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This blog is part of the blogs series for the new Solution Readiness Dashboard (SRD) delivered as part of Focused Build SP12 delivery. In this blog, you will get an overview of the Requirement card and the corresponding details for analysing the card via analytical list page.


Please go through the following blogs:

Initial Set up and Pre-requisites

What is Solution Readiness Dashboard and Brief Overview on Cards

Requirements Overview Card

In this card, we can see the requirements that have been assigned to the selected project. The following categories of requirements are displayed in this card i.e., In Progress, To be Scoped and Realized. Hover on the bar to get the corresponding number of requirements in each category.

In Progress Requirements – Requirements which are in status In Realization and associated work packages are in status Scoping.

To be Scoped Requirements – Requirements which are in status Approved and associated work packages are in status created or to be scoped.

Realized Requirements – Requirements which are in status realized or completed.

Requirements Overview Card

The Status grouping for requirements remains fixed and cannot be changed via the customizing Define Status Group for SRD.

The status groups can be rearranged. The order in which they appear can be changed via the customizing Define Status Group for SRD with the process type S1BR.

Status Group Customization

Navigation to Requirement Details: By clicking on the card header
Requirements, you can navigate to the requirement details page.


Requirement Details Analytical List Page

This provides a better insight for analysing the requirements. It provides a visual representation by graphical representation of chart and table

Please refer to the Smart Chart and Smart Table documentation to understand in detail how these controls behave.

Here I list the common features you can see across each of the details pages:

Variant Management 

Different views or filter combinations can be saved using the Variant Management feature.

Select some dimensions and measures from chart, required columns from table, maintain sort and group settings, set some filters, and click on drop down next to Standard *. 

Variant Management

Here, the user can use the Save As button to save the above settings as a View. Manage is like what is described in Overview pages.

Adapt Filters

This provides an extra set of filters to limit/enhance the result set. These filters can be configured via the Adapt Filters button. In case of requirements, we have the below filters.

Filter Selection for Requirements


Share button on the top right corner helps the user to send an e-mail in which a link to the application can be shared to user’s e-mail id provided. Save as Tile option is available for the user to save the filter, chart, and table settings as a separate tile in fiori launchpad. In the below screen, the user can provide the title and subtitle of the tile in the fiori launchpad. He can also save it in any of the authorized groups available in fiori launchpad.

Save as Tile

Users can analyse in the chart area with various dimensions by using the View By feature.

Legend can be hidden or seen via the Toggle Legend Visibility section

The option Settings provides the view settings dialog to the user through which the user can choose the chart to be plotted based on different dimensions and measures. Users can as well sort the fields.

For visualization, a user can display his own chart types by clicking on Selected Chart Type and changing to one of the various options.


By default, a user can view both, chart and table together in a single page. But as per preference, it’s possible to view only the chart by clicking on Chart View and table by clicking on Table View.

In the Table section, users can click on multiple requirements and use the button Go to Mass Change to further make changes to any of the requirements like for example changing the priority of requirements to High. The users can perform these changes in Mass Change application and further analyse them in requirement details screen.

Like for the chart, it is possible to further view the settings and hide or unhide fields in the table and apply sorting on the fields.

Users can also get the list of requirements downloaded in an excel format for further analyses.

Apart from these general features, users can also use the details pages to analyse the requirement further. The filters are carried forward from the overview pages.

Requirement Details

Chart Configurations

Default Dimensions Status
Default Measures  Number of Requirements
Default Chart Type Stacked Bar Chart
Default Sort  Requirement ID (Descending Order)

Table Configurations

Default Columns Requirement ID, Work Package ID, Requirement Title, Status, Priority, Effort Points, Value Points, Classification, Business Process Expert, Requirement Owner, Requirement Team, Planned Project
Sort Requirement ID (Descending Order)
Group None


Key Takeaways

  • Detail pages have a filter bar, a chart, and a table view.

  • The content of chart and table is based on selections made in filter bar.

  • The default chart and table configurations can also be adjusted by user as per their need

  • More filtering options can be added by using the “Adapt Filter” feature.

  • Users can create and save views using the variant management feature of the dashboard.


Please feel free to provide feedback either directly here in the comment section or, in case of questions, you can submit them here. You are also encouraged to follow SAP Solution Manager tag here and Focused Build for SAP Solution Manager tag here.


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