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Error 4244



Message text

WARNING: The transaction log for database '%.*s' (dbid %d) can no longer be dumped due to user '%.*s' (suid %d) executing %s.


This warning is raised when a user executes a command that is minimally logged (such as select into) or otherwise does something that interrupts the sequence of transactions in the log (such as dump transaction with truncate_only).  After this happens, attempts to dump the transaction log will fail until a full database dump is taken.


If you wish to continue taking transaction log dumps you will need to take a full database dump first.

Database options can be set to prevent the use of commands that break the transaction log dump sequence.  See the Reference Manual entry on sp_dboption for details on the "select into", "full logging" and "enforce dump tran sequence" options.  Turning "select into" off prevents the use of most minimally logged commands but does not prevent the use of dump transaction with truncate_only.

If you don't care about taking transaction log dumps, consider setting the "truncate log on ckpt" option for this database.

Versions in which this error is raised

This warning was introduced in ASE 15.5 ESD #4 and 15.7 ESD #1 to help identify who and what was causing transaction log sequences to be interrupted.  Until 15.7 ESD #2, this warning was also unnecessarily raised for databases that had the "truncate log on ckpt" option turned on.


One of my current projects is updating and expanding the ASE Troubleshooting and Error Messages Guide (TSG).  As I update existing error writeups and create new ones, I'll be posting the new content to this blog rather than making you wait for the next edition of the TSG.  If there is an error message that you are particularly interested in seeing a writeup on, please feel free to send me a direct message giving the error number or text and any comments you may have on the message and I'll plan to work on it sooner rather than later.  If your need for an explanation is urgent, please follow the usual process for opening a Technical Support case (SAP message) for assistance with your situation.
