The journey continues!
Note: The current version is
SAP Business Client 8.0 . SAP Business Client 8.10 is planned for Q1, 2025.
SAP Business Client 7.0 is no longer supported since April 12th, 2022
FEATURES in 7.0:
- The branding image is taken from the custom theme (FLP and SAP BC connections) unless the option "Use SAP GUI theme" is set or there is no branding image set in the custom theme.
- Users can choose their own custom themes. For the FLP connection, SAP Business Client adopts the theme specified in the Fiori launchpad configuration. For the SAP Business Client, end users can choose from a variety of custom themes provided for systems.
For better accessibility, we have introduced two more themes: High Contrast Black and High Contrast White – corresponding to the SAP Belize theme.
With SAP Business Client 7.0, you can now import your favorites (Business Client and FLP connection type) and your SAP Easy Access favorites (Business Client connection).
Administrator determines what side panel configuration shall be used (evaluate side panel configurations in the remote system where the main application is running in).
Default Connection: You can define your favorite connection as the default connection. This will then be highlighted with a favorite icon (star).
The administrator therefore has to change the behavior of SAP Business Client in the administrator configuration file, NwbcOptions.xml.
Administrator Settings:
<!-- If true, and a default connection is defined, the NWBC selects the default connection instead of the latest active connection at startup. -->
<!-- The UUID of the defined default connection. Can be found in the SAPUILandscape.xml-file as the serviceid of the required connection.
Typical value format: cee90b6f-3365-4bd3-9476-ae048d190615.-->
Web Dispatcher: Administrators can define web dispatchers for usage in FLP and SAP BC connections. If web dispatchers are available for a system, they will be proposed in the system properties dialog before application servers.
DOWNLOAD; don’t forget to install .NET 4.6.2