SAP provides free SAP Business Technology Platform
Trial accounts (i.e. SAP Cloud Platform Developer Edition accounts) for individual developers, to help them learn and explore the platform and the services in its marketplace. You can choose one of the three regions, Frankfurt (AWS), US East (AWS), and Singapore (Azure), to create your trial account. For Chinese customers or partners, although the closest region Shanghai (Alibaba Cloud) is not available in the SAP Business Technology Platform Trial, they are still recommended to apply for a trial account, if they need a personal account to get familiar with the platform before they lay their hands on a domestic landscape.
SAP为个人开发者提供了免费的SAP Business Technology Platform
试用账户(也即SAP Cloud Platform Developer Edition的账户),以帮助他们学习和浏览平台的资源和服务(但不适用于生产使用或团队开发)。您可以从三个区域——欧洲的法兰克福(AWS)、美东的弗吉尼亚州(AWS)和新加坡(Azure)——中选出一个来创建您的试用账户。对于在中国的客户或者合作伙伴来说,尽管在离他们最近的区域——上海(Alibaba Cloud)——不能开通试用账户,但是,如果他们想要在真正获得一个国内区域的账户之前先接触一下平台,那么他们还是值得去申请一个其他区域的试用账户的。
This tutorial,
Get a Free Trial Account on SAP Business Technology Platform, demonstrates that in order to set up your trial account, you need to first register on the
SAP website, and then log onto
SAP Business Technology Platform Trial page to verify your phone number. However, many of the users with a Chinese phone number (with country code +86) reported that they couldn’t receive the SMS message containing the verification code.
Get a Free Trial Account on SAP Cloud Platform》中,介绍了建立试用账户的步骤:首先,在
SAP Business Technology Platform的网站,验证您的手机号码。然而,许多用中国的手机号码(以+86开头)来进行验证的用户都反应说,他们无法收到验证码短信。
To solve this, you simply need to request the SMS over 5 times, and then you will be able to request a phone call to you, which will read out the verification code for you.

Once you reach the limit of 5 SMS codes, you will get a notification on the webpage, and the Request for SMS Code button will change into Request Phone Call 当您达到了五次申请短信验证码的上限,您将会在网页上收到一则通知,并且原先用来申请短信验证码的按钮也将会变成申请电话验证码的
If the phone call unfortunately still doesn’t work for you, you can contact an SAP colleague to open an internal ticket to the corresponding team. You should provide your account ID, email address and telephone number for the colleague and the colleague should open an ITdirect ticket with the Category ID “SRAS_IDS”.
如果通过电话获取语音验证码的方式对您来说仍然行不通,您还可以联系一位SAP的同事,来帮您开一张内部的工单给相关团队。您需要提供您的账户标识、电子邮件地址和电话号码,而那位SAP的同事需要开一张ITdirect工单,并且用“SRAS_IDS”作为Category ID。
If you cannot by any chance reach out to any SAP colleagues (CDI-users) to open a ticket for you, you may also drop an email to the
SAP ID Service team directly.
SAP ID Service团队取得联系。