One of SAP Web IDE Full-Stack's nicest and most powerful features is the Storyboard perspective.
The Storyboard provides a visual representation of the application's UI including its pages (views), navigations, and the services and entities that it uses. And it can be used to build some parts of your app with no code
Let's take a simple use-case to see the Storyboard in action.
We will create an application based on the SAP Fiori Worklist template, where in its first view we'll present a list of SalesOrders, and from each row in the list we will navigate to a view presenting the SalesOrderItems.
Create a Sales Orders app based on the Fiori Worklist template
In SAP Web IDE Full-Stack:
- From the menu, select: File -> New -> Project from Template.
- Select the SAP Fiori Worklist Application template.
- Give the project a name, title, and namespace.
- Select the ES5 Gateway Demo System and the GWSAMPLE_BASIC service.
- Select App Type to be Standalone App.
- Select:
- Object Collection: SalesOrderSet
- Object Title: CustomerName
- Object Numeric Attribute: NetAmount
- Object Unit of Measure: CurrencyCode
- Click Finish.
Optional: You can run the app at this point to see what it looks like (when prompted to select the file to run, select the
Launch the Storyboard
Select your Sales Orders project and open the Storyboard perspective from the left sidebar.
You can immediately see the visual representation of your app. You can expand the Entity Sets and see the
Use the Storyboard
Add a New View
Let's start by adding a new view to our app. On the top left corner, click
New View.
Enter a name for the new view, e.g. SalesOrderItems, click
Next and then
You can see the new view was added in the Storyboard.
Build the New View
Reminder: We would like to present a list of SalesOrders where each row in the list will navigate to a view presenting the SalesOrderItems.
- Let's build our new view to present the SalesOrderItems. While in the Storyboard, hover over the new view and click on the Pencil button. This opens the view in the Layout Editor.
- On the left, search for a List, then drag-and-drop it into the canvas.
- Click on the list in the canvas in order to select the StandardListItem.
- On the right, in the Properties pane, click to select the Entity Set to which we will bind the StandardListItem.
- In the dialog that opens, select the third radio button and the /SalesOrderLineItemSet Entity Set.
- Click OK to close the dialog.
- Now let's bind the list's Title and Description to properties of the service:
- In the Properties Pane, click on the Binding button of the Title property.
- Delete the "List Item 1" string and double-click on the ProductID property.
Click OK.
- In the same manner, bind the Description property to 2 properties: Quantity and QuantityUnit. Click OK.
The current
Type of the StandardListItem is configured as
Navigation, but we don't want to navigate using this list, so change it to
Inactive in the Properties Pane (scroll down a bit).
Optional: Bind the page's title to a string from the file:
- Select the Page control.
This can be done via the canvas or via the Outline tab on the left (select the sap.m.Page control). Verify that the Page is indeed selected by seeing "Page" in the Properties Pane.
- Click on the Binding button of the Title property.
- In the dropdown on the left, select i18n.
- Click on the + button to add a new string to the file.
- Enter a String Key, Value and Type. Click OK.
- Delete the "Title" string from the Expression text area, and double-click on the new i18n string you just added. It is added to the Expression text area.
Click OK.
The new view should look like this:
Configure Navigation
Now that we finished modeling our new view, we need to "connect" it to the app, i.e. make it part of the flow.
We want to configure a navigation from the Worklist.view.xml to our new view.
For this we need to return to the Storyboard
On the upper-right corner, click on the
Storyboard tab.
You can see that the new view now has a new Entity Set:
Let's configure the navigation in just a few clicks:
Hover over the
Worklist.view.xml and click on the
Arrow button.
In the
Configure Navigation dialog:
- Select the ColumnListItem as the Control from which the navigation will happen.
- The Event is press
- Choose to Navigate To the new view.
- Check the Propagate context binding checkbox to propagate the SalesOrder entity.
Click on
Configure Navigation to close the dialog.
Notice how the Storyboard now presents the new navigation.
You can configure navigations also from the
Layout Editor:
Open the
Worklist.view.xml view in the Layout Editor.
Select the
Standard List Item control and click on the
Events tab in the property editor panel.
Search for the relevant event (In our case it is the
Press event), click on the icon next to it and select
Navigate To from the menu.
In the
Configure Navigation dialog:
- Select Propagate current context from the Data Binding options.
- Select the SalesOrderItems view from the View options.
Since the
Object.view.xml isn't used anymore, we can delete it.
Hover over it and click the
Delete button (and confirm when prompted).
The Storyboard adjusts itself and now the flow is clearer:
Optional: Configure Back Navigation
Choose to edit the new view again (remember the
Pencil button?).
Make sure the
Page control is selected.
Change the
Show Nav Button property to
In the Storyboard, configure navigation from the new view to the Worklist.view.xml:
- Control: Page
- Event: navButtonPress
- Navigate To: Worklist
Run the App
... and see the result!
In the storyboard, click the
Run button (if prompted to select the file to run, select the
index.html), and navigate through the app which we built in minutes, and with no code