I'm happy to announce the new SAP Cloud Platform Estimator went live on 21st May 2019.
Now it is faster and easier to create new estimates through the redesign of the Estimator with new functions and features. In this blog I will show you how to create your personalized estimate.
Access Estimate
You can access the SAP Cloud Platform Estimator via the direct link
or via the SAP Cloud Platform
webpage - Estimator.
Create Estimate
If you open the Estimator the first time, you'll see following screen:
Customize Estimate
The first step is to "Customize Estimate". Here you can personalize the name of the estimate, add a detailed description, change the currency, add a discount. Please be aware that discounts are exemplary and based on the assumption, that your company has already agreed with SAP on an applicable discount rate and do not constitute a quote or an offer of finance by SAP. With the possibility to choose different periods you can calculate your costs on a monthly, quarterly, yearly or even on a three year period.
Add Section
With the new function of adding a section it's possible to reflect project, regional or other structures. For each of these sections a subtotal of the cost estimate is available.
Add Service
The "Add Services" button guides you directly into the service browser, where you can search and navigate all existing cloud credit based services and add them to the different section you already created. If you need a new section, it is possible to add a new section from here as well.
We also added pricing details to each service.
Adding Services from Catalog Page
It's also possible to add services from the "
Capability Overview" page. You will get an information box, that the service has been added to your current estimate. The number of services in your Estimator basket is now one up. The service is added to the section "Added from Catalog".
Estimator quick view
A new feature is the quick view of your estimate within cloudplatform.sap.com. If you mouse-over the Estimator basket in the menu, you will get more information around your estimate.
The share functionality is the same as in the previous version. But one thing is different. When opening the link, you'll get information about the estimate you are about to open.
Download PDF
The download was already possible, we changed the layout and added additional information into the document, like the personalized header, time stamp of generating the document. A navigation to the estimate or to the product details is now directly available.
Additional Information
If you're new to the world of the consumption-based commercial model or CPEA, I highly recommend that you first read these two blogs, previously published by me and