If you were looking lately for the SAP Application Interface Framework road map, you will notice that the slides have been removed. Like for any other SAP product and solution, you can now access the SAP Application Interface Framework road map in the
SAP Road Map Explorer, a new tool providing you an interactive road map experience.
As described in this
blog, we ship SAP Application Interface Framework features via different delivery channels: as add-on, within SAP S/4HANA, and within SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
If you like to see all SAP Application Interface Framework related road map topics, search for the business capability
Interface Monitoring and Error Handling, direct link
here. By default the time range is set to Current to Last. If you like to see features that we have shipped in the past, you can adapt the time range.

If you are interested in a particular delivery channel, you can narrow down your search by filtering based on the respective product or cluster.

Finally, you can save your filters, accessible then below My Road Maps -> Saved Road Maps.

In case you have questions with respect to the SAP Application Interface Framework road map, feel free to reach out to me.