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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert


  • 23.01.2018 - Show how to enter a TCODE

  • 29.05.2018 - Added the section "What you can't do with the SAP Gateway Demo System"

  • 26.09.2018 - Added links to the $metadata documents of the SAP Fiori Reference Apps

  • 10.05.2019 - Added link to reset your password

  • 29.09.2019 - Added link to the trial offering of SAP Cloud Platform, ABAP environment

  • 10.02.2021 - Added information about two read-only services that do not require any authentication

  • 08.09.2023 - Access via WebGui has been disabled

What you can't do with the SAP Gateway Demo System

  • You can't access the system via Web Gui, since access via WebGui has been disabled

  • You can't develop your own repository objects such as tables, CDS views or classes to ensure stabiltity of the system. If you want to develop your own OData Services you have to get a trial version. Here we have two options:

  • Access is limited to either

    • Fiori Launchpad

    • OData and

    • RFC

  • You will not find any real Business data in this System since ES5 is just a pure SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 7.51 System without having a SAP S/4HANA system running on top of it.

How to do I get a user?

As with the predecessor system you have to sing up for an account in ES5. To do so simply follow this link:

Sign up for a demo account on ES5 here

How can I reset my password?

If you forgot your password you simply have to click on the same link that you have used to Register for a new user:

Click here to reset your password in ES5

What's new?

The new SAP Gateway System is based on SAP NetWeaver 751 and thus comes with several new features as opposed to the predecessor system ES4 which was based on SAP NetWeaver 740.

SAP Fiori Launchpad and SAP Fiori Reference apps

For all users we have configured SAP Fiori Launchpad where you will find four applications that have been deployed.



Launch the SAP Fiori Launchpad

Demo services for SAP Fiori development

You can use SAP Business Appplication Studio to develop SAP Fiori applications on top of the demo services that are provided in the SAP Gateway demo system.

SAP Fiori Sample Applications

As an example you will find OData services that allow you to create SAP applications based on SAP Fiori Sample Applications.

Approve Purchase Orders

A SAP Fiori Reference Application used to demonstrate the approval process
Oased on the EPM model This is a master-detail applicatiom$metadata


A SAP Fiori Reference Application used to demonstrate a shopping scenario on the EPM model This is a full screen application.$metadata

Manage Products

A SAP Fiori Reference Application used to demonstrate the creation and maintenance of product entities for the EPM model This app is Oased on Fiori Elements$metadata

Procurement Overview

A SAP Fiori Reference Application used to demonstrate an over,new ofthe EPM model. This app is based on the new SAP Fiori Elements Overview page.$metadata

Sample service GWSAMPLE_BASIC

There is also the well known basic sample service GWSAMPLE_BASIC available that provides you with a practical, working OData service with meaningful content that supports basic OData operations.

The following link would provide you a list of items of a sales order from the Enterprise Procurement demo data:

You can find more information about the basic sample service in the SAP Online Documentation

SAP Online Documentation: Sample Service - Basic

OData V4 demo service

In ES5 there is now also a first demo service available that supports OData V4.$meta...

More details can be found in the following blog OData V4 code based implementation – Overview.


Also the RMTSAMPLEFLIGHT service is available$metadata

Services that do not require authentication

We have added the following two services for read-only access that do not require any authentication.

We do not have a service that allows updates  and creates without an authentication since for this you need a CSRF token which is not issued by the ICF framework when an ICF node contains hardcoded credentials.

EPM Demo Sales Orders$top=2

EPM Demo Products$top=2


Which type of Access do I have?

After you have signed up for an account you can access the demo system in various ways:

SAP Business Application Studio

In your SAP Cloud Platform Cockpit you have to create a destination using the following data:
#Tue Dec 05 14:36:33 UTC 2017
Description=SAP Gateway Demo System
WebIDEUsage=odata_abap, bsp_execute_abap, odata_gen

You can simply create a text file that contains the above mentioned data and import the destination as follows:

  1. Login to the SAP Cloud Server Cockpit

  2. Select your account

  3. Click Connectivity

  4. Click Destinations

  5. Click Import Destination

  6. Select your destination configuration file and click Open.



Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
Great news, thanks Andre and team!
0 Kudos
Very nice, thanks! I can make good use of this.
0 Kudos
Good article

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Mr. Andre,

I am desperate to ask you a philosophical question about Gateway.  Another SAP employee was blogging about Gateway on the weekend, but it turns out there are many components inside SAP, all called Gateway, so i got confused and asked him about Gateway and he told me I had the wrong Gateway.

So just to be clear, I am talking about the Gateway component where you define services using SEGW (at least for now) and they get exposed as ODATA. that sounds just like what you are talking about above. If, after reading my question, it turns out there is yet another component in SAP called Gateway, please point me in that direction.

We have a customer portal where the user enters a sales order on their phone or laptop or whatever, and the JavaScript code on the device does a call to a Gateway service I wrote in SAP. It all works just fine, and we are on top of the indirect licencing thingy, so everything in the garden was rosy.

Now we have a proposal for a generic middleware layer, all Microsoft based, taking in the HTTP call from the mobile device, in whatever country, working out dynamically the correct source system and connecting to it. All lovely and object oriented, several layers all abstracted from each other.

The problem is the architecture calls for assorted Microsoft integration services connecting to the source systems. the one chosen to connect to SAP is from a company called Theobald software, which works by connecting to custom RFC function modules inside SAP.

Now I don;t want to give up Gateway. The arguments I am facing in favour of RFC function modules instead of Gateway are as follows:-

  • it (RFC) works and it is easy

  • all the other source systems are contacted directly and contacting Gateway is contacting “middleware” instead of the actual source system, thus giving one source system special treatment instead of treating all source systems the same

  • the call to Gateway will introduce two more HTTP calls in addition to the original one from the device, thus negatively effecting performance, and making t more difficult to pinpoint any point of failure

  • Gateway cannot do an asynchronous call

Now, I would like to tell me that these arguments are nonsense, and give me some cast iron reasons I can use to knock holes in the proposed plans. However if the above are valid arguments, please tell me that as well.I try to keep an open mind, and I have a lot of respect for the architect of the middle ware framework and how well designed it is from an abstract OO perspective. It is just this one little technical part of the pie I am concerned with.

I have talked to lots of my fellow SAP Mentors about this, and the only argument I have thus far is a philosophical one in that Gateway is SAP’s future direction. Whilst I agree with this 100% it is not getting me very far at work as an argument. I need something more concrete.

Cheersy Cheers


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hi Paul,

yes there is a problem with all the Gateway's within the SAP stack and with regards to the naming we unfortunately haven't followed the highlander principle.

So yes there is the SAP Gateway you are using to develop and publish OData services and the RFC Gateway within the ABAP AS which is responsible for the RFC based communication.

But coming back to your questions around the architecture. First of all I do not see a point in replacing an existing OData service through a RFC call to build a new UI on top of this.

This would be taking several steps down the ladder of evolution of SAP UI’s which meanwhile have fully embraced OData with SAP Fiori 2.0 also being available for the SAP Business Suite and OData being the basis for SAP Fiori UIs in S/4 HANA.

With regards to your questions I can answer as follows.

  1. ."it (RFC) works and it is easy"

    RFC is not that easy that’s why we at SAP have decided to go for OData for UI scenarios. RFC has definitely is pros but this is more in the area of system to system communication where for example two SAP backend systems are talking to each other exchanging huge amount of data

    OData services having being added more and more to our portfolio (there are already a large number being part of the latest EHP8 in the SAP Business Suite) and going forward with SAP S/4 Hana the SAP Fiori is the UI paradigm and SAP Fiori UI’s are typically using OData services.

  2. ."all the other source systems are contacted directly and contacting Gateway is contacting “middleware” instead of the actual source system, thus giving one source system special treatment instead of treating all source systems the same"

    It is also possible to run the SAP Gateway Hub and Backend components on one system using the so called embedded deployment. As of 750 SP04 (which is for example used with SAP Business Suite EHP8) you can gain significant performance improvements as described in my blog
    Replicating data into a middleware also poses a security risk since you have to rebuild authorization checks that are in place in your SAP Business Suite backend system. Also features such as Read-Access-Logging (RAL) that are available for OData with SAP NW 750 could not be used in a reliable way.

    The SAP Gateway Hub scenario (used as a frontend server for SAP Fiori) also has it pro’s especially when using several SAP backend systems as described in landscape deployment recommendations in the SAP Enterprise Architecture Explorer!/overview

  3. "the call to Gateway will introduce two more HTTP calls in addition to the original one from the device, thus negatively effecting performance, and making t more difficult to pinpoint any point of failure"

    Putting a middleware in between the UI and your backend will definitely make the search of a root cause of a problem more complicated. But this is also true if your UI speaks RFC with your backend opposed to OData. But when you have the OData services in place you can consume those via your SAP Fiori frontends directly without the need of any middleware at all.

  4. "Gateway cannot do an asynchronous call"

    It is true that the OData V2 protocol does not offer asynchronous calls as part of the OData V2 specification. But I see several options how to achieve this.

    • You can use a function import that even can take some parameters that simply takes the data, performs some calculations and would inform the end user later on for example via email

    • Using the notification channel such asynchronous scenarios could be implemented as well and the end user would receive a notification on the side panel of the SAP Fiori Launchpad.
      I did a mini code jam about this at SAP TechEd and will publish a blog about this in January

Hope this helps,

Best Regards,


0 Kudos


I just created a user id for ES5. I used ES4 for the past few 6-9 months and within ES4 I see the LOGISTICS menu in place. I specialize in MM/PP/SD/WM/QM etc. within the SAP applications. This menu does not exist in ES5 and the transaction are also missing. VA01 VA03 MM01 MM03 etc. Can you explain?
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Sean,

the reason is that ES5 is only a SAP NetWeaver System and not a SAP Business Suite System.

The system is meant to be a demo system for the latest technologies (SAP Fiori, OData, SAP Gateway) and these are only available on pure SAP NetWeaver stacks or S/4 HANA.

Best Regards,


0 Kudos

just replaced ES4 with ES5, but when I log in I don't see any tcode input field. Is that supposed to be this way and I should add tcode manually using favorites or am I missing something?



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Di,

I have updated my blog. Thanks for the hint.

Best regards,


0 Kudos
Hi Andre,


I'm a bit confused now. I attend a OPEN .SAP.COM class last year. See below

Building Portal Sites on SAP Cloud Platform

Instructors: Ido Shamesh, Murali Shanmugham and Thomas Hensel

During this class we connected to ES4 within the SAP Cloud portal via a P number and on the SAP CP built a Portal site and then designed a APP Roles catalogs to produce a FIORI AND freestyle APP. The app connected to ES4 returned materials and sales orders. So I don't understand your comments from above:

@Andre "The system is meant to be a demo system for the latest technologies (SAP Fiori, OData, SAP Gateway) and these are only available on pure SAP NetWeaver stacks or S/4 HANA."


Secondly if ES4 is being replaced by ES5 will the APP work?. If we don't have the Business suite in place (that contains a massive investment) then how do we get at the data we have in the back end system.

0 Kudos
Thanks for your help and time..
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
I assume that you haven't used real Business Suite data but have rather used data from the SAP NetWeaver demo data model.

Did you use the following service called GWSAMPLE_BASIC?$format=xml 

Best Regards,

0 Kudos

The course asked that we connect to ES4: I did this all in my SAP CP account P (NUMBER) and I created a SAPUIG App. Created a portal site and a FIORI launch pad. And is good. We get sales order and materials from ES4.  When I logged onto ES5 there was no logistics hence the note. So how do we get at that information that I belived came from ES4 using SAP CP PORTAL APP & FIORI? Do I need to talk to the course owners mentioned above or can you do that?


I added ES5 at the request of the help desk within OPEN.SAP.COM and I have never used or seen the link from the service GWSAMPLE_BASIC


I can go over it with you if you have time or can send more details




HTTP ES4 Authentication




HTTP ES5 Authentication




Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
please post your question on the opensap page.

I will inform the colleagues nevertheless.

best regards,

0 Kudos
Hi I am not able to signup for ES5 system. Is there any other system that I can sign up for.

Thanks Azeem
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
I just tested the registration process and it works fine for me.

You have to authenticate using a SAP CP user when registering for ES5.

When you have been authenticated by SAP CP a user will be created for you in ES5 and mail with the credentials will be sent to you.



0 Kudos


Do we have developer access for ES5 demo system ?


Thanks & Regards,

0 Kudos
Hi Andre,

Is there flight sample data service as in previous releases RMTSAMPLEFLIGHT ?

Please provide the details.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
No, because this would destabilize the system.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
I have added the link. You just have to replace the "4" with a "5" in the link you provided.
0 Kudos

Do you have plans for setting up the workflow (TCODE SWU3)? To start the demo workflow, the "Notification of Absence" (TCODE SWXF).

And also configure the application Fiori MyInbox (OData-service TASKPROCESSING).

Now when sending a request to the object data, an error occurs: "The task phase for the provider is not implemented." I can help customizing on and send instructions.

I'm studying sap ios sdk, and I want to develop an iOS application based on the oData service.



0 Kudos
Hi Experts,

I have gone through this page. I have logged into demo es5 system in cloud but there is no provision provided for going gateway client. When i type tcode /iwfnd/gw_client, it throws me message popup that the tcode does not exist. Please help me.




Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
You have to add a "/n" in front of the transaction code since the transaction code starts with "/I" which is a reserved keyword.

So try to enter "/n/iwfnd/gw_client" instead.

Best Regards,

0 Kudos
Hi Andre

Thanks for this helpful blog post.

However, I've just spent a couple of frustrating hours establishing what was wrong with my ES5 connection. I imported your ES5 profile text file from above, but because it doesn't contain authentication details, my account became locked after probably about 3 attempts.

I've now waited for an automatic reset of my ES5 user and edited my profile to contain Basic Authentication with my registered ES5 user and pw.

Maybe it would make sense to add that authentication is required?

Thank you for submitting all the helpful info about ES5.

Kind regards,

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
I will check with my colleagues whether we can make the service and app available.

Best Regards,



0 Kudos
Hi Michael,

I think I have the same problem as you with my ES5 user. I cannot connect and after I changed my password it still doesn't work. I get the same message every time, that my user or password is not correct.

It works for you now? Can you please tell me what you've done?

Kind Regards,

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Gateway cannot do an asynchronous call

You can play with websockets, that are supported by NetWeaver. Start the task and notify the user, when it finishes.

0 Kudos
Hi Andre,

when i try to practice UI5 using webide and when i wanted to create ODATA for that APP, I couldn't create it(since i don't have authorization). When i try to use any existing ODATA  Application no existing odata application was available. can you kindly suggest me a way to create or use any ODATA application so i can link it with webide and practice end to end.
Former Member
0 Kudos
Is it possible log on with SAP GUI application? I don't like HTML GUI
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
No, this is not possible. 
Former Member
0 Kudos
I signed up for the demo account. I am able to access SAP GUI HTML .  I am trying register GWSAMPLE_BASIC  sample service as stated below link but getting an error that I do not have authorization to use transaction /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
There is no need to register this service since it has already been registered.

Administrative access to this system is limited.

If you want to try out such things you have to get your own ABAP trial system in the cloud or download it.


Former Member
0 Kudos
Destination is giving me this pop up when trying to connect


Connection to "ES5" established. Response returned: "307: Temporary Redirect


0 Kudos

I would like to know if Human Resources will be available on SAP ES5 ?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Vincent,

no, it can't be available on this box since this is a plain SAP NW ABAP system.



0 Kudos
Hello Andre,

When I try creating a Master - Detail Application using the - RMTSAMPLEFLIGHT service, it doesn't allow me to proceed. Can you confirm if this service is maintained in ES5?

I am able to access the metadata of RMTSAMPLEFLIGHT service but not able to use it in my application.

GWSAMPLE_BASIC works fine.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
I can confirm this issue but I have not been able to find the root cause yet.

Best Regards,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
I checked with another system and there the same issue occurs.

So it might be related to SAP Web IDE.



0 Kudos
Thank you Andre for taking a look.

Please keep us posted, if it gets fixed.




0 Kudos
Hi Andre,

the link does not work for me either... Is this supposed to work with a trial user?


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
0 Kudos
Hi ,

I just signed up in ES5 but I'm unable to create any custom table to create sample service and unable to access contents from std tables .Im getting authentication while creating custom table and RFC error .I have tried to create destination but Im unable to find  connectivity option in SAP Cloud Platform cockpit  .Can any one please help to access ES5 without errors

Thank you ,

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hi Ravi,

you can't create repository objects in this system. See also my latest update "What you can't do with the SAP Gateway Demo System" at the top of this blog.



0 Kudos
Thank you Andre Fischer 🙂
0 Kudos
Hello Andre,


Having trouble with RMTSAMPLEFLIGHT service, it doesn’t allow me to proceed during creation of master detail app. Are you able to find the issue?



0 Kudos

Hi Andre,

I am not able to access the registration link for SAP ES5 Demo System. Please help.

Both of the above links are not working.

Active Participant
0 Kudos
Hi Andre,
Just like Nelson, 

I am not able to access the registration link for SAP ES5 Demo System. Please help.

Both of the above links are not working.

Although when i ping the URL it does reach the URL but the complete one with forms isnt working !





Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
I deleted the second link since it points to a test system that definitly does not run and I informed the owner of the registration page that the same is not running.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
I deleted the second link since it points to a test system that definitly does not run and I informed the owner of the registration page that the same is not running.


0 Kudos
Hey Andre,


Thank you for your reply, however I am not able to access it. When I tried accessing it, I get this. Need directions.