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Simulation is an optional but a recommended step in Data Transition Validation (DTV) tool which can be leveraged to check if the extraction will be successful with the input parameters that has been provided in the “Define Test Specification” step. While working in this step, user might often need to navigate to several other different screens to change or adjust different parameters provided for data extraction.

With the latest release of DTV 1.4, the Simulation screen of the tool has been highly enhanced to improve the overall usability of the tool.

You can follow DTV Central Note for DTV 1.4 release information.

3117879 - Data Transition Validation DTV Tool - Central Note - SAP for Me

In this blog you will find the highlights of the newly enhanced Simulation step in DTV 1.4 release.

Simulation as a separate step in the managed project screen

In the older versions of DTV tool, “Simulation” was present in the “Define Test Specification” screen, and it was difficult to operate on it. Starting DTV 1.4, "Simulation" is introduced as a separate step in the managed project screen.

Easy Navigation to Test Specification

You can easily navigate to “Test Specification” screen by using the navigation button available in Simulation screen to change/check the parameters in the test specification of specific reports.

Easy operation with different buttons

You can easily perform all simulation related activities such as Simulate, Refresh, Reset, Summary, Job Queue by choosing different buttons available on the top of the Simulation screen.

  • Simulate - Triggers simulation and populates the results after its completion.

  • Refresh - Refreshes the data for the selected nodes across all the tabs and fetches recent results.

  • Reset - Triggers deletion of the previously simulated results. This data in all the tabs is reset for the selected nodes. This action is executed if simulation has already run.

  • Summary - Provides the execution summary of all the test specifications for all the systems.

Easy Selection of Target and source system

In the older versions of DTV there was a limitation, that simulation executed for both Source and Target systems even when the user would have wanted to execute simulation on any one system. This resulted in increased memory and time consumption during simulation execution. Starting DTV 1.4, simulation runs for the selected system only.

In the new Simulation screen, you can easily select the systems (Target/Source) on the top right side of the screen and run the simulation of the selected report in the respective system easily and intuitively by simply selecting the system and then clicking on Simulation button.

Simulation Results

You can check the simulation results in different tabs such as Summary, Result, Logs and XML Test Specification in the Simulation screen itself.

  • Summary tab displays the simulation status, selected number of records, execution times, and the memory size per system.

  • Result tab displays the details of the execution per work item.

  • Logs tab displays the execution logs. If the simulation is unsuccessful, the log provides error details.

  • XML test specification displays a snapshot of the input parameters for simulation execution.

Additional Blogs on DTV

Business Data Validation of Custom Reports using Data Transition Validation (DTV) tool | SAP Blogs

data transition validation the tool to validate business data after conversion | SAP Blogs