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I recently worked on an engagement wherein we moved a DataServices environment from cloud provider A to cloud provider B in a 'lift and shift' fashion. The blog details the process to follow and questions to ask prior. The procedure can be used in a disaster recovery scenario as well.

Step1: Gathering information about the current environment

Server Details RAM/CPU/Drive Sizes/Number of Drives and Purpose
OS Version
DataServices Software details
IPS version 4.2 SP8
DataServices Version 4.2 SP3
Database Versions SQL Server 2012
<could be multiple>
IPS Details Administrator Password:
Cluster Key
Database CMS password
Database Auditing Password
Exact DSN names created
OS accounts under which the SIA/TOMCAT runs
License keys
Location of Input/Output filestores
Information about NODE names in the SIA
Is Information Steward used <No>
DATASERVICES DETAILS Exact DSN names created for repositories
Database Userids and Passwords for all repositories
Exact versions for types of sources and targets
Information about whether scheduling is used and what kind
Information about whether shared folders/ftp is used and the relevant Userids/passwords
Information about DataQuality transformations like address cleanse
License keys
OS Account under which DataServices runs
Backups Required Backup of entire DataServices Install Directory
Backup of all databases for IPS and Data Servicees
Backup of the DS_COMMON_DIR directory
backup of any custom location (shares) of directories

-- Consider running the BI Platform support tool to get information

--Cross verify with the PAM for support issues incase the cloud providers do not offer like to like OS versions

**It is assumed that IP addresses and Hostnames stay the same in the new environment


Step 2: Installation and Restoration of Databases

Once the systems are provisioned verify the OS versions; hostnames drive sizes etc.

Install the database server. In case your database version is SQL Server - you can download it from and use the SQL4SAP.bat file to install it. Use the following note for guidance 1684545

DataServices may use number of databases for repositories. To restore them - write a script. Sample script for SQL Server below
USE [master]
FROM DISK = N'E:\<path>\<dbname>_backup.bak';
RESTORE DATABASE [<dbname>] FROM DISK = N'E:\<path>\<dbname>_backup.bak' WITH FILE = 1, NOUNLOAD, REPLACE, STATS = 5,
MOVE '<dbname>'TO '<datafilepat>\<dbname>.mdf',
MOVE '<dbname>_log' TO '<logfilepath>\<dbname>..ldf';



Alternatively the GUI can be used if the number of databases to be restored is small.

With Sql server there is a mapping to be done between the security credential of the database restored and the SQL server login. You also have to create the sqlserver login manually. Create the CMS,Audit and other database users from the information gathered in step 1.

Map the logins to the respective security credentials using
use <dbname>
exec sp_change_users_login 'Update_one','<cmsuserid>', '<cmsuserid>'

The only rights required are DBOWNER and PUBLIC. If you see extra rights coming up after restore this may cause issues and can be dropped using the below example script or via the GUI
exec sp_droprolemember 'db_accessadmin', '<cmsuserid>'
exec sp_droprolemember 'db_backupoperator','<cmsuserid>'
exec sp_droprolemember 'db_datareader', '<cmsuserid>'
exec sp_droprolemember 'db_datawriter', '<cmsuserid>'
exec sp_droprolemember 'db_ddladmin', '<cmsuserid>'
exec sp_droprolemember 'db_denydatawriter', '<cmsuserid>'
exec sp_droprolemember 'db_denydatareader', '<cmsuserid>'
exec sp_droprolemember 'db_securityadmin', '<cmsuserid>'

Step 3: Create 64 bit DSN names exactly as identified in step 1

Step 4: Install IPS. During the install process

Give the node name exactly as obtained in Step 1

**Failure to do this will cause the original servers to not be associated with the new node and they will fail to start. This situation can be remedied but the process is manual.

You can get the nodename from

  1. The CCM

  2. The CMC

3. The bootstrap file located in <$installdirectory>\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.\win64_x64 - the name of the node is in the name of file which is of the format _boe_<nodename>.bootstrap


If the install finishes with errors check the log file from the final finish screen.

Login to the CCM - Central Configuration Manager

Login to the CMC and make sure all the servers are running. The input and output file repository servers are needed for Information Steward.

If you are unable to login through the CMC or the CCM and get an error that the CMS is unavailable or if you are able to login and only see the CMS as started and other servers in the stopped condition and you are unable to start the other servers then you will have to recreate the SIA node.

Follow the steps in

Tip: If you get FWB errors starting the SIA or adding a new node- check the db privileges in Step 2

Step 5: Install DataServices

During the installation choose to Install without configuration since you are restoring a system

Point the install to the DSconfig.txt file of the environment you are trying to restore

Run the install

Running the dataservices install brings up the EIM Adaptive processing server in the CMC

Navigate to the CMC-->DataServices. make sure all the repositories are listed as expected and are Active.

If not you may have to edit the repository properties with the correct parameters.

Step 6: Copy the following folders from the source system to the target system

Copy the <installfolder>\data services\dataquality\reference_data folder from source to target

Copy the <installfolder>\data services\ssl\server_data folder from source to target

Copy the <installfolder>\data services\conf folder from source to target

Copy the <installfolder>\data services\log folder from source to target

Copy the <DS_COMMON_DIR>\data services\log folder from source to target

tip: Pay special attention to all the directories configured in the SAP Data Services Server Manager

Review the note 1906622. There is a pdf in this note. Review the pdf and copy all the directories listed in Section 5 as applicable.

Step 7: Resync the repositories

Though everything is expected to work - you may need to resync the repositories via the SAP Data Services server Manager


Login via Data Services Designer. Verify your datastores and run some  jobs.

Step 8: Restore schedules

Regenerate the password file if you have used this option

Login to SAP DataServices management Console as Administrator.

Navigate to Administrator-->management-->CMS Connection

If you used the 'DataServices Scheduler' functionality for scheduling jobs where schedules are generated at the OS level - you will have to regenerate the schedules.

Make sure the service id running DataServices is a localadmin. Schedules can be regenerated by toggling the 'Active' Checkmark. Toggle off - save - toggle on - save.

These steps should take you through the restore successfully. Please post if you get any errors.

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