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Transport Request Centric View

SAP Cloud Transport Management now offers a transport request centric view. It displays the import status of the request in the import queues it is part of, shows all the logs which have been created for it so far, and, if applicable, displays content and meta data information attached to the request.

How to get there

The transport request centric view is reachable from the import queue lists of the transport nodes and from the central transport request list. You can open it by just clicking on the line of the transport request (but not on the icons for the content or the log files).

ctms cv 002 select.jpg

This opens the transport request centric view with three tabs which I will explain below.

ctms cv 003 tabs.jpg 

Tracking tab

The tracking tab shows the import status of the transport request in all transport nodes it has 'touched' so far. The import status is color coded:

  • Green means 'successful',
  • Red 'fatal' or 'error,
  • Dark gray 'initial' or 'repeatable',
  • Light gray is used for import queues in which the transport request is not yet in, etc.

You can access the meaning of the colors shown by clicking on the legend icon.

ctms cv 004 tab Tracking.jpg

By clicking on one of the nodes you jump to the corresponding import queue. Please note that you might have to adjust the selection criteria in the queue, to actually see the corresponding transport request. Additionally, you can use the transport request ID to find the request more easily.

ctms cv 005 import queue.jpg 

Action Logs tab

The Action Logs tab shows all logs concerning the transport request and their status, irrespective of where they have been created. 

ctms cv 006 tab action logs.jpg

By clicking on one of the list items, you jump to the corresponding log. 

ctms cv 007 log.jpg

Content tab

The content tab displays information about the content attached to the transport request. The information provided depends on the content type. In case of multitarget applications (MTA), the contained modules and their types are shown.

ctms cv 008 tab content MTA.jpg

Some content types like SAP BTP ABAP make use of the meta data information part. In this example, you can see the Software Component, the branch name and the Commit ID.

ctms cv 009 tab content ABAP meta data.jpg


The transport request centric view provides direct access to all relevant information for a transport request. It facilitates error analysis and housekeeping.

Go ahead and try it! I am looking very much forward to your feedback.