We've just launched in-app help on project level. It provides all relevant information to help you understand how to build processes using the right capabilities. You find this embedded help in each of the following editors:
- Process builder
- Forms editor
- Automations editor
- Data type editor
- Decisions editor
- Visibility scenario editor
What’s in it for You?
The embedded help for these editors provides the following benefits:
- In-app What’s New: You get a list of select features in the What’s New embedded help.
- Context-sensitive help: You only get information for elements that are currently visible on the screen.
- Short explanations:Concise help concerning an editor, a UI element, a dialog, or a view.
- No need to search externally for help:The information is directly shown when working on the screen – including a direct link of the current selection to the complete, official documentation.
How do you access the Embedded Help?
When you log on to SAP Build Process Automation for the first time and create your first business process, you get a message and can simply follow the link to the in-app
What’s New list:
Toast Message
The list opens on the right-hand side showing the tiles for the new features.
Features List
You see the short description right away. When you click any feature, you access a screen with a graphic and more details. Most tiles have a link that directly points to the relevant documentation on SAP Help Portal.
While building a process and opening new editors, you see only information that’s relevant for the options on the current screen. Let’s say, you choose to create a process. Then, in the process builder, the help relevant for this editor is displayed. On hover-over, the text tiles are connected to the areas in the editor.
Hotspot Link
Once you click the text tile, the basic information is displayed with the link to the SAP Help Portal documentation.
Bubble Text
So, no more searching for detailed descriptions, the
See also link takes you directly to the relevant documentation.
Help Portal Topic
Check out this new access to information. We'll appreciate your feedback!
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SAP Build Process Automation