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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Update#2: SAP GUI for Windows 8.00 including a 64bit version will be shipped on 27th of January 2023.

See also my blog:

Update: The registration for the beta program was open and is now closed:

Hello Community,

until now, SAP GUI for Windows is only available as a 32bit version with the exception being the 64bit versions of the automation controls (Logon Control, Table Factory Control, BAPI Control and Function Control) that we introduced in SAP GUI for Windows 7.70.

The 32bit version works well on 64bit operating systems and runs in the so-called "emulation" (see also However, this has a couple of drawbacks when it comes to memory utilization and integration with other 64bit processes. The most important limitation in this area was overcome when we started supporting 64bit Microsoft Office versions in SAP Desktop Office Integration.

Regardless of this, we keep getting requests for full 64bit support in SAP GUI for Windows and thus decided to implement, deliver and support such a version. For us this comes with a very high effort, because SAP GUI is huge in terms of codebase, but also when it comes to integrating third party content (which also needs adjustments).

When we started the project about a year ago we were uncertain whether we would be successful, but now I am running a 64bit version on my device since months without major issues and I can watch the functional scope keeping to grow and grow.
At this point of time in the project lifetime we have reached a level of certainty that allows me to tell you that we are very likely going to have a 64bit version in SAP GUI for Windows 8.00 (scheduled delivery Q1/2023).

And this is how it looks:

64bit version of SAP GUI for Windows 8.00

Yes, it of course is our intention to make it look and behave like the 32bit version as far as possible.

Some pieces of information which are important for you to know:
- We will deliver both a 32bit and a 64bit version with general support
- The 32bit and 64bit version cannot be installed in parallel. We tried this, but we were facing severe issues. Additionally, who except the development and the support team wants to run two SAP GUI versions which both need to be patched on a client?
- The delivery media will contain both components and the various SAP GUI Add-Ons
- There will be individual patches for the 32bit and the 64bit version, but their shipment is aligned
- The 64bit version may not include some features. If so, we will publish a list of these features in advance. Presently we are confident the number of such missing features will be low. Our clear goal is to come as close as possible to the functional scope of the 32bit version
- We consciously decided not to support SAP systems with SAP_BASIS releases older than 7.00 with the 64bit version to allow us some future improvements that the 32bit version will never be able to offer. However, the 32bit version will of course continue to support older systems

This is also an important information for vendors which contribute to the SAP GUI world by providing Add-Ons or controls to SAP GUI: If you are developing or supporting such a piece of software, you should start thinking about a 64bit version (if you haven't already done so).

In our project still a lot remains to be done, but we have already achieved a lot and the present version is very promising. Therefore, we decided once more to offer a Beta Program for SAP GUI for Windows 8.00 with the main focus area being the 64bit version. We will run this program in July 2022 and likely call for participation in April or May 2022. Therefore, stay tuned!

Please notice that whatever I said above reflects the current state of our planning and that some details may be subject to change.

Kind regards,
Frank Krause
Product Owner SAP GUI for Windows
on behalf of the SAP GUI for Windows Team
Active Contributor
Hello frank.krause

thank you very much for sharing this information, that sounds very exciting.

Best regards
This is cool! The SAP GUI control framework is such a great concept. You should do more marketing for that.

Thanks and best regards,


Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Great thomas.mller13 😊
0 Kudos
sounds great 👍

where can i register for alpha/beta testing ... 😁
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Well, they did say april / may 2022 for the call for participation, so that's a good question 🙂
Any changes in GUI 8.00 64bit expected to better support Microsoft Word as SAPscript Editor or a new editor planned which is not dependent on 3rd party software? See details in my question asked at:

Only Microsoft Word as SAPscript Editor in S/4 | SAP Community
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Markus,

no, this won't change - at least not due to the creation of a 64bit version of SAP GUI for Windows.
And since the SAPscript integration is not directly a topic handled by the SAP GUI team, I do not want to answer your question (not that I could...).

But regarding the 3rd party software you refer to: At the moment it is not entirely certain whether the SAPScript Legacy Components (this is probably what you refer to) will make it into the 64bit world.

Best regards,
0 Kudos
Hello Frank

Will the 64-bit version provide scope to address some of the current restrictions in SAP GUI? For example, many applications behave as if the screen resolution is still the same as it was in the 1990's. One example is transaction PA20/ PA30. The Overview screen (3000) requires horizontal scrolling to see more than the first few fields.  This can have a significant impact on usability, especially when fields like the Lock indicator (padlock) are hidden from view.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hello Adam,

these are not SAP GUI restrictions, but restrictions of the server / the programming model overall.
SAP GUI cannot do anything about this and a 64bit version won't change this either.
You always need to keep in mind: SAP GUI displays what the server tells it to display.
Simply put: If we get a wide screen, we display it wide, if we get a narrow screen, we display it narrow.
The automatic wide rendering that was introduced in Belize (when SAP Fiori features are on) is also not a SAP GUI feature, but an SAP Kernel feature. The SAP Kernel / Application is doing all the layouting.

Best regards,
0 Kudos
Hello Frank

I'm sorry that I missed the plan to participate in the beta version, because the current version 7.70 will cause the program crashes, especially affecting daily use, so I want to try whether there will be such a situation in version 8.0. I wonder if I can have such a chance to try the beta version?

Best regards,
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hello Leon,

I am sorry, but the program is closed, because we have enough participants:
However, I doubt that an issue in 7.70 is "magically" fixed in 8.00.
If we would have detected and resolved a crash during the 8.00 development, we would have downported this fix to 7.70 as well.

The right approach in such a case is a customer incident.
And as per our experience, the crashes - especially in the recent past - were often not caused by SAP GUI, but by components integrating with SAP GUI, like PDF viewers or IMEs. Having said that: We should analyze the concrete issue you are facing.

Best regards,
0 Kudos
Hello Frank,

I have call a customer incident a month ago, but sap consultant still haven't found the problem that caused SAP GUI crash! That's why I want to try this version 8.0 64 bit software!

So please, Let me participate in this beta program. It is really very important!


Best regards,
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hello Leon,

the 8.00 Beta Program is not for checking whether issues have suddenly disappeared, but for testing new functionality and providing feedback regarding this.
For functional issues we need to use the support process. You can mail me the incident ID that you have created and I will have a look.

Best regards,
0 Kudos
Hello Frank,

OK, give me your mail address please!


Best regards,

please give the icons (more) colors again. The monochrome themes like Quartz are rejected by the user in my experience! We are no longer in the 80s....

Kind Regards


0 Kudos

Hello Frank,

 incident ID:

427406 / 2022 The sap GUI crashes frequently

Best regards,
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hello Leon,

this is exactly what I mentioned above already.
The crash is not caused by SAP GUI, but by the IME which hooks into SAP GUI.
We have seen similar issues recently. In my opinion this needs to be reported to the vendor being responsible for this IME.

You can use the Microsoft IME instead. With that IME other customers are not experiencing any crashes.

Best regards,
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hi Markus,

Thank you for the valuable feedback. Currently, the icons are an icon font format in SAP GUI, where only monochrome is possible without additional technical glyph layering complications.

Ideally, all icons in SAP GUI should be easily understood, without a lot of complicated detailed shapes, that might be only understood by separations of color.  From a visual accessibility point of view, we should not only have to depend on color to be able to understand the icons but we need to consider the metaphor shapes too. Many modern framework design systems use monochromatic icons but almost all have simplified the shapes. If the design and development teams can evaluate a requirement to introduce color, then these icons would need to be an SVG icon set, where having colored icons is much easier to handle with styling and must be possible for the technology to implement.

We are always happy for such feedback that contributes to future iterations and any possible improvements in the overall user experience.

Kind Regards

Hi gerard.keane ,

just my 2 cents here: it is (sadly) true, that "a lot of modern framework design systems use monochromatic icons". With the huge amount of buttons an SAP GUI user is confronted with, there really needs to be a differentiator other than shape to quickly find the icon one is looking for. Recognition of color happens on a subconcious, faster level than shape. So an experienced user can navigate much faster with the help of color (of course, color blindness is a thing but that's an exception not the rule).

So here is my vote as well to please add color back into the icons with the modern SAP GUI themes.

Kind regards

Active Contributor
Hi frank.krause ,

I have a small request for the new version of SAP GUI for Windows.

As I am still working a lot of customer that still have older releases and therefore also GUI-related applications, I use often the functionality to open a SAP GUI-windows inside of the ABAP Development Tools in Eclipse (ADT). My problem is that ADT is not able to show the title of the actual session in the tab title in Eclipse. It's only possible when a GUI-related object is directly opened in ADT, but there is no option to have this information as well when a general GUI-window is opened in ADT and the transaction code is entered in this window (for example).

So the tab titles just show the name of the ABAP-project in ADT and absolut no information about the opened transaction in the GUI-related tab.

I already discussed this topic as well with thomasfiedler and he told me that they are not able to get the title in ADT as SAP GUI does not provide this information in case of a title-change (as a kind of event that can be consumed by ADT).

As the new SAP GUI seems to be a major new release, I hope that my request is not too complex to be implemented. I would be really thankful if such an implementation would be possible 🙂


Thank you very much! 🙂


Kind regards
Active Contributor
Hi gerard.keane

I just want to mention that I also would prefer to have more colorful icons again in SAP GUI.

These icons are (one of the) the reasons why I used the Corbu theme for a long time. Recently I started to "force" myself to use the new Quartz theme. But to be honest, I still prefer the Corbu theme. Related to the icons, I find 3 times as fast the correct function via the icon and do not have to search long or read the tooltip.

Another point is that the entire structure of the Corbu theme somehow seems more "compact" and is therefore much clearer for me than the new themes.

Kind regards
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hello Jens,

thank you for your proposal, but it is already way too late for that, because SAP GUI for Windows 8.00 is already in the stages of final testing and SAP internal roll-out.
Thus, including something new is no longer possible.

However, I will have a look at your proposal and then we will see what we can do when.

Best regards,

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hi Frank,

okay, thank you for checking again this proposal. Maybe this can be shipped as well with an update for the new SAP GUI.

Is there already an rough estimate when the new version 8.0 will be published?

Kind regards
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hello Jens,

as mentioned above we would like to ship in Q1/2023. And it will not be March if everything is working as expected 🙂

Best regards,
0 Kudos
Many thanks for the information. It is good to check the new 64bit version when available.

Will it be possible to upgrade an old SAP GUI to 8.00 64bit, or you need to do a clean installation (i.e. because the old GUI is 32bit)?

Thank you!
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hello Ilian,

from installation (NWSAPSetup) perspective, the 64bit version of SAP GUI for Windows is a different "product". This is needed for several reasons (foremost one because the 32bit version still exists) and this also means that you cannot upgrade automatically. You first need to uninstall the 32bit version and the associated components and then you can install the 64bit version.

Best regards,
0 Kudos
Hi Frank,

Is there already an rough estimate when the new version 8.0 will be published?


Best regards,
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hello Leon,

of course there is a planned date for the delivery, but until we have passed the final checks and made the decision to deliver I am not going to reveal this date. Once this decision is final, I will update SAP Note 147519 and probably also some blogs.
What I can reveal is that the shipment is planned for Q1/2023, but not for March; so it is not going to be very long anymore.

Best regards,
0 Kudos
Dear Frank,

is there no longer an option in SAP GUI 8.00 to install the "Business Explorer" so that the BEx Analyzer AddIn is also installed locally?

Sorry I can't find this. In Software Downloads "BI 7.0 ADDON FOR SAP GUI 8.00" is display with "No data".

Thanks and best regards,

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hello Henning,

BI is not my component and I am not responsible for the BI Frontend release strategy.
Therefore, such questions should actually be answered by the BI colleagues.

Anyway: The 8.00 C1 installation media contains Business Explorer in a 32bit version (which can also be added to 64bit GUI with some limitations regarding the Office version).
The point is that no BI patch has been released, yet... it is only the "DVD".
Therefore, look at the SAP GUI ("Presentation") DVD and you will find Business Explorer.

Best regards,

SAP GUI 8.00 patch 0 ( the only released )  64 bit -

. very often crash in opening SAP match code

. BI ADDON ( BEX ANALYZER ) , installed in 32bit version does not work ... immediatly logon error and dump in ST22 RFC_ATTACH_GUI_FAILED, when connecting to a BW 7.4

i think Not good for the first release.

Anyone the same problem?

SAP GUI 7.7 work perfectly!

Hi Claudio,

I have the same issue.

GUI 8.0 64bit + BI ADDON = RFC_ATTACH_GUI_FAILED dump with message "Can't find the path to SAPGUI".

Has anyone tried with 32bit GUI?
0 Kudos

Hi Claudio,

Thank you for reporting.

We addressed the issue > "crash while opening SAP match code". Please apply the patch mentioned in note 3298930 and verify.



0 Kudos

thank you for your answer

I have checked the note 3298930  but there is not yet patch avalayble. I think SAP is still developing the patch. can you confirm?

And what about bex problem ?

thank you

0 Kudos
Dear Frank,

This mistake usually occurs in the process of running SAP GUI for Windows 8.00: 64bit version,please help me

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hello Hao,

what you are encountering is an exception in SAP GUI for Windows.
If you can reproduce the issue, please report a customer incident. This needs to be analyzed in detail and only if we can debug SAP GUI while the issue occurs we will be able to resolve this.
Should this issue happen when you select something in a table control via SHIFT + SPACE: We fixed that issue and will deliver a patch for this with patchlevel 1.

However, there is a second issue shown by your screenshot: The functionality to trigger a mail via Outlook should not be active for customers. This is something we are using SAP internally to get early feedback on such issues (to resolve anything critical even before it is shipped to customers).
During the development of the 64bit version, we had to rework the component being responsible for this functionality and we introduced an error. This will be fixed with patchlevel 1 of SAP GUI for Windows 8.00. An SAP Note (3311225) is currently being prepared and will soon be published.

Best regards,

0 Kudos

thank you for your reply.I am waitng patiently.

0 Kudos
Let alone the breaking of the green/yellow/red buttons to three totally different location sin the newer theme.