A good product design and descriptive documentation are very often key to the success of a software product. It needs to be intuitive, obvious, easy to use and clear, without superfluous information.
Wait, but who defines what is intuitive and easy to use? Well,
We genuinely rely on our customer’s feedback to build the (close to) perfect
user experience of SAP Task Center.
That’s why we would like to invite you to join the
Shape the User Experience of SAP Task Center customer engagement initiative (CEI) by registering
until Jun 15, 2023 at
Influence Opportunity Homepage - Customer Influence (sap.com).
During the CEI you’ll have the opportunity to get some early insights into our SAP Task Center design plans, contribute to the user experience, and validate the official SAP Task Center documentation.
We’ll be happy to meet you there and get your feedback!
You SAP Task Center design team