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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

    • July 8th, 2013: Fixed typo in step 2 (the description of step  for system alias maintenance) and explained importance of the field system id in this step.

    • July 9th, 2013: According to the hint from Roy I now recommend to activate the flag "for local app"

    • June 26th, 2014:

      • Added the information that the prerequisites are fullfilled automatically when using SAP NetWeaver 7.40.

      • Changed the name SAP NetWeaver Gateway to the new product name SAP Gateway

    • November 27th, 2015: Added hint in the prerequisite section to check profile parameters needed for the SAP Gateway Client

    • September 9th, 2017: Updated links to the most recent online help

    • December 5th, 2017: Changed recommendations with regards to the use of "local app" flag


In the past I have frequently been asked for a quick starter configuration guide for SAP Gateway since the configuration guide does explain all options which might confuse people.


In this document I therefore want to describe the basic configuration steps that have to be performed to activate SAP Gateway if

  1. embedded deployment has been chosen or if

  2. IW_BEP is deployed on the hub or if

  3. SAP NetWeaver 7.40 and higher is used

in these cases the core components for SAP NetWeaver Gateway (GW_CORE, IW_FND and IW_BEP) and any optional backend components are deployed together in the SAP Business Suite backend system or at least IW_BEP is deployed on the hub system which is also a good idea in case you want to set up a hub-based deployment.In case SAP NetWeaver 7.40 is used the software component SAP_GWFND is deployed as part of the SAP Basis which comprises the functionalities of the AddOn's (GW_CORE, IW_FND and IW_BEP).


So this quick starter configuration guide will also help you if you set up a Gateway hub system.


After you have performed these three steps you should be able to develop a service on the hub / embedded system and publish it. You will nevetheless have to perform additional configuration steps later on as described in the configuration guide.



Step 0: Checking some prerequisites


  • AddOns:If the system runs on 7.0, 7.01, 7.02 or 7.31 as a prerequisite you have to deploy at least the following three add-ons IW_BEP, GW_CORE and IW_FND using transaction SAINT. When using SAP NetWeaver 7.40 this step is not necessary since the software component SAP_GWFND is already deployed as part of SAP Basis.

  • Profile parameters:Check whether the following profile parameters are set in the instance profile because otherwise you will later have a problem to start the SAP Gateway Client as described in my blog SSO problem with the SAP Gateway Client /IWFND/GW_CLIENT .

      • login/accept_sso2_ticket = 1

      • login/create_sso2_ticket = 2


Step 1: Activate SAP Gateway


As described in the Online Help you start transaction SPRO and navigate to the Activate or Deactivate SAP NetWeaver Gateway node in the implementation guide (IMG).



Step 2: Create a SAP System Alias


You now have to create a system alias entry that points from the hub system to the backend system. Since you have chosen an embedded deployment you will create a system alias entry LOCAL using the RFC destination NONE.



In order to create one sample entry for a co-deployed system you can enter the following values:


Field Value Remark
SAP System Alias LOCAL
Description Local Gateway
Local GW X
For Local App X

Has to be set since the IW_BEP service implementation resides on the same system in case of co-deployment.

If you use 750 or higher you can use the option "co-deployed" only. ( for more details see my blog How to take advantage of the performance improvements ... )
OData on backend (empty)

Can be used for performance optimization in Hub Deployment where Hub and Backend are running both on 750 and higher

( for more details see my blog How to take advantage of the performance improvements ... )
RFC destination NONE
Software Version DEFAULT
System ID The SID of your backend system (here GWM)
Client The client you are in (here 800)
WS Provider System  (empty)


This is shown as an example in the following screen shot:


You must maintain the field System ID though it is not mandatory. This is because transaction SEGW when being run in the backend selects all system alias entries of the backend system from where it calls the hub using the SID of the backend as a filter. If no value is maintained the system alias will not show up in the list. If only one entry is found it is taken as a default and no dialogue will show up.

Step 3: Create a Gateway Alias


This step is needed to have at least one entry for the Gateway hub in the Service Builder (transaction SEGW) to register services that you are going to develop. 



Please note that this time you have to navigate to a different part in the implementation guide called Gateway Service Enablement that contains the Gateway hub specific customizing settings.


Here you enter the following values


Field Value
Destination System GW_HUB
Client The client you are working in (here 800)
System Alias GWM  (Enter a unique name for the host of SAP NetWeaver Gateway, for example the SID of your system)
RFC Destination NONE


This is shown as an example in the following screen shot.


Step 4: Activate node 'opu'


      1. In a freshly installed system you have to activate the 'opu' node using SICF.

      2. In the following dialogue you have to confirm that all sub nodes shall be activated as well

      3. Press refresh

      4. Expand the node 'opu' again and to check whether the changes have been performed





Step 5: Test Your Settings


You can now test your settings by developing a simple service using the Service Builder (transaction SEGW).



As you can see the name of the destination system of the SAP NetWeaver Gateway alias is shown in the Service Maintanance node in SEGW.


When choosing Maintain in the context menu the Activate and Maintain Service transaction is started on the hub system. Please note that the service has been registered for the system alias LOCAL that you have maintained in step 2.





Step 6: (For Development Systems Only !)



Since this quick starter configuration guide will probably mostly used for development or test systems I would like to recommend to raise the Error Log Level for the error log in IW_BEP and IW_FND.

Use the following transactions to change the settings for the Error Log Level from Secure to Full as shown in the following screen shots:


Backend Error Log --> transaction /n/iwbep/error_log . There from the menu choose Error Log --> Global Configuration





Gateway Server Error Log --> via transaction /n/iwfnd/error_log . There from the menu choose Error Log --> Global Configuration


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

cool Blog, André, I believe it will answer 1000 questions in advance;-)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Very useful and handy document .

0 Kudos

It is really a good documentataion , Thanks much for your help..

Though one quick quition, When i am doing the same in Step 3 I am not finding System ID & Clinet

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Venu,

in the IMG activity you actually maintain table /IWBEP/C_SYSTEM using transaction SM30.

Can you try to start transaction SM30 and maintain table /IWBEP/C_SYSTEM.

Best Regards,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

I have added the step to activate the node 'opu' that is not active in a fresh installed system.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Excellent article!

one comment , from my experience sometimes when running the odata queries you might get an error with some message on RFC related error.

then I recommend to change the system alias flag of For local APP to X.

This is based on the fact that when you call RFC with destination , the system is much more tolerent then you call the same RFC locally.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Roy,

thanks for the tip.

I changed the document accordingly.

Best Regards,


0 Kudos

Thanks Andre, Your document is great help.

Warm Regards


Former Member
0 Kudos


Very usefull documentation but I still ahve a problem.

I'm using a netweaver trial system to do some testing and in transaction SEGW there's no folder "Service maintenance" ... any idea's ?


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos


which language are you using for logon?

In German this folder is named "SERVICEVERWALTUNG".

Which SP Level of SAP NetWeaver Gateway 2.0 are you using?

Best Regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos


I logon in English, no idea about the SP for gateway 2.0, where can I check that ?

I'm using a trial abap netweaver system, downloaded as "NWABAPTRIAL70211_64_GW204".


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

That's probably an outdated version.

You could check in SAPGUI by selecting System --> Status and look for the SP level of the AddOn IW_BEP.

I would however recommend to go for a trial system in AWS based on 7.40 as described here:

SCN Trial Editions: SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP 7.4

Former Member
0 Kudos


checked and it's IW_BEP / 200 / 0004

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

That's definitely too old.

With SP4 we only delivered the first version of the SAP NetWeaver Gateway Service Builder.

The current SP Level is SP8.

The 7.40 images I mentioned above are on SAP NetWeaver 7.40 SP2 which is equivalent from a Gateway perspective with SP6 of SAP NetWeaver Gateway 2.0

(see 1942072 - SAP NetWeaver Gateway 2.0 Support Package Stack -

Best Regards


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Andre,

And do you know if I can download that SP6 or SP8, also for a netweaver abap trial 7.02 ?


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

No, this is not possiblie.

Former Member
0 Kudos


0 Kudos


     thanks a lot for details blog... this helped a lot.. :smile:

many appreciation...



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Very Helpful Document! Thanks for sharing.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Roy, Could you tell me what type of RFC error you mean? Because I sometimes get this error /IWFND/CM_BEC026 - The RFC call from the Gateaway hub to the backend system failed. The RFC error message has been "A::000".

btw. I used GW as add-on as described by the tutorial.

Thanks Jan

0 Kudos

Thank you, clear and good instructions.

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Thanks Andre for wonderful sharing......

0 Kudos

Thanks a lot for the doc .....IT is very useful ...But I have two question here.

How to achieve a NETWEVER GATE WAY SERVER installation ?

1. Can this be achieved by applying the addons on the top a fresh net weaver system ( for stand alone SAP NET WEAVER GATEWAY SERVER ) , and then make  RFC connection to ECC/CRM/SRM etc...

2. Or we need to apply different GATEWAY add ons to each systems (ECC/CRM/BW) .

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi Andre,

We worked with  many Embedded deployments, I am facing one issue here in SPRO can you please look into it..

I am unable to see the System ID and Client in the below screen shot as when am doing Step 2. I did not noticed this issue before, can you please help on this.

Our system Configuration:

1) Embedded

2) Installed all three Core components

Software Component   Release   Level

SAP_BASIS                 731           0002

GW_CORE,                 190           0000

IW_FND                       240           0000

IW_BEP                       200           0008

do I need to do any patch update, please let us know.


Vijay V

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Vijay,

the Basis release and the AddOn Releases that you have mentioned do not match.

The AddOns

GW_CORE,                 190         

IW_FND                       240         

would have to have SP level 004 instead of 000 to match to the backend add on.

IW_BEP                       200           0008

GW_CORE,                 190          

IW_FND                       240          

are only released on Basis Release 7.0 rather than 7.31.

Other than that we do not support any hub functionality for an embedded system running on top of Basis 7.0.

Best regards,


Active Participant
0 Kudos

Thanks Andre for quick turnaround, Can we have SP level 0008, as the back end add on is

IW_BEP                       200           0008


Vijay V

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

SP08 for the hub components would be fine, yes

Former Member
0 Kudos

Nice Blog ..!  Thanks for sharing Andre..!

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Perfect, That's all I was looking for. :wink:



0 Kudos

Hi Andre,

Great article, it helps a lot in dealing with configuration issues!

However I have a small problem and I hope you can help me. The scenario is that I have 2 different clients in the system where my back-end is, 100 and 120 (100 is only for development and configuration). Then I have another system for the Gateway and here I'm using the system alias and the service both created in the development system client 100. The alias points to 100 by default. You can see the problem here, my data is in 120...

So my question is how can I make the system alias to point to client 120 instead of 100 while I call the service from the Gateway system?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Janev,

yes, you can do this.

For this you would have to configure your service to have to system aliases in the SAP Gateway Hub pointing to the two backend systems client 100 and 120 (using systemalias1 pointing to client 100 and systemalias2 pointing to client 120) that means you configure the service to support multiple origin composition as described here:

Multiple Origin Composition - SAP Gateway Foundation (SAP_GWFND) - SAP Library

You can now call the service using


to call the service using client 100 as a backend and


to call the service using client 120 as a backend

Best Regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos


Thank you for the very good article.

I am trying to test a a smple Gateway service (develop a Gateway service using code based implementation on SCN by Andre Fischer)

When I test the gateway client, I get error

I searched SCN for NIEHOST_UNKNOWN but did not find anything helpful.

I set the backend and gateway logs to full, but they show nothing.

Any idea what could be problem?

Thank you,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Scott,

I suggest to check with transaction SMICM.

Do you have access to OS level ? Can the hostname ubuntu.dummy.nodom be resolved?

The SAP Gateway Client is a REST client which performs http calls to the endpoint of your service that is published via ICM.

Best Regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Andre,

Yes, I have access to OS level.

/etc/hosts contains

the Windows etc/hosts file contains

I am able to execute FIORI and webdynpro applications.

In SMICM, I set trace level up and I get

I think it is a Gateway config issue, but I did not see anything helpful in the setup blogs I have seen.

Kind Regards,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Scott,

have you checked this post ?

The URL you are testing is not the URL of a self developed service.

So you should check in transcation /n/iwfnd/maint_service whether the service you want to test has actually been published?

Does any other access via http work ? (for example web gui or web dynpro UI's)

From  transcation /n/iwfnd/maint_service you can also test to access the service via a browser. Does this work?

Best Regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Andre,

I checked the post but I don't know where to set hostname and proxy in SMICM

I tested again with the URL of developed service - same error.

In /n/iwfnd/maint_service this shows -

I am able to execute a BSP and a Webdynpro - their URLS are






When I exec using a browser I get

Thank You and Kind Regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Andre,

Thanks for your article, I found it very useful, but I'm stuck in the process of creating a service.

I'm trying to deploy some apps in SAPUI5, but our system is not up-to-date enough to process odata services, so I've created a Netweaver 7.5 Gateway to do so.

At SAP NW GW, I've set up the system alias and service alias pointing to a NONE RFC, but when I try to add a ABAP structure, I get the following error:

Could you give me some advice about this error?

Thanks and regads, Tomas.

0 Kudos

It says the structure ZTB_SD_01 does not exist in SE11.

Please create the structure and use.For further query, open a thread.


0 Kudos
Hi Team,

Configured the Same way, but getting error "No System Alias found for Service 'EPM_LANES_DEMO_SRV_0001'" .

I have a development box, where

Config Client = 100.

Development Client = 200.

Testing Client = 240.

I have added System Alias as "LOCAL" and Back end System as "GW_HUB". Still getting this error.

Can anyone please help how to configure gateway system in the box?

Any help is appreciated.


Thank You,

Anil Chauhan
0 Kudos
Hello Andra,

Thank you for a wonderful blog. I have few questions. It would be great if you can answer and clear my confusions.

  1. In central hub scenario. I will register the service using /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE in my gateway system (front end). What is the reason behind having Gateway alias in backend system (mentioned in Step 3) when we can maintain the service from Front end.

  2. If it is mandatory. How will the RFC destination vary from system to system. Is this entry to be maintained in every system (Development, Quality and Production) post transport movement.

Please reply to this as I was having this confusion for quite a long time.



Former Member
0 Kudos
Thank you Andre! This guide helped me to finally be able to maintain and execute my service!

Thanks again,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
I changed the recommendation since real performance improvements can only be gained when using 750 or higher as described in my blog
0 Kudos
Thanks, good job!
0 Kudos

I am trying to run transaction SMGW, but it gives error "Connection cannot be established to local gateway (xxxxx)" .  Searching for a solution to this I believe my gateway is established correctly accordng to your notes above. - can you offer any suggestion on how I can rectify this error?  Are there any things need to check?


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Marcus or Jeff ?

No, this article won't help you since it is about the SAP Gateway framework which is used to publish OData services for SAP Fiori and S/4HANA.

Transaction SMGW is used to manage the RFC Gateways of an ABAP server. So a totally different technology for communication.




0 Kudos

I'm not able to perform 'register' operation in SEGW for the test service that I have built. However, I'm able to see GW_HUB in service maintenance.

I would also like to mention that, the service was built before enabling above mentioned NW gateway configuration.

I also have a question. for the architectures, where, we want to follow embedded gateway model for NW740 implementations, how is it going to make a difference by enabling NW gateway. coz' developers are still able to create services and use them with out NW gateway.
0 Kudos
Could you please let us know the steps to connect to external systems (Power BI) via SAP Netweaver gateway using ODATA services.



0 Kudos
Component version in ECC.


SAP_BASIS 731 0022 SAPKB73122 SAP Basis Component
SAP_ABA 731 0022 SAPKA73122 Cross-Application Component
PI_BASIS 731 0022 SAPK-73122INPIBASIS Basis Plug-In
ST-PI 2008_1_710 0009 SAPKITLRE9 SAP Solution Tools Plug-In
SAP_BW 731 0022 SAPKW73122 SAP Business Warehouse

IW_FND 250 0006 SAP IW FND 250
IW_GIL 100 0002 Generic Interaction Layer
IW_HDB 100 0002 SAP IW HDB 100
IW_PGW 100 0002 Process Gateway
IW_SCS 200 0006 Screen Scraping
IW_SPI 100 0002 Service Provider Infrastructure
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Since this Question is not related to the content of my blog I would like to ask you to post your question in the Q&A section of SCN and tag it with SAP Gateway.