Technical guides about extensibility, integration, process adaptation, etc. for SAP Master Data Governance used to be provided on various Wiki pages. Although a comprehensive set of guides has always been available, it was at times difficult to find them.
Therefore, we have decided to store the how-to guides and videos in one spot to make them easier to find for consultants and developers. Kudos to the team that made this happen!
A new SAP Community site is now the single point of access - a landing page that provides links to relevant how-to documents and videos. Generally, the sections on that page relate to SAP Master Data Governance on SAP S/4HANA or on ERP. You can find how-to information related to SAP Master Data Governance, cloud edition in a separate section on this page. In a nutshell, it is broken down into the following chapters/topics:
- Central Governance for Material Data
- Central Governance for Supplier, Customer, Business Partner Data
- Central Governance for Financial Data
- Central Governance: Framework
- Consolidation and Mass Processing
- Data Quality Management
- Integration Scenarios
- Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) and Asset Information Workbench (AIW) extension by Utopia
- Retail and Fashion Management (RFM) extension by Utopia
- Conversion, Upgrade, Deployment Recommendation, Customizing Synchronization
- Guidance for SAP Master Data Governance, cloud edition
See also the orange box in the screenshot below. The table of contents you can see on the right provides a breadcrumb navigation you can use to directly jump to the specific section.
Note: You may also search on the page by pressing
Strg + F or
⌘ + F (Mac) and enter a search term.
We hope this new single point of access helps you find the MDG how-to information you need.
The old Wiki pages will still be accesible for a while, but will no longer be updated. So, please join us on the new how-to-page.