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Product and Topic Expert

First route
Sample project files

In this tutorial, we want to go the next step towards a productive application development.
Enterprise applications in SAP Cloud Platform typically have an application router as main entry point.
The App Router can serve a static web page (e.g. homepage), or just redirect to the web application itself.
Big advantage is: the app router can be used for Authentication.
And even better: the user login can be reused.

We will have a closer look at it.

In our series of Tutorials about SAP Cloud Platform Backend service, why are we covering App  Router?
Yes, why?
Because App Router plays a role in a scenario where Backend service is used as backend by a front-end application.

Ouw, that’s too much for now
True, let’s first learn the basics about Application Router

What is it, the App Router?
The App Router is really just an approuter
What does it mean?
An end-user opens the browser and type a fancy URL like
The App Router routes the URL to the concrete URL of an existing application, e.g. https://app/internal/ugly

So, an approuter is just a forwarder?
Sure. A forwarder
It is a delegator
It is like a redirector (you'll see it below)
Or we can say: it is a router
Even an app router?

How does it look like?
The app router is an existing node.js application
Since routing is a rather simple job, we can use the default implementation available for SAP Cloud Platform Cloud Foundry Environment

How can that be done?
Download the node.js package

Any other benefit?
The App Router can take over one very important task for us:
Authenticate the end-user, before doing the routing
App Router does the oauth flow
If we configure that

Great, can we start?
As usual?
Yep: to get started, we use a very simple example
I like simple. It is good learning experience
My words...


Learn how to use the Application Router in SAP Cloud Platform, Cloud Foundry Environment
That is: deploy the Application Router and define routes

More goals in part 2 and 3


No coding skills required

The existing Application Router is a node.js application, available for download.
As such, we need node.js installed on our local machine
You might want to have a look at this section, where I’ve already described the necessary steps to be prepared to run node
The App Router package is available for download from the SAP npm registry.
As such, it is necessary to configure the npm registry, as described there

Our App Router needs to be deployed to Cloud Foundry.
You can use the Command Line Client or deploy from the Cockpit, as described in this blog


We’re going to create a Cloud Foundry application which wraps the existing App Router package
You were telling that the App Router is an app?
That was little imprecise
The existing App Router is a node.js application, but not a Cloud Foundry application
As such, we need to create our own app, to be deployed to Cloud Foundry
Our own app contains the existing App Router, we don't write any code
Our own app is a node.js app which has a dependency to the existing App Router.
After deployment, our own app is used to start the existing App Router

Create project structure

Create a folder, e.g. c:\tmp_approuter
In the  tmp_approuter folder, create a file manifest.yml
Still in tmp_approuter folder, create a subfolder called e.g. appfolder
Step into the folder appfolder
In the folder appfolder, create a file package.json
Still in the folder appfolder, create a file xs-app.json

Install App Router package

Installation is done by declaring the dependency to the existing App Router package
Afterwards, the node package manager (npm) will install it

Open the file c:\tmp_approuter\appfolder\package.json
Paste the following (minimalistic) content
"name": "myapprouter",
"scripts": {
"start": "node node_modules/@sap/approuter/approuter.js"
"dependencies": {
"@sap/approuter": "^6.0.1"

You can see that the start script command points to a javascript file in the downloaded package of approuter
This means:
After a node.js app is deployed to Cloud Foundry, the "start" script is automatically executed. In this case, it will start the existing App Router

Now, to install the existing App Router, go to a command prompt, navigate to the directory C:\tmp_approuter\appfolder
Then run the following command:

npm install

Alternatively:  npm install –save

This will add the node_modules folder and inside is @Sisn and finally the approuter folder
The approuter folder is the existing App Router?

Finally, our project structure looks like this:


Learning 1: very simple route

Our goal for this learning: ---> Define a route to
That’s it. Very simple

This implies:
We create our Cloud Foundry application
Our application contains the downloaded approuter and a configuration
We deploy our approuter configuration app
After deployment, our config app will get a URL (the host-URL, see below)
We call this URL
And <woush> ---> we see

So the only thing we need to do: configure the existing App Router
Configuration is done mainly in xs-app.json
More precise:
Configuration is done with 2 files: manifest.yml and xs-app.json
Why 2 files?
Let’s see:


This is the application descriptor.
In this configuration file, we define the routes
A route basically consists of a source URL which is routed to the target URL
I easily get confused
I always got easily confused trying to understand existing approuter configurations

I think, in order to understand the route definition, we have to take over the role of the approuter
Means empathy?
We have to act like an approuter
We're in the middle
We receive incoming calls
So, the "source" is the source of an incoming call
We delegate the incoming call to the target
Still confusing
I think the still-confusing part is that the source URL is defined by us.
Because we can define multiple redirects, depending on the source
If user types http://nice then we redirect to http://app/internal/birdies
If user types http://beautiful then we redirect to http://app/internal/cats

Such kind of "rule" is what we define in the xs-app.json file

Now, open the empty file C:\tmp_approuter\appfolder\xs-app.json and paste the following content:
"authenticationMethod": "none",
"routes": [
"source": "^/(.*)$",
"destination": "env_destination_saphome"


"authenticationMethod": "none"
This setting declares that our App Router configuration doesn’t require authentication
No user login screen is presented when the URL of our app is opened
As per default, authentication is enabled. Let’s disable it, it makes the effect of approuting more amazing

Multiple routes can  be declared by one App Router configuration

One route defines one route
Stupid explanation
One route contains the definition of how a source URL should be forwarded to a target destination

Here we define the URL that can be typed by a user who opens the approuter application
We can also understand it like an endpoint which is exposed by our app
In our first example, it is very simple: it is just everything
The URL is described by a regular expression:
In our example it means:
Anything before a slash
Then the slash
Then anything before the end
So our user can call our approuter-app without any path segments. He will be always forwarded

"destination": "env_destination_saphome"
The second property of the route defines the target destination, to which the user will be forwarded
Now, we have to understand that the App Router is meant to be used in enterprise application development.
As such, it would be too easy to just type a URL as a target destination.
What's the problem with too easy?
No. An enterprise application has to be powerful and flexible
As such, the target URL has to be variable
In fact: the value of the property “destination” is the name of a variable
It is an environment variable
It must exist.
There must be an user-defined environment variable with exactly that name
Now, an environment variable can be created manually.
It can be done in the SAP Cloud Platform Cockpit, or via command line
It must just be there, when the app is called
However, for us, the most comfortable way: to define the environment variable in the manifest.yml file

So now it is time to create that manifest


Open the empty file C:\tmp_approuter/manifest.yml and paste the following content:
- name: myApprouterConfigurationApp
host: myapprouterconfapp
path: appfolder
memory: 128M
destinations: >
"name": "env_destination_saphome",
"url": ""

Don't forget that it is a yml file, every blank and indent must be correct


name: myApprouterConfigurationApp
We define a name for our app which we deploy
The name I’ve chosen is long and ugly, but it is meant to make clear that:
Our app is a wrapper for the existing approuter and our app contains configuration for it

Here we set the environment variable with name “destinations”
It can contain a list.
In our example, we provide only one destination entry
The destination entry must have 2 mandatory properties: name and url

"name": "env_destination_saphome"
The name is the name
To be more concrete: the name is the name which is written in the xs-app.json file
As usual, my names are ugly, but they try to make things more clear
So in this case, the value of the name property is "env_destination_saphome"
It shows that it is an environment variable for a destination and it points to the SAP homepage

"url": ""
The url property is FINALLY the real actual target URL
The App Router forwards the call to this URL
In our example, the final target destination URL is the SAP homepage. Just as example


At this point in time, we’ve maintained the approuter config file and we’ve provided env variable in the app manifest
Our app contains the App Router package (in the node_modules subdirectory) and a valid package.json file which defines the start command to start the App Router in the cloud
As such: we’re ready to deploy

As you know, you can deploy with command line or using the cockpit to upload a zip

Run our app

After deployment, open the cockpit and navigate to the app overview page

??? Why Application Routes?
Don't be confused.
In Cloud Foundry, an application can have multiple URLs, that's why they call them "Routes"
It has nothing to do with our App Router routes

Then click the app link
The result: we don’t see any approuter or xml  or whatever: we see directly the SAP homepage:

It is a nice coincidence, that the official SAP homepage celebrates our sweet success of having created our first App Router….. ?
Just kidding

Let’s do one last little exercise:
Open a new browser window and open the "Developer Tools" (usually pressing F12).
In the dev tools, if necessary, open the tab for “Network”, to monitor the network traffic.
Back to the browser window, paste the URL of our application into the browser window.
It is the same app URL like shown in the screenshot, in my case:

Then check the developer tools
(you might need to scroll up to the first request)

We can see that the first request has called the URL of our approuter-config-application.
Click on the request to see the details on the right side
We can see that the status is “301 Moved Permanently”, which means that a redirect has occurred
Check the “Response Headers” section
We can see that there’s a “Location” header and the value is “”
Is that good?
All that is expected.
That’s what we declared in our App Router configuration: the redirect from our app-URL to


The end-user types a URL in the browser: that’s the source
Allowed source URLs are defined by approuter configuration
The approuter redirects the end-user to a target URL
The target URL is defined by approuter configuration and specified in a destination

Next Steps: Learning 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 and 9


SAP Help Portal: Application Router documentation entry page
Don't miss this one:
Overview of tutorial series

Appendix: Sample Project Files

"name": "myapprouter",
"scripts": {
"start": "node node_modules/@sap/approuter/approuter.js"
"dependencies": {
"@sap/approuter": "^6.0.1"

- name: myApprouterConfigurationApp
host: myapprouterconfapp
path: appfolder
memory: 128M
destinations: >
"name": "env_destination_saphome",
"url": ""

"authenticationMethod": "none",
"routes": [
"source": "^/(.*)$",
"destination": "env_destination_saphome"

Awesome. Thank you for the nice and kind explanation.
Thanks a lot Carlos, very nicely explained and working 🙂
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hi sungyoul and happy new year! 😉 Thanks so much for your feedback!
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi jochen.steinmetz I’m glad that it is working and glad about your feedback!  ?

0 Kudos

Hi Carlos,

Is it also common to consume MicroServices (MS) with different xs-uaa services within SCP via Approuter (AR)?

For example (MS1 <-> AR <-> MS2).

Can you recommend a Nodejs example?

Many thanks!

Awesome. Thank you ))
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Thank you, cristianborcea !!  😉
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hello fouad.sebbane2 , thank you for the interesting question, as far as I understand it, it shouldn't be possible. Approuter is bound to one instance of xsuaa. It needs to know to which Auth Server to connect in order to do auth for the incoming request.
However, maybe you should ask the security experts (or post the question in the community, tagged with xsuaa), maybe they have a good idea for your scenario.
Kind Regards,
Thank you so much - was easy to read and understandable!
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Thanks so much to you, arovcanin , for nice comment! 😉
0 Kudos
Hi Carlos,


I am trying to maintain destinations in mta.yaml file. It was giving me below error.

Could you please help me to identify issue.

Error : "Unable to find property 'env' on class:"



Rajdeep Bhuva

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi rajdeepbhuva ,
The error seems to indicate that the env - property was not correctly declared.
In case you just copied from manifest.yaml, I think that's not possible, in mta the syntax is different.
I don't have an example for MTA at hand, but I'm sure you will find it somewhere in any sample app or blog post.
Kind Regards,
0 Kudos
Hi Carlos,

Thanks for your reply.

Yes, It seems syntax is different. I am still exploring it.



Hi Carlos,

Thanks for the superb blog series . Simple explanation with a gradual step by app/concept build up. Can't thank you enough for it


I encountered a small "problem" in this . When I change the VALUE of the variable "url" in the manifest.yml file(say "url": "") and do a cf- push again, the new  variable value I can see in the BTP cokckpit->User Provided Variables. But when I click on the 'Application routes' in the cockpit, it STILL takes me to the sap site ,not google's. Have tried restarting the app as well but same issue.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hi prasanna_mahapatra42 , thank you sooo much for the nice feedback...!!
I remember I had similar issues while playing with it, can't remember exactly. I think there might be even the browser cache involved, so cleaning up everything (really every-thing) should have helped ( I might have even ended cleaning up the dishes to get the desired effect...)
Carlos 😉
Hi Carlos,


Yes , it was a browser cache issue !Have dealt so many of them in web app dev in Java but somehow I missed it trying this before. Working alright after I cleared the cache.


Thanks so much for all your blogs. Keep rocking.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Good to know 😉 and thanks !!
Carlos,  thank you for this blog!  the blog helps me understand better how app router works, will try to read the rest of blogs in the series
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi tom.zhao , thank you for the comment, that really helps! Hope that you'll find the rest of the series useful as well;-)
0 Kudos
Hi Carlos,

Do you know if it is possible to add approuter in CAP Extension project ?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi georgi_damyanov93 ,
Yes, it should be possible. At the end of the day, a CAP project is a normal server app.
However, I don't know if there is any built-in support by CAP, to make your life easier when dealing with approuter.
That you would need to ask the CAP-folks.

Kind Regards,
0 Kudos
Hi Carlos,

The thing is that from what I've read the approuter should be wrapped in a project and it should have some configs in the manifest.yml file and in the extension project we don't  access to the manifest.yml file so how we should proceed in this case. The problem that we are trying to resolve is to consume external service with Oauth2 authentication in extension project. The problem that we are facing is that we cannot bind the external destination service to our application because we don't have access to the manifest.yml file from the original app. We are able to develop things only in the extension project


Bes regards,

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi georgi_damyanov93 ,
sorry, but I'm not aware of what kind of project you're working on, what does it mean, extension project without manifest?
If you want to deploy a CAP project to Cloud Foundry, then you will need a manifest file.
About approuter:
In most use cases it is used as a component together with ui5 app, handling the user authentication/authorization. In those cases, it is embedded in the ui app folder, as it is not used by other apps. In the config, the approuter points to a local folder to find the static web app files.
So this is about embedded approuter.
About manifest.
What configs do you mean that need to be in manifest?
Approuter is an application that needs to be deployed. As such it needs a manifest.
Or, a separate entry in an existing manifest.
Or, an entry in the MTA file (== manifest)
When deploying an app to Cloud Foundry, then the Cloud Foundry buildpack is specified - or guessed. Approuter is a node.js application. As such the node.js buildpack will search for a javascript file which is used to start the app. In case of approuter, the manifest file would point (can be an implicit default) to the package.json file, which contains the path to the js file used to start the approuter application.

Another hint about configs:
If it is about app env (=environment variables), then you can set them manually, in the Cloud Cockpit, or on command line (cf set-env command)

Does that help?
Kind Regards,


0 Kudos
Hi Carlos,

I am trying this tutorial first time for hands on with approuter configuration.
I followed till cf push that is till Deploy step, but faced below error
BuildpackCompileFailed - App staging failed in the buildpack compile phase

Below is the error from cockpit


The tmp-approuter folder has just manifest.yml and appfolder

npm -v = 8.2.0
node -v = v14.17.1

Would you be able to help here or more information is required?

Thanks and regards,
Syed Saqib
0 Kudos
The issue was solved I was using wrong node version inside engines in package.json.
0 Kudos
cf push app -b
Pushing app app to org ------ / space dev as ------------...
Packaging files to upload...
Uploading files...
6.09 MiB / 6.09 MiB 100.00% 3s

Waiting for API to complete processing files...

Staging app and tracing logs...
Cell 1ea14514-f0fe-461c-9aa9-a53bbe093b00 creating container for instance 1b5a4622-3e1f-4f1a-ba54-dde7b363f02e
Cell 1ea14514-f0fe-461c-9aa9-a53bbe093b00 successfully created container for instance 1b5a4622-3e1f-4f1a-ba54-dde7b363f02e
Downloading app package...
Downloaded app package (13M)
-----> Download go 1.15.5
-----> Running go build supply
/tmp/buildpackdownloads/ddcdba8d520546385414ac76bc084798 ~
-----> Nodejs Buildpack version 1.7.67
-----> Installing binaries
engines.node (package.json): unspecified
engines.npm (package.json): unspecified (use default)
**WARNING** Node version not specified in package.json or .nvmrc. See:
-----> Installing node 16.14.0
Download []
Using default npm version: 8.3.1
-----> Installing yarn 1.22.17
Download []
Installed yarn 1.22.17
-----> Creating runtime environment
**WARNING** No package.json found
PRO TIP: It is recommended to vendor the application's Node.js dependencies
-----> Building dependencies
Skipping (no package.json)
-----> Download go 1.15.5
-----> Running go build finalize
/tmp/buildpackdownloads/ddcdba8d520546385414ac76bc084798 ~
**WARNING** No package.json found
**WARNING** This app may not specify any way to start a node process
Contrast Security no credentials found. Will not write environment files.
Exit status 0
Uploading droplet, build artifacts cache...
Uploading droplet...
Uploading build artifacts cache...
Uploaded build artifacts cache (33.6M)
Uploaded droplet (44.5M)
Uploading complete

Waiting for app app to start...

Instances starting...
Instances starting...
Instances starting...
Instances starting...
Instances starting...
Instances starting...
Instances starting...
Instances starting...
Instances starting...
Instances starting...
Instances starting...
Instances starting...
Instances starting...
Instances starting...

name: app
requested state: started
isolation segment: trial
last uploaded: Wed 16 Feb 15:55:55 UTC 2022
stack: cflinuxfs3
isolation segment: trial
name version detect output buildpack name 1.7.67 nodejs nodejs

type: web
instances: 0/1
memory usage: 1024M
start command: npm start
state since cpu memory disk details
#0 crashed 2022-02-16T15:56:44Z 0.0% 0 of 0 0 of 0
Start unsuccessful



App is not getting deployed
Awesome. Thank you so much!!!!
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi wilson.wei8 ,
thanks so much for your feedback - glad that it helped you!!!
0 Kudos
Hi Carlos,

The blog was really helpful. I am encountering a small problem though. I have put host and name property properly in manifest yaml file.
When the appRouter Application Routes is see in CF Cockpit, it shows unusual application routes.
While for my fellow colleagues, it shows correct behavior.
Can you help me identify where I would have gone wrong or what configuration is missing?


Keshav Heda

- name: approuter-term-dev
host: ***-***-route-***-dev
path: approuter
TENANT_HOST_PATTERN: "^(.*)-***-route-***"
destinations: >
"name": "term-api-destination",
"url": "",
"forwardAuthToken": true


AppLocation routes name error

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hello keshabheda ,

having a look at the snippet and without fully understanding your scenario, I have a little comment:

The HOST_PATTERN should contain the pattern of your subscribers, no route:
TENANT_HOST_PATTERN: "^(.*)-***-route-***"

This env var is required by approuter.
Approuter needs it in order to find out the subdomain of subscriber.
This is required to call the correct authentication server for login of users of your subscriber.

Your main app is

Then your subscriber would be:

Then the approuter would login the end-user at:  

So I would expect your env to be similar like this:


Kind Regards,
