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SAP Focused Run offers the possibility to take actions for alerts generated, proposing a list of actions for troubleshooting.

Before FRUN 4.00 version the application was called Guided Procedures / Guided Procedures Catalog for System Management and Alert Management:

Former Guided Procedure appFormer Guided Procedure app


Former Guided Procedure appFormer Guided Procedure app

From FRUN 4.0 Guided Procedure has been renamed to Operations Automation:

New Operations Automation appNew Operations Automation app

Both applications System Management and Alert Management redirect to Guided Procedures workcenter with different views :

Guided Procedure Application Area selectionGuided Procedure Application Area selection

Guided Procedure Application Area selection for AlertsGuided Procedure Application Area selection for Alerts

You can setup these Guided Procedures to work on troubleshooting Systems and Alerts, allowing you to run automatic / manual activities to check system status and then propose activities to fix corresponding issue.

As an example, you can run checks System Monitoring alerts for Instance availability and then propose actions to review logs and fix the issue:

Guided Procedure execution and logsGuided Procedure execution and logs

ARP ABAP Instance Not Available guided procedure offers a wizard with 4 different sections, where initially you get problem context collection running manual activities to see if there is an availability issue for this system. All activities are Automatic for this step.

Then execute ABAP Instance status which require manual workarounds indicating procedures for troubleshooting:

Guided Procedure execution and logsGuided Procedure execution and logs

Manual activities require to setup the activity status after completing each procedure:

Guided Procedure execution and logsGuided Procedure execution and logs

The guided procedure contains Instance Logon test (manual activities required) and Verification and alert closure (automatic activity)

Guided Procedure execution and logsGuided Procedure execution and logs

This feature will offer you the capability to setup automatic checks and procedures to troubleshoot and fix monitoring issues.

You can create / edit Guided Procedures that fit your requirements, having the possibility to add more steps and checks:

Create / copy guided procedureCreate / copy guided procedure

From existing alerts, the application offers available Guided Procedures for troubleshooting alerts:

Execute Guided procedure from alertsExecute Guided procedure from alerts

Execute Guided procedure from alertsExecute Guided procedure from alerts

You can create new Guided Procedure or Copy existing one.

Review existing SAP Content provided for Operation Flows for System Management and Operation Flows for Alert Management

You can setup as well background executions for Guided Procedures using Guided Procedure Planning Management application.        

The Guided Procedure Background Execution supports the background execution of guided procedures for a large number of systems. Relevant batch jobs can be scheduled for immediately execution or on a recurring basis. Predefined recipients receive a result report.

Please note: Of guided procedures, only the automatic activities can be executed in the background.

Schedule Guided procedure executionSchedule Guided procedure execution

To create Guided Procedure Planning click on + icon then you will reach a wizard with 4 different steps:

  • Guided Procedure: select the guided procedure you want to be executed in background
    Schedule Guided procedure executionSchedule Guided procedure execution
  • Scope: add details to indicate which systems will be checked by the Guided Procedure
    Schedule Guided procedure executionSchedule Guided procedure execution
  • Processing Parameters: You can setup here when do you want the job to be scheduled and choose if you want to execute all automatic activities or stop once a step fails
    Schedule Guided procedure executionSchedule Guided procedure execution
  • Notification (Optional): You can configure notifications to be send to certain recipient and select if recipient should receive one mail per job in single attachment, one mail per system or one mail per job execution in single attachment. Additionally you can customize the mail content to receive all activities executed or only warning / error status
    Schedule Guided procedure executionSchedule Guided procedure execution

Prerequisites for correct application functionality:

From FRUN Masterguide

Specify Background User for Automated Guided Procedure Processing

 If you plan to schedule automated guided procedures in the background, either in the context of ASM (via Guided Procedure Planning Management), or AEM (alert reaction procedures), then specify the user name. The expected user is FRN_BTC_GPA, or any other user with the required permissions.


Make sure that user FRN_BTC_GPA or another user has been created with the roles assigned as described in the security guide.

A valid e-mail address must be assigned to this user.

This is required to automatically send out e-mails with guided procedure reports.


  1. Log in to your SAP Focused Run ABAP system on the production client.
  2. Start transaction SA38.
  3. Execute the report PR_CONF_GP_ARP_BTC.
  4. Keep the default proposed user FRN_BTC_GPA or overwrite FRN_BTC_GPA with the different user name if required.
  5. Choose Execute.

Odata services:

Guided Procedures Framework


·         GPA_ODATA_SRV

Guided Procedure Content




SICF Services: Review FRUN Masterguide - SICF Services for SAP Focused Run Application Foundation section and search for Guided Procedures Framework and Guided Procedure Content Application Area.

Review composite and correction SAP Notes for Operations Automation:

3457820              Composite Note for Operations Automation in SAP Focused Run 4.0 FP03

3393355              Composite Note for Operations Automation in SAP Focused Run 4.0 FP02

3318051              Composite Note for Operations Automation in SAP Focused Run 4.0 FP01

3269912              Composite Note for Operations Automation in Focused Run 4.0 SP00

3462314              Corrections for Guided Procedure Content in Focused Run, Release 4.0 FP03

3429926              Corrections for Operations Automation Content in Focused Run, Release 4.0 FP2

3363614              Corrections for Guided Procedure Content in Focused Run, Release 4.0 FP1

3273317              Corrections for Guided Procedure Content in Focused Run, Release 4.0 SP0

Search relevant SAP Notes for Guided Procedures component, filtering in SAP for Me by SV-FRN-APP-GP*

Check SAP Community thread Check relevant SAP Notes for FRUN system