In case you haven't changed your programs yet, you should now migrate them to the new, OData-based APIs, which have been introduced in the Summer of 2018 and which are documented here:
Configuration: OData Service in Leonardo IoT (
Configuration: OData Service in IoT Application Enablement). The same applies to the use of the Thing Modeler, Thing Properties and Packages apps. This is a necessity to benefit from new capabilities. Since January
all of the capabilities we provide including the web ide templates are working end-to-end for OData based thing models - so there should be no reason anymore to hold back the migration.
To aid you in migrating your existing thing meta-model, while retaining your collected sensor data, open a support ticket on component IOT-AE-TS. SAP helps you to move your metadata to the new persistence and ensures that your other data (e.g., things, mappings to devices, time series data) is still connected to the metadata after the migration. In the ticket, indicate which tenants you want to migrate and what the p
lanned switch-over point in time should be, so that you can coordinate your migration activities with this step.
After we have performed the migration on your behalf please make sure you route all users and developers to the the new apps and the new apis. For the apps the simplest approach is to remove the roles based on the iotas_Thing_Engineer or iotas_Thing_Engineer_Fiori_Launchpad from the role collection used by your users and add a role based on the iotas_Thing_Engineer_Odata.
One other post-migration step, if you use the web ide templates, is to re-generate the destinations in your neo account from the web ide as described here
Getting Started with Leonardo IoT to be able to use the web ide again to create applications on top of Leonardo IoT.
In case of questions please raise them in the comments section below and I and others will look to answer them here centrally.