I want to highlight some important new features of “Documents” that will help you better organize your documentation in SAP Cloud ALM.
Create Process Hierarchy
You might already know about and use the functionality to create your own process hierarchy. You can access this feature from the “Processes” application or by adding the tile to your launchpad.
The process hierarchy is available cross-project, so you need to align a common structure with other SAP Cloud ALM projects. It is the first step towards a customer “process landscape” as you might know it from SAP Solution Manager.
The hierarchy can be self-defined in the application or imported via an MS Excel worksheet. Now, processes can be assigned to one or multiple hierarchy nodes.

Assign Documents to Process Hierarchy
Like solution processes, you can now also assign documents to the hierarchy. This allows you to assign a document to hierarchy nodes that are process independent.
For Example, you could assign a document to a process to show documentation completeness and access it from the process application. But in addition, you assign the same document to a specific hierarchy node that structures all “Interface Specifications” by application.

Soon, we will deliver more cross project analytics to see all elements within the process hierarchy.
Document Types
Next to managing the location of documents, we have introduced the feature to categorize documents by the purpose using “Document Type”. We have started with a pre-defined list of document types, but in future, we plan to make this more customizable.
All documents come with the default document type “Not Assigned”. If you select the document type during the creation of a document, you still have the option to change the type later on.

Document Types and Solution Process assignment can be used to search, filter and group documents in the list view of the “Documents” application.

Outlook: Excel import
As a next feature we will soon introduce the Excel import of documents. So, stay tuned and please provide feedback at any time.