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The SAP Job Scheduling service can be consumed both from CF and Kyma environments. You may have seen the blogs about CF - if not, you can find them in the Overview of Blogs.

What are the differences between using the Job Scheduling service for CF and for Kyma:

  • The way you provision the service instance
  • The way you bind the service instance to your application
  • Adding permissions to your user in the BTP cockpit to access the Job Scheduling service dashboard

In addition you will learn:

  • how to use a Dockerfile to build a Docker image for your node app
  • how to publish this image to a docker registry
  • how to define a Kubernetes yaml file with everything needed to deploy your solution - including resources like ServiceInstance, ServiceBinding, APIRule

Prerequisites 📋

  • You have enabled the Kyma environment
  • You have entitlements and quota for the Job Scheduling service
  • kubectl
  • docker (or podman - replace "docker" with "podman" in the commands below)
  • A registration on DockerHub (or some other docker repository)

Here is what the file structure will look like at the end:

├── Dockerfile
├── manifest.yaml
├── package.json
└── server.js 

Steps 🛠

1. Application 📦

We will start by preparing our application for deployment in Kyma.

We can reuse one of the applications provided in the tutorials for Cloud Foundry.

We define our dependencies in package.json:

  "main": "server.js",
  "dependencies": {
    "express": "^4.16.3"

Define our endpoint logic in server.js using the express library

const express = require('express');
const app = express();

app.get('/runjob', function(req, res){
   console.log('==> [APP JOB LOG] Job is running . . .');
   res.send('Finished job');

const port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
app.listen(port, function(){

2. Build and publish a docker image 🐳

In CF we've defined a manifest file and used cf push to deploy it to the platform. In Kubernetes we have one additional step. We need to prepare a docker image before applying our configurations to the cluster.

2.1 Create a Dockerfile 📄

# Use NodeJS base image
FROM node:20

# Create app directory
WORKDIR /usr/src/app

# Install app dependencies by copying package.json and package-lock.json
COPY package*.json ./

# Install dependencies
RUN npm install

# Setting env variables

# Copy app source
COPY . .

# Bind the port on which a container will listen for traffic

# Define the Docker image's behavior at runtime
CMD ["npm","run","start"]

2.2 Build a Docker image 🔨

docker build . -t jobapp:part1

2.3 Create repository on Dockerhub 🗂

These instructions are for Dockerhub, but you can use any other docker repository you want.

We need this repository to upload the image we've build in the previous step.

  1. Open Dockerhub
  2. After logging in, go to the "Repositories" tab
  3. press "Create Repository" and give it a name jobapp
  4. press "Create"


2.4 Upload the image to a Docker repository ⬆️

  1. Log in to Dockerhub
docker login -u <your-user>

Alternatively: podman login -u <your-user>

  1. Push the image to your docker registry
docker push <your-user>/jobapp:part1

Alternatively:  podman push jobapp:part1 <your-user>/jobapp:part1


3. Apply to Kyma cluster ☁️

In order to work with Kyma (which is in fact, a Kubernetes cluster with additional custom resource definitions) we need a Kubeconfig to authenticate and the kubectl CLI

3.1 Download and setup Kubeconfig 📥

Open the BTP Cockpit, under your subaccount go to "Overview" and find the section "Kyma Environment" and click on "KubeconfigURL". This will download the kubeconfig file to your local PC.


Then open your terminal (Mac, Linux)

export KUBECONFIG=<location of the downloaded file>

For windows use: Powershell: $env:KUBECONFIG = "…\kubeconfig.yaml", to verify: echo $env:KUBECONFIG 

CMD: set KUBECONFIG=…\kubeconfig.yaml, to verify: echo %KUBECONFIG%

3.2 Create a namespace 🏷

It's a good practice to use separate namespaces, which is why we will create one for this exercise.

kubectl create namespace jobapp-part1

3.3 Create manifest.yaml 📜

The manifest.yaml is like the mtad.yaml (MultiTarget Application), but for Kubernetes

This YAML file contains all of the configuration for the Kyma cluster to deploy our application, expose an endpoint, create a service instance and bindings and mount them to the deployment of our application.

Note that you need to fill:

image: <your-username>/jobapp:part1
host: jobapp-part1-<your-suffix>.<kyma-apps-domain>

You can find help as comments in the manifest.yaml.

# defining the service instance
kind: ServiceInstance
  # this will be the name of your service instance
  name: jobscheduler-instance
  labels: jobscheduler-instance
  annotations: {}
  namespace: jobapp-part1
  # the values supplied here are the ones from the Service Marketplace
  # serviceOfferingName is the "Technical name" of the Job Scheduling Service
  serviceOfferingName: jobscheduler
  servicePlanName: standard
# defining the Service Binding
kind: ServiceBinding
  # this will be the name of your service binding
  name: jobscheduler-binding
  labels: jobscheduler-binding
  annotations: {}
  namespace: jobapp-part1
  # specify the name of the service-instance
  serviceInstanceName: jobscheduler-instance
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  namespace: jobapp-part1
  name: jobapp
    run: jobapp
  type: ClusterIP
    - port: 80
      targetPort: 80
      protocol: TCP
      name: http
    app: jobapp
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  namespace: jobapp-part1
  name: jobapp
    app: jobapp
    version: nodejs
  replicas: 1
      app: jobapp
      version: nodejs
        app: jobapp
        version: nodejs
        - name: jobapp
          # replace <your-username> with your Dockerhub image namespace/user
          image: <your-username>/jobapp:part1
          imagePullPolicy: Always
            - containerPort: 80
            - name: SERVICE_BINDING_ROOT
              value: /bindings
          # this mounts a volume from the service-binding    
            - mountPath: /bindings/jobscheduler-instance
              name: jobscheduler-volume
              readOnly: true
          # creates volume for the binding secret
        - name: jobscheduler-volume
            defaultMode: 420
            secretName: jobscheduler-binding
kind: APIRule
  namespace: jobapp-part1
  name: jobapp
  labels: jobapp
  gateway: kyma-gateway.kyma-system.svc.cluster.local
    - accessStrategies:
        - handler: allow
          config: {}
        - GET
        - POST
        - PUT
        - DELETE
      path: /.*
  # host is the address that your app will be accessible over
  # you can get <kyma-apps-domain> from the APIServerURL in the cockpit by removing the https://api or
  # by executing: kubectl config view --minify --output 'jsonpath={.clusters[0].cluster.server}' | sed 's#^https://api.##'
  # <your-suffix> can whatever you want - as long the the DNS is unique
  host: jobapp-part1-<your-suffix>.<kyma-apps-domain>
    name: jobapp
    port: 80

3.4 Apply changes to the cluster 🚀

kubectl apply -f manifest.yaml


4. Validate the application

Now that your application is deployed it's time to test it

Open your endpoint in the browser (for example https://jobapp-part1-<your-suffix>.<kyma-apps-domain>/runjob)

You should have specified this URL in the manifest.yaml (host)


5. Testing the Job Scheduling Service 🕒

5.1 Permissions for Dashboard 🔑

To view the Dashboard your user has to have the SAP_Job_Scheduling_Service_Admin Role assigned from the BTP cockpit.

  1. In your subaccount, from the "Security" menu, choose "Role Collections".
  2. Press "Create".
  3. In the dialog add a name SAP Job Scheduling Service Admin and description Assign it to access Job Scheduling Service Dashboard and manage jobs, then press "Create".
  4. Press on the newly created role collection "SAP Job Scheduling Service Admin".
  5. Press "Edit" and add "Roles".
  6. Find SAP_Job_Scheduling_Service_Admin, mark it in the list and press "Add".
  7. Press "Save" on the role collection,
  8. From the "Security" menu, go to "Users".
  9. Find your user, press on it, then press "Assign Role Collection".
  10. From the list find "SAP Job Scheduling Service Admin", mark it, and then press "Assign Role Collection".


5.2 Link to the Dashboard 🔗

The Dashboard URL can be found from the BTP cockpit -> Instances and Subscriptions -> click on the "jobscheduler" Service Instance


5.3 Create job 📝

  1. From the Job Scheduler Dashboard, choose “Jobs” on the left hand menu.
  2. Then press the button “Create Job”.
  3. In the creation dialog, specify the required information:
    • Name - this is the technical name, for example: jobapp_get_runjob 
    • Action - this is the endpoint of your service that we want to call (from step 4) https://jobapp-part1-<your-suffix>.<kyma-apps-domain>/runjob 
    • HTTP Method - in our case GET is correct
  4. Press "Save" and the dialog will be closed
  5. Then press on the "Name" of the newly created job. The Overview page will open.
  6. From the left hand menu choose "Schedules" and press "Create Schedule" button
  7. For "value" enter now and press "Save" (this means that the scheduler will be executed only one time - now)
  8. Press on the "Description" of the newly created schedule. The Overview page will open.
  9. From the left hand menu choose "Run Logs" to see the executions for this schedule
  10. If you press on "Runlog ID" you can see more details about the specific run (execution)


🎉 That's it! 🎉

🥳 You have done it - you have successfully called your newly developed Kyma application using SAP Job Scheduling Service.

6. Cleanup

After you are ready you can delete all of your resources using

kubectl delete -f manifest.yaml

so that you are ready for our 🔝 next tutorial 🔝.




Q: Error on kubectl apply?


A: Have you created your namespace? If not use

kubectl create namespace jobapp-part1

Q: kubectl apply is successful, but the application is not working?

A: You can open the Kyma UI to validate that all resources are correctly provisioned.

OR You can use following and check for the READY field

kubectl -n jobapp-part1 get all,serviceinstance,servicebindings,APIRule


Q: Is my service instance created?

A: You can check using the 

kubectl -n jobapp-part1 describe or in the Kyma 



Q: How to remove my resources?

A: Use CLI

kubectl delete -f manifest.yaml

Or manually in the Kyma UI

Q: When I call the application endpoint I get: no healthy upstream

Option 1: Check your pods, especially your Docker image - have you added your username?

  1. kubectl -n jobapp-part1 get pods
  2. kubectl -n jobapp-part1 describe jobapp-<unique-id-from-previous-step>

Option 2: Do you have enough quota for the Job Scheduling Service? Execute:

kubectl -n jobapp-part1 describe

If you see something like the following, your quota is not enough and you need to increase it.

    Last Transition Time:  2024-09-13T10:07:26Z
    Message:               BrokerError:, Status: 400, Description: Subaccount quota limit for specified service plan has exceeded. Please contact service administrator.
    Observed Generation:   1
    Reason:                CreateInProgress
    Status:                False
    Type:                  Succeeded
    Last Transition Time:  2024-09-13T10:07:26Z
    Reason:                NotProvisioned