSUAA instance which writes this information into the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable which the microservices can use to verify any token's validity.

Figure 2: Provisioning view with XSUAA binding


With these basics in mind, let's create the picture of Figure 1 and Figure 2 by setting up the App Router, XSUAA and backend microservices to enable full application security.

Setup the App Router to authenticate your users.

We will let Cloud Foundry retrieve the App Router automatically on deployment. To achieve this, we will first setup the necessary structure.

  1. Go to your favourite <destLocation> and create the approuter directory
    cd <destLocation>
    mkdir approuter
    cd approuter

  2. Place the following package.json in your approuter directory
    "name": "approuter",
    "dependencies": {
    "@sap/approuter": "*"
    "scripts": {
    "start": "node node_modules/@sap/approuter/approuter.js"

  3. Within <destLocation>/approuter create a new file called xs-app.json with the following content:
    "welcomeFile": "index.html",
    "routes": [{
    "source": "/",
    "target": "/",
    "destination": "app-destination"

  4. Last but not least create a new manifest.yml file within <destLocation> for the AppRouter microservice with the following content:
    - name: approuter
    - route: approuter-<subdomain>.cfapps.&lt;region_id&gt;
    path: approuter
    memory: 128M
    - nodejs_buildpack
    TENANT_HOST_PATTERN: 'approuter-(.*).cfapps.<region_id>'
    destinations: '[{"name":"app-destination", "url" :<APPLICATION_URL>, "forwardAuthToken": true}]'
    - my-xsuaa

    Adapt the file as follows:

    • Replace <subdomain> with your subdomain. You will find your subdomain in the CF cockpit by heading to the overview page of your sub-account:


      • Swap out both instances of <region_id> with your specific region (e.g. eu10). You can find it for instance included in the API endpoint (also listed in the image above) just before More details on the region specific URLs can be found here.

      • In destinations replace <APPLICATION_URL> with the actual URL of your previously deployed app. Again you can find it in the CF cockpit or by listing all existing routes via routes.

      Understanding the AppRouter's manifest.yml and xs-app.json:

      On Cloud Foundry every sub-account is assigned exactly one subdomain which is associated to exactly one tenant. In a multi-tenant scenario the app router needs to know which tenant to forward to the XSUAA service. This is achieved by including the subdomain in the host, from which the app router will extract it. That is where the TENANT_HOST_PATTER comes into play. It is a variable that declares the pattern how tenants in the URL are identified and handled. For this tutorial we expect the host to conform to approuter-<subdomain>. If you desire different URL patterns, you need to change the route and TENANT_HOST_PATTERN accordingly.

      Note that the TENANT_HOST_PATTER variable is only required in real multi-tenant application, i.e, applications where a physical deployment serves multiple clients from the same deployment. We assume in this tutorial series that we want to build multi-tenant applications, as we aim towards cloud-native development. However, this variable is not necessary if you have a single-tenant application. To realize this, the xs-security.json security descriptor may declare "tenant-mode": "dedicated" (see step 5 below).

      Moving on to the destinations entry. It is a variable that declares the internal routes from the App Router to the underlying backend microservices. As we only have one microservice yet, we define only one destination called app-destination here. This app-destination is referenced by the previously created xs-app.json file.

      Last but not least the services section declares to bind our own XSUAA service instance to the App Router. This binding will ensure a corresponding VCAP_SERVICES entry that holds the client ID, client secret and public key that is required to validate any incoming OAuth token/JWT from the XSUAA service:

      Bind the XSUAA Service

      Now we need to create a service binding to the XSUAA service. As a prerequisite we require a xs-security.json (security descriptor) file that contains a declaration about authorization scopes we intend to use in our application. In our case, we simply declare a DISPLAY scope that we will use later on to authorize our users. In addition, we declare a so-called role template called "Viewer" that references our DISPLAY scope. We put this file to <destLocation>/xs-security.json. For a more detailed explanation on scopes and role templates, see the appendix of this tutorial. More details on the syntax of the xs-security.json can be found here.
      Note 1: that the xsappname has to be unique within the entire XSUAA instance. We follow here the same pattern using our <app-name>-<subdomain>.
      Note 2: As explained above: tenant-mode: shared assumes a multi-tenant application and will require the TENANT_HOST_PATTERN variable to be declared. You may also use "tenant-mode": "dedicated" if you develop a single-tenant application.

      "xsappname": "firstapp-<subdomain>",
      "tenant-mode": "shared",
      "scopes": [
      "name": "$XSAPPNAME.Display",
      "description": "display"
      "role-templates": [
      "name": "Viewer",
      "description": "Required to view things in our solution",
      "scope-references" : [

      Create the file and change the app name just like before.

      We then create a service instance called my-xsuaa of the XSUAA service by issuing the following command and using the xs-security.json file:
      cf create-service xsuaa application my-xsuaa -c xs-security.json

      If you have created this instance of the XSUAA service before without the xs-security.json parameter, you can unbind and delete the existing instance with these commands before creating it with the above command:
      cf unbind-service firstapp my-xsuaa
      cf delete-service my-xsuaa​

      After you have created the XSUAA service instance, deploy the app router using the following (with the appropriate API endpoint of your Cloud Foundry region):
      cd <destLocation>
      cf api
      cf login
      cf push

      Afterwards you should be able to locate the App Router from within your browser using the host name of your deployment, which should face you with the following login page where you can use your user e-mail and password:

      After logging in you should see the HelloWorld servlet which is now served by the App Router as a proxy to your Java application:

      Protect your backend microservice

      After authentication works with the App Router, your java backend service is still fully visible in the web and not protected. We, therefore, need to protect our java microservices as well so that they accept requests with valid JWTs for the current user only. In addition, we will setup the microservice in a way that it deals with authorization, i.e., understands the OAuth scopes from the JWT that we have configured previously using the xs-security.json file.

      In the following, we will use the Spring Security framework to protect the microservices. You can also use standard mechanisms of the SAP Java buildpack to achieve the same. If you do not want to use Spring Security please follow the steps here, nonetheless, the concepts described hereinafter apply for both methods.

      Install XS Security libs to your local Maven repository:

      The first step is to get some additional Java libs from Service Marketplace. To get them, do the following steps:

      1. Download additional XS security libs from service marketplace:

      2. At the time of writing the latest package is XS_JAVA_4-70001362.ZIP.

      3. Unzip <destLocation>

      4. Install XS Security Libs to your local maven repo using:
        cd <destLocation>
        mvn clean install

      Enhance your project's pom.xml

      In the second step, we go back to our HelloWorld or Business Partner application and open the main application/pom.xml which looks similar to this structure:

      In the <dependencies> section of the application/pom.xml, we enhance the following additional dependencies to our project:
      <!-- Authentication and Authorization imports with Spring Security -->

      This dependency section contains three main parts of dependencies:

      1. The packages add certain aspects of the Spring security framework to our application, in particular the OAuth framework of Spring security.

      2. The packages contain specific security adaptations for the CloudFoundry environment.

      3. The packages contain platform-specific native implementations for the JWT validation and support OAuth2 authentication.

      Add Spring as Servlet Listener to your web.xml

      Afterwards you need to go to your web.xml in src/main/webapp/WEB-INF and add the following lines. If you have used the Archetype in Step 3 of the Tutorial: these lines should be already there and you can simply uncomment them.


      This configuration introduces the Spring Security Filter Chain on all incoming routes of your Java microservice and declares that the entire security configuration can be found in a file called spring-security.xml.

      Introducing spring-security.xml

      In the next step we need to protect our routes on a more fine-grained basis by introducing the file spring-security.xml to our /src/main/webapp/WEB-INF directory. If you have used the Archetype in Step 3 of the Tutorial: this file should be already there.

      To protect all your routes so that users have to be at least authenticated you have to uncomment or introduce the following line to spring-security.xml:
      <sec:intercept-url pattern="/**" access="isAuthenticated()" method="GET" />

      This code says that all users which access all URLs under / with the GET method have to be at least authenticated. You can find the full reference for access management here:

      The full spring-security.xml should look like this:
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
      <beans xmlns=""


      <!-- protect secure resource endpoints ================================================ -->

      <sec:http pattern="/**" create-session="never"
      <sec:anonymous enabled="false" />

      <!-- section to protect your endpoints -->

      <!-- Example: Check a specific OAuth Scope (i.e., authorization) on a resource -->
      <!--<sec:intercept-url pattern="/hello" access="#oauth2.hasScope('${xs.appname}.Display')" method="GET" />-->

      <!-- Example: Check only authentication on a resource -->
      <sec:intercept-url pattern="/**" access="isAuthenticated()" method="GET" />

      <sec:custom-filter ref="resourceServerFilter" before="PRE_AUTH_FILTER" />
      <sec:access-denied-handler ref="oauthAccessDeniedHandler" />

      <bean id="oauthAuthenticationEntryPoint"

      <bean id="oauthWebExpressionHandler"

      <bean id="accessDecisionManager"
      <bean class="">
      <property name="expressionHandler" ref="oauthWebExpressionHandler" />
      <bean class="" />

      <sec:authentication-manager alias="authenticationManager"/>

      <oauth:resource-server id="resourceServerFilter"
      resource-id="springsec" token-services-ref="offlineTokenServices" />

      <bean id="offlineTokenServices"
      <property name="verificationKey" value="${xs.uaa.verificationkey}" />
      <property name="trustedClientId" value="${xs.uaa.clientid}" />
      <property name="trustedIdentityZone" value="${xs.uaa.identityzone}" />

      <bean id="oauthAccessDeniedHandler"
      class="" />

      <!-- define properties file =========================================================== -->
      <bean class="">
      <property name="location" value="classpath:/" />

      Modify your backend manifest.yml to bind XSUAA and trust for all identity zones

      Now we need to modify the manifest.yml a bit to interpret the JWT sufficiently. To do this add the following lines to your backend microservice's manifest.yml file:
      SAP_JWT_TRUST_ACL: '[{"clientid" : "*", "identityzone" : "*"}]'

      In addition, we need to bind our my-xsuaa instance to our java backend service as well so that we have the OAuth secret to validate the JWT's signature
      - my-xsuaa

      Deploy and test the application

      Now we are ready to build and deploy the application to try all our changes with
      mvn clean install
      cf push

      After deployment, accessing your backend service should not be possible anymore and will quit with the following message:

      However, you should be still able to access your application using the App Router as the entrypoint:

      Recommended Changes with Usage of AppRouter

      Removed Mocked Auth User

      If you have previously enabled the mocking of tenant and user information via the environment variable ALLOW_MOCKED_AUTH_HEADER as mentioned in Step 5 of this tutorial series, you should now remove this setting. Execute the following command:
      cf unset-env firstapp ALLOW_MOCKED_AUTH_HEADER

      Removed CSRF Token protection from backing service

      If you have previously exposed the backing service directly to the end user, you have used the RestCsrfPreventionFilter on the backend to protect against Cross-Site-Request-Forgery. As this is now in the responsibility of the App Router, we should remove it. For this remove the following lines from your web.xml:

      Use OAuth scope to authorize users

      Now that we saved the backend microservice from unauthenticated users, we also want to make sure that certain endpoints can be called only when users have specific authorizations. In the following example, we want to use our Display OAuth scope.

      Enhance spring-security.xml to protect routes with OAuth scopes

      The backend itself can be easily adapted based on the spring-security.xml. In this case, we protect the /hello route with our Display OAuth Scope. Introduce (or uncomment) the following line within the <sec:http> element:
      <sec:intercept-url pattern="/hello" access="#oauth2.hasScope('${xs.appname}.Display')" method="GET" />

      Afterwards you need to redeploy the application with
      mvn clean install
      cf push

      Assign users to scopes

      Furthermore, the user accessing the application, needs to be assigned the Display OAuth scope. This is done using the SCP cockpit.

      First, go to your trial account on Cloud Foundry and find the role collections menu under the Security module:


      Second, create a new role collection which you can give an arbitrary name. In our case, we call the role collection Business Partner Manager.


      Afterwards, select the role collection "Business Partner Manager" and select "Add Role". From the menu, select your application and the corresponding role template and role as shown below:


      Afterwards, the user has to be assigned to the newly created Business Partner Manager in order to receive the Display scope. In order to do this, select the trust configuration from the security menu and select the SAP ID Service from the list:


      In the opening dialog, enter your User ID as e-mail into the user field and click "Show Assignments" followed by "Add Assignments":


      Select the "Business Partner Manager" role collection from the menu to assign it to your user:


      Afterwards you have a route that is protected by the Display OAuth scope which you can still access because the user has now the corresponding role.

      That's it for today. Now you have learned the basics to protect your application on SAP Cloud Platform, CloudFoundry based on the SAP Cloud SDK. Stay tuned for upcoming blog posts about more advanced usages of the SAP Cloud SDK.



      Understanding Roles, Role Collections and Scopes

      The following picture explains how the various concepts are related to each other.

      Gray Box: As a SCP developer (e.g., SAP, partner, customer) of the business application (gray box), you define role templates which may contain multiple OAuth scopes. The developer here define the scope, role templates and additional attributes within the xs-security.json as explained in this tutorial which is used when creating the service instantiation to the XSUAA.

      Orange Box: As an SCP tenant administrator of the business application (customer) can create a role collection which is spanning multiple roles reflecting the role templates. This way you can achieve, on the one hand, a fine-granular authorization control for the microservices and, on the other hand, compose them very flexibly in coarse-grained role collections. The idea behind this is, that, for example, the Business Partner Manager role collection may span multiple applications and microservices all having individual scopes. The role collections resolves the roles and scopes and returns a union of all scopes which are composed by the role collection.

      Green Box: As an administrator of the users (customer), the role collection can then be assigned to the final user using the SAML attribute "Groups".

      Troubleshooting Json Web Tokens

      Sometimes it might be necessary to investigate the JWT on the backend microservice during development to check for potential errors. Here is an example Servlet that prints the token out.
      public class JwtDebugServlet extends HttpServlet {

      protected void doGet(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response )
      throws ServletException, IOException
      Enumeration headerNames = request.getHeaderNames();
      while (headerNames.hasMoreElements()) {
      String key = (String) headerNames.nextElement();
      String value = request.getHeader(key);

      response.getOutputStream().println(key+" : "+value);

      Afterwards you may use to decode the token. Note: You should never use this with any productive JWT as these tokens are shared on a public website. Fallback to local solutions.

      Troubleshooting OAuth Scopes from XSUAA

      In addition, you may use the XSUAA to see which current scopes and roles a particular users has. You could do this with your XSUAA tenant-specific URL:


      It will return something similar to this:

      Setting up your own Identity Provider

      So far, we have used the XSUAA service itself as the user provider. However, in production scenarios customer's may want to use their own Identity Provider (IdP) as a user provider or delegate into on-premise user stores such as LDAP or ActiveDirectory. In the following, we quickly show how the XSUAA service can delegate requests to such an external IdPs.

      To make this happen, the IdP and the service provider (SP) have to exchange security metadata, i.e., the IdP has to import the metadata of the SP and vice versa.

      You can retrieve the metadata from your XSUAA tenant by following the pattern https://<subdomain>.authentication.<region_id> This downloads the metatdata to your local computer.

      Second, you need to import the metadata into your IdP. In the following, we use an own SAP Cloud Identity tenant to do this.

      1. Within the IdP, we have to create a new application called MyApp where we select the SAML 2.0 Configuration

      2. Import the SP's metadata and click "Save".

      3. Back in the SCP account cockpit we need to add the IdP's metadata in the same manner

      4. Click "New Trust Configuration" and add the metadata from the IdP and click "Save"

0 Kudos
Link "follow the steps here" in Protect your backend service is not working.
0 Kudos


Unable to add these dependencies,

Missing artifact

Missing artifact

Missing artifact

Missing artifact


group id “” not available in Maven repository.

if any alternate dependencies, send to us.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Dama

please download the libraries from Service Marketplace and install them into your local repository as written in the blog.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Yes, thanks for the hint. Not sure it's loading forever for me. However, I cannot find this information on However, I described the alternative in the book "Extending S/4HANA", Chapter 5 which you can checkout for free here:
0 Kudos
Hi Philipp,


I am trying to secure my application with spring security.  I have changed my backend manifest.yml to bind XSUAA and trust for all identity zones. After deployment my backend application and App router are giving the same error as below.

Also, as recommended by you I have Removed Mocked Auth User but no luck

Please help me in this regard.


Thank you,



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
This typically indicated an issue with dependencies in your project. Please provide detailed logs on Stackoverflow to investigate the issue further: Please note that I have updated dependencies to the latest and greatest today and tried it successfully out. In addition, I advise you to scan the existing question on Stackoverflow, as there were multiple issues into the same direction previously.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Philipp,

great article!

You find the relevant documentation for the Cloud Foundry Environment of SAP Cloud Platformcan in the  product page of the Authorization and Trust Management service. The service exists for Neo and Cloud Foundry.

You can configure authentication for the following applications:

If application developers need to set up authorizations for business users, they find a guide that describes how to configure scopes and attributes in role templates (see Set Up Security Artifacts).

Administrators perform the steps of assgning security admiins, establishing trust with identity providers, aggregating roles in role collections and assigning the role collections to users or user groups (see Administration: Managing Authentication and Authorization).

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

The following link used to describe security without Spring is not working anymore. Please update.

"If you do not want to use Spring Security please follow the steps here, nonetheless, the concepts described hereinafter apply for both methods."


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Anuj,

yes, the link unfortunately moved. You can now find it here: I also fixed the URL in the document above.

The approach is also described in the book "Extending SAP S/4HANA" in chapter 5 in more detail.

For protecting Node.js based applications you can find the documentation here:

Best regards


0 Kudos


I have gone through your tutorial. Everything is working fine in the local test run. But after deploying same application on Neo environment only HelloWorldServlet is working, when i try to run PurchaseOrderServlet I’m getting NOT FOUND error. Please help.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Irfan,

the tutorial is about CloudFoundry and not Neo. Please use Step 8 of the S/4HANA Cloud SDK Tutorial to protect a Neo application. The architecture for doing this, is quite different.

Best regards

0 Kudos
Thank You. I'll follow the tutorial.
0 Kudos
Hi Philipp,

Thanks for your great sharing.

Now, my back-end service is already secured, and can be visited through app router.  App router redirect the request to IDP( Identity Provider) for login, and then forward the JW token to back-end service.  it works fine for the request coming front-end.

but now, I get an issue on accessing the back-end service in batch model. I need to store the credential(username and password) of IDP in somewhere, then using the user name/password to access the back-end service.

for example, is there any way like to visit the back-end service using 'Post Man' by passing the username and password which similar with batch access with username/password.





0 Kudos
Thank you, I am able to login with sample application.
0 Kudos

I am able to login Hello world application( using approuter login (

But Getting Forbidden in browser while sending POST requests.

  • Getting Login page when I hit the approuter URL
  • Able to route my custom application after login and I enrolled my custom form and clicked on NEXT button. (It’s POST form submission)
  • Getting Forbidden in browser after clicking the NEXT button

Please provide the solution for handling GET, POST, PUT, DELETE requests.

Thank you,

Dama Ramesh

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Dama,

well, this may have a couple of reasons and it is hard to tell without having stack traces or looking at additional config files. Reasons include:

  • The resource is not correctly protected (i.e., whitelisted in web.xml or spring-security)

  • The resource is correctly protected but the user does not have the corresponding permissions

  • The JWT is somehow wrong

  • etc.

  • etc.

I kindly ask you to provide your stacktrace and additional information via or via


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Eric,

I do not fully get your requirement. Do you want to access the backend directly?

If yes, you need to implement the OAuth logic that the AppRouter does for you yourself using the standard OAuth APIs of the XSUAA. This is, for example, described here:

Again, you will never access the backend directly with the user information from the IdP but always via a JWT (OAuth Access Token).

Best regards

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hi Dama,

seems like you have an issue with the CSRF protection. As written on your question please either provide a CSRF Token or disable the protection temporarily. The default behavior for any modifying operations is that a CSRF protection is required to avoid session riding attacks in productive cloud applications.

I highly recommend you to read Chapter 5 of "Extending S/4HANA" in case you want more theoretical and conceptual background on this:


Best regards

0 Kudos
Thank you Philipp, My issue solved with given approach.
0 Kudos

As of today, the following dependencies should be sufficient for the spring security setup (also note the exclusion of log4j, the archetype uses logback by default):

In addition, the XML schema definitions have to be updated when using the latest SDK version. The spring-security.xml file now looks like this (note the updated XML schema definitions):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<beans xmlns=""

<sec:http pattern="/**" create-session="never"
<sec:anonymous enabled="false" />

<!-- Example: Check a specific OAuth Scope (i.e., authorization) on a resource -->
<!--<sec:intercept-url pattern="/hello" access="#oauth2.hasScope('${xs.appname}.Display')" method="GET" />-->

<!-- Example: Check only authentication on a resource -->

<sec:intercept-url pattern="/**" access="isAuthenticated()" method="GET" />

<sec:custom-filter ref="resourceServerFilter" before="PRE_AUTH_FILTER" />
<sec:access-denied-handler ref="oauthAccessDeniedHandler" />

<bean id="oauthAuthenticationEntryPoint"

<bean id="oauthWebExpressionHandler"

<bean id="accessDecisionManager"
<bean class="">
<property name="expressionHandler" ref="oauthWebExpressionHandler" />
<bean class="" />

<sec:authentication-manager alias="authenticationManager"/>

<oauth:resource-server id="resourceServerFilter"
resource-id="springsec" token-services-ref="offlineTokenServices" />

<bean id="offlineTokenServices"
<property name="verificationKey" value="${xs.uaa.verificationkey}" />
<property name="trustedClientId" value="${xs.uaa.clientid}" />
<property name="trustedIdentityZone" value="${xs.uaa.identityzone}" />

<bean id="oauthAccessDeniedHandler"
class="" />

<!-- define properties file =========================================================== -->
<bean class="">
<property name="location" value="classpath:/" />
0 Kudos
<sec:intercept-url pattern="/public/hello" access="permitAll" method="GET" />

<sec:intercept-url pattern="/**" access="isAuthenticated()" method="GET" />

Above lines configured in my spring-security.xml.

I am able to get http://localhost:5000/private/user page after approuter login.

But unauthorized page getting while hitting http://localhost:8080/public/hello

Can you please suggest me how to ignore /public/** like api's from approuter login
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Dama,

in general, this is a Spring security question and I recommend to check with the corresponding communities. From what I can tell high-level is, that interceptor precedence is based on the order in the XML file as written here: (Mind the spring-security tag there for Stackoverflow). That is, more specific rules should come first. However, this is what you did.

I would try the following things:

  • Remove the second rule (is access allowed then with direct access?)
  • Try /public/hello/** as first rule (browsers may send a trailing ‘/’ and then the pattern might not be recognized)

Maybe this helps




0 Kudos
Hi Phillip. I am fairly new to CF and XSUAA and this post helped me a lot.

Can you please explain how to get things like users full name (rather than only the email in the troubleshoot) and other information like role collection from SAP IDP through CF.

Is there an endpoint on CF that hold this information?


If not, can you please point me to where to find this info?

I am currently developing a UI5 app and would require this info to tailor the experience of the user.


Thank you!



Hi Guilherme,

you can try the following: In the xs-config.json used to configure your XSUAA instance, you can build a role such like this:

"name": "Authenticated",
"description": "All authenticated users",
"attribute-references": [

Now you can configure in the roles section of your IdP (by default the IdP that Cloud Foundry provides, which you can access via the “Security” tab on the left) how these fields are populated. There you should be able to select “Identity Provider” for these fields.

If this setups works, you should now be able to read these attributes from the JWT (which you can get via the AuthTokenAccessor).

Alternatively you can also the UserAccessor like this:

final User currentUser = UserAccessor.getCurrentUser();


Hope that helps! Do not hesitate to get back to us with further questions!

Best regards


0 Kudos
Philipp, Is there any approuter settings to ignore <approuter-url>/public/**** like urls from XSUAA login authentication?
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Yes, this is also possible by using different source routes in the xs-app.json configuration of the approuter. This is documented here:
0 Kudos
Hi Dennis! Thank you very much for your reply!

We were able to import attributes to CF successfully.


We are trying to get the info in a Spring controller class now, but we are unsure how to access AuthTokenAcessor and UserAcessor.

We were unable to load Maven dependencies correctly, for or


Can you please point out what are the correct dependencies and imports needed for them?

Thank you again,

Best regards,

0 Kudos
Thank you Philipp.
0 Kudos
Hi Guilherme,

glad to hear it worked!

The following dependency is probably missing in your project:

Alternatively, you can use scp-cf to get all the Cloud Foundry specific dependencies at once.

Imports should ideally be handled automatically for you by your IDE. For reference, these are the correct imports:

Best regards,

0 Kudos
Hi Dennis! Thank you so much, it worked, again!


Though now it has been somewhat of a problem to get the attributes correctly set in CF.

I assigned them per role, using the Identity Provider (SAML) as source, and some attribute values that I got from here


But nothing is showing up when I try to get any of these attributes. I expected the IdP to fill them up automatically after logging in and trying to fetch them.

How can properly set them? Is the expected Value/SAML Value different?


Thanks again for your help,

0 Kudos
Hi Nic,

I am trying to add this security to my spring-securtiy.xml file. and then when I try to test it via postman by requesting token, it gives me the error of access denied. but if I remove authority code, everything works fine from the postman.

Can you help me here?


0 Kudos
Hi Guilherme,

stupid question: have you made sure that the role your adding all the attributes to is also assigned to the user your testing this with?

Best regards
0 Kudos
Hello Dennis,

For me also getting empty values like below after assigning "role" to the tested user.
email=CollectionUserAttribute(name=email, values=[])

Please suggest me what I missed?
Hi Guilherme, hi Dama,

I can now give you the following update: If you use the default IdP on Cloud Foundry, the approach described here will not work (my bad). The reason for this is that the default IdP on Cloud Foundry does not use SAML. In such cases the JWT only holds the "given_name", "family_name" and "email", which you can access via:

TL;DR: Mapping of SAML attributes does not work for the default IdP on Cloud Foundry.
0 Kudos

Hi Dennis! Thank you very much for your reply!

I can get email, given_name, family_name, ect with your approach


UserInfo userInfo = SecurityContext.getUserInfo();

But I am unable to get uid: PXXXX, groups with your approach.


0 Kudos
Hi Dama, unless you're bringing your own IdP that supports SAML, I am currently not aware of an approach to configure additional attributes. In general, you can use:

To get the JWT as string and then use a JWT tool to parse it into a readable format to see which attributes you have access to.
0 Kudos
Hi Dennis!

I understand,

That's unfortunate. I think that we are going to try SAP SSO instead . Provides a better experience and is more secure.

Thanks a lot for your assistance!

Best regards,

0 Kudos

Hi Philip,

I have deployed my application “extensibilityapp” in CF trial account and pushed Approuter also. But, while adding new Role, i couldn’t see my application id  in Application Identifier list at all. Please help me to resolve this issue.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hi Philipp, thanks for the blog.  I need some more info on the assignment of roles (to match the role template created by the app) and I've created a question on Stack Overflow.  I would appreciate it if you could help me out.   Thanks!

cc ekaterina.gavrilova henning.heitkoetter


Active Contributor
0 Kudos
I've managed to restrict access to my OData services by specifying a scope in the route in the xs-app.json file in the router.  My question is, why do I also need to specify the scope in the spring-security.xml?  If we follow the steps above then direct access to the back-end service isn't possible, because there is no JWT.
0 Kudos
Hi Philipp,

is it possible to define a destination to the approuter using BasicAuthentication?

Checking the connection returns  "401: Unauthorized"..

I want the approuter to forward the request with an valid jwt-token to my service.

Kind regards

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Oliver,

honestly, I have never tried this. The documentation tells that a route in the approuter can be protected with authenticationType: “basic” (  Did you do this?

Can you authenticate with the username and password at the approuter directly using basic authentication (e.g., from the browser)?

Best regards


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Mike,

thanks for the question. I've provided some explanation to this on SO already, so kindly have a look there too in particular regarding your general auth problem from Neo to CF.

Just for completeness, there are a couple of reasons:

1. Handling authorizations in the AppRouter is really only a first line of defense and I do not recommend it. Remember your backend microservices are exposed to the web. If you just ask for authentication in the microservice you could theoretically call endpoints/routes which would require authorization checks (stealing the JWT, signing the JWT with arbitrary content etc.). This is unlikely, but possible. Thus, the microservice should protect against this too.

2. Authorizations are, in most cases, tied to the semantics of the microservice/application. Often it may not be enough to just secure a route but check the authorizations programmatically in the code. This is not the case when you start with your application, but overtime it will change which leads me to the next point...

3. Overtime your microservice may change and so can your authorizations and their semantics. How will you make sure that you do not forget to update your approuter too? Yes you can mitigate this with good end-to-end tests, but I have seen multiple microservice architectures where authorizations are maintained in multiple places leading to chaos and leaked information because developers forgot to update authorizations in other places too.

4. Finally, changing authorizations in the AppRouter in production will lead to a forced logout of users. In particular, when you want to do continuous deployment I would rather keep the AppRouter as stable as possible and continuously deploy the microservices instead because they are stateless while the AppRouter is stateful holding the session information.

In the end: It depends on your use case, but above are some productive observation that may happen when your application evolves.

Hope this helps

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Dileep,

have you created an instance of the xsuaa and bound it to your applications and approuter as described in the blog. Deploying the artifacts only is not sufficient.

Best regards

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Thanks Philipp for sharing those insights.  I made an update on SO.
0 Kudos
Please note that in the mean time, you should no longer use XS security libs mentioned above. You can simply use the ones provided at These are also available via Maven Central.
0 Kudos

I am creating REST API's using java spring in cloud foundry. These API's should be called using other programs (example: Integration tools or other party applications). So using XSUAA i added approuter and deployed java application.


The problem we are facing is:

  1. After java app deployed and app router, XSUAA binding, i can able to see clientid and client secret.

  2. Using below URL and client id and client secret as basic auth username and password, access_token is generated  https://<tenantid>

  3. If i use this access token to do the java API calls, GET services are working fine. But POST servies are giving Unauthorized error.

I followed this tutorial correctly and verified all configurations. Only POST services are giving this issue.


Please help me, where could be the problem.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Mohanrajareddy,

without further log information, I suppose your backend is protected with the CSRF Prevention Filter that will result in a forbidden status. Please see this question how to deal with this in the SDK here and please create a new issue with more background information.


0 Kudos


I'm trying to evaluate security in Cloud SDK.

Is token exchange supported as part of Cloud SDK core?

We had a scenario to fetch the tokens based on the type of token using the cloud SDK rather than xs using the xs security library.

