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Product and Topic Expert


With QRC2.2022, we are making the new SAP Analytics Cloud Data Export Service (DES) available to  all SAP Analytics Cloud customers. In a nutshell, this is a generic OData-based pull API that can be triggered from other applications and platforms, including 3rd party. There is no dedicated UI for this functionality as the API simply facilitates extraction of SAP Analytics Cloud Planning models from an external platform.

Data Export Service Overview

The API is comprised of two services: the Administration service and the Provider service. The first extracts a list of models on your SAP Analytics Cloud system, and the second one retrieves information about a specific planning model. It has the following key characteristics:

  • Extracts fact data, master data and audit data.

  • Support of basic data extraction qualities with full data extract, delta extract (since Q4 2022) and basic filtering capabilities

  • Extracts more than 30k rows / second

  • Business & Technical User Access

  • Available for Cloud Foundry Tenants

The new Data Export Service enables a wide range of possible scenarios. It will mostly be used to simplify the downstream processing of plan data that was generated in SAP Analytics Cloud. A common use case will be the combination of the plan data for reporting with actual data in HANA, a BW instance or S/4HANA. In this blog post, we will see how this can be achieved for on-premise systems using a HANA database

How to


First, let’s have a look at the overall architecture. In our examples, we export the data to a SAP HANA database. This can be a standalone SAP HANA database or the database below an SAP BW on HANA, an SAP BW/4HANA, or an SAP S/4HANA on premise. The data resides in SAP Analytics Cloud models (Classic Account Model or New Model are possible) and is accessed via DES.

We then need a DP Agent of version 2.5.3 or higher which is installed on premise and connected to our SAP HANA database.

On these SAP HANA instances we need to create a connection and virtual tables to consume the data. From there, we can then load the data into ADSOs in SAP BW or tables in SAP S/4HANA.

High-Level Architecture

The image below describes the communication paths between the involved elements.

Communication between the involved elements

SAP Analytics Cloud configuration

You first need to set up the OAuth client in SAP Analytics Cloud as per the following video. This will give you the Token URL, OAuth Client ID and Secret that you will need later on.

DP Agent

It is a prerequisite to have a Data Provisioning Agent on at least version 2.5.3 connected to your SAP HANA database.

A detailed guide to installing a DPAgent for SDI can be found here:

If SDA or SDI is not in use at all yet, the required steps to use a DPAgent are:

  • Install the agent on a small server

  • Import the delivery unit of the agent for SAP HANA

  • Start the DPSERVER service on SAP HANA

  • Connect the agent to SAP HANA in the config tool of the agent


SAP HANA configuration

  1. To register the adapter, currently there is no way to perform this step in the agent itself. This can be worked around with the following SQL statement on SAP HANA:
    ## replace <agent name> with your agent name
    create adapter "CloudDataIntegrationAdapter" at location agent "<agent name>";​


The user needs the system privileges “Agent Admin” and “Adapter Admin” to be able to perform this step.

If you are not aware of the agent name given to the system, you can list the agents with:
select * from agents;

You can retrieve other information on the existing agents with:


  1. Create Remote Source in SAP HANA – the input help from HANA studio needs a lot of mandatory input, therefore an SQL Statement is easier:

'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ConnectionProperties displayName="Configurations" name="configurations">
<PropertyEntry name="host">SAC Host</PropertyEntry>
<PropertyEntry name="port"></PropertyEntry>
<PropertyEntry name="protocol">HTTPS</PropertyEntry>
<PropertyEntry name="servicePath">/api/v1/dataexport/administration</PropertyEntry>
<PropertyEntry name="auth_mech">OAuth2</PropertyEntry>
<PropertyEntry name="oauth2_grant_type">client_credentials</PropertyEntry>
<PropertyEntry name="oauth2_token_request_content_type">url_encoded</PropertyEntry>
<PropertyEntry name="oauth2_token_endpoint">Token Endpoint</PropertyEntry>
<PropertyEntry name="require_csrf_header">true</PropertyEntry>
'<CredentialEntry name="oauth2_client_credential">
<user>Client ID</user>
<password>Client Secret</password>

Here you see an overview about which inputs to find where in SAP Analytics Cloud:

Mapping of SAP Analytics Cloud information to the SQL statement

This creates the Remote Source:

  1. It is now possible to create a virtual table to access the data from the model.

Load into SAP BW ADSOs

First execute the previously described steps on HANA.

  1. Create BW source system with following setup

    1. HANA Smart Data Access

    2. Select the HANA remote source created in step 2 for HANA.

    3. Path prefix “sap”

    4. Activate Source system

  1. Create application component for SAP Analytics Cloud sources or use an existing one.

  2. Create DataSource

    1. Select model

    2. Select type of data to extract

    3. Activate DataSource

  1. You can create an ADSO with DataSource as template

  2. Create a transformation

  3. Create a DTP

  4. Load data by executing or scheduling the DTP

The OData interface offers full loads and delta loads.

Load into SAP S/4HANA tables

First execute the previously described steps on the SAP S/4HANA database. By that, you already have the data available in a virtual table in SAP S/4HANA.  From there, you can choose to populate the data in other table such as ACDOCP. You can do so using ABAP logic.


In this blog post, we learned how to leverage the SAP Analytics Cloud Data Export Service with SAP HANA; SAP BW, and SAP S/4HANA. Watch out for further posts, i.e. how to use this API in combination with SAP Data Warehouse Cloud to enable bi-directional data transfer for planning.

The API stands for openness, flexibility, and easy downstream processing of data. It will be further enhanced in the future. So stay tuned, review the additional information provided below, and share your thoughts with the community!

Further information

Further information on the Data Export Service is available:


Active Participant

Dear maximilianpaul.gander

thanks a lot for this blog. You mentioned that it is also possible to access the data with "Business User Access" -> does that mean, that any SAC user with valid credentials could use this service too? If so, is there any further information available about that?

Thanks and kind regards


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hi sven.knpfler4

You are referring to the 3-legged OAuth authentication which allows business users to export smaller subsets of data while leveraging roles and data access privileges to ensure that they can only access data they have privileges for, at a model level.

Using this is a matter of the OAuth Client set-up:



Active Participant
0 Kudos
Great, that covers exactly my question. Is there a how-to available for the 3-leged OAuth authentication?
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hi Sven,

I will get back to you on that.

0 Kudos
Hi maximilianpaul.gander ,

is it possible to export both ID and description of a public dimension to BW with this setup?

In my scenario users should create members in an SAC analytic application. Afterwards I would like to export these into BW to load them into a BW characteristic.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi josefhaid,

Yes, you can export master data including member IDs and descriptions.

0 Kudos
Hello Max,

Any update to this ? We are considering this option for receiving data to BW4HANA system and currently ALL the models are exposed to which there is a business concern.

Also, I'd need your comments to a related issue : When the remote source is created in HANA, it shows all the models but if I try to create a Source system in BWMT based on this remote source and subsequently a BW Datasource based on this source system, then only first 200 table entries are showing up. In the filter string, I can only give table name (and not Model Name with it) to search but then underneath all the models we have a common table name called "FactData". So, if you have more than 200 models altogether then you may not get the Fact table for your required model.

Is there a way to get rid of this error. Only workaround I found was if I create the Virtual Table in HANA itself then I can rename the FactData as per my convenience and it can then be consumed in BW through a Local Hana DB source system.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hello Sven

There's a whole bunch of sample scripts that support 3-legged OAuth now available via my blog.

You'll need to wait for me to update my user guide, but this comment I've just written to my blog provides the key elements you need.

All the best, Matthew
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
When will exporting SAC currency (FX rates) table be supported?
It doesn't seem part of any data flow of this export service.

Typically when setting up a new Budget, a very specific / fixed currency rate is used, and we would need to interface this information.
Active Participant
0 Kudos
Thanks Matthew that you took the time to answer my question here 🙂
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hi Jef,

Thanks for your input. We are actually considering this for one of the next few releases but no timeline as it is not the highest priority for the team (working on delta).

0 Kudos
Hi maximilianpaul.gander

Thanks for this blog.
We are now in the process of testing DES. We have installed the DPAgent and created the remote source on HANA (BW) - but we do not see any of the folders/models below. Are we missing a step here? Can you point us in the right direction.

Another question is if/when DES will have a delta-export functionality ?


Best regards

Jon Anders
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hi Max,

I wrote how to use SAC DES delta enabled API in BW4 as below. BW pulls automatically the delta with SDI technology.


best regards

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Excellent blog post! Thanks for sharing, zili.zhou!
Hi Max,

I see that Cloud Data Integration adapter is supported only for SAP Data Warehouse Cloud (DWC), SAP BW/4HANA, and SAP HANA on-premise scenarios. In my case i am trying to extract SAC planning model data to SHC(SAP HANA Cloud). I tried using Cloud Data Integration Adapter but it is not supporting realtime in my case.

I am getting the below error when i am trying to set the ALTER_REMOTE_SUBSCCRIPTION status to Queue or Distribute.

CloudDataIntegrationLogger.error  - 1983340133 - while trying to invoke the method org.apache.olingo.client.api.domain.ClientProperty.getValue() of a null object loaded from local variable 'previousDeltaLinkProperty'

java.lang.NullPointerException: while trying to invoke the method


Could you please suggest any specific adapter that needs to be used to extract SAC Planning model to SHC.


Best Regards,

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hi MK,

CDI adapter currently not support for HANA Cloud yet. For the moment, the target systems can be a BW/4HANA, DWC, or HANA on premise system (at time of publication of this article). Please check the latest PAM HANA SDI to check the latest status if more target systems are supported.

For HANA Cloud, you can use Odata connection, doing some development to get the delta.  There are max attention team to implement such project.


0 Kudos
Hi Zili,


Thanks for the reply. Sure will try to use Odata Connection.


Best Regards,

Did you ever figure this out? We are having the exact same issue. Connection seems to be established fine but no content underneath.


Yes, we were, and it's a really great functionality.
We had some network / firewall problems (TCP_MISS messages), but after reinstalling and configuring the DPagent again, we got it to work.

I don't think we ever identified exactly why it didn't work the first time, though - so I can't really help you here I'm afraid. Ask your network team to check, if possible. Otherwise raise a ticket to SAP.

hmmm. Well I'm able to call the api's manually just fine from postman, so I don't think it is firewall, but maybe. We've tried deleting the agent and adapter and reconfiguring, but not a full re-install. I guess that may be next and then raise a ticket if necessary. Thanks so much for the quick reply.
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zili.zhou maximilianpaul.gander
For a SAC remote source in Hana Cloud, would hanaodbc adapter be possible instead of the (currently still non-supported) CDI adapter?
0 Kudos
This API is still only available to Cloud Foundry customers (not SAP NEO data centres) - correct ?
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Yes, correct
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hi Jef,

The HANA under SAC is not exposed like DWC or on premise HANA. Thus you can not use ODBC connection in HANA Cloud for this.



0 Kudos
Hello Maximilian,

Thanks for the nice blog.

Currently our SAC is connected to S4/HANA system.

One quick question on the export data to BW ADSO. will it only work if the S4 system have the BW4HANA component?

If yes, do we need to set up the BW initial set up in the S4/HANA system in order to export the data to BW ADSO?





Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos


You do not need BW to export to S/4. You follow the steps on S/4's HANA database and ignore the paragraph about BW.

Hi Maximilian,


Can we export both ID and attributes for a dimension from SAC Planning Model to BW4HANA ADSO via this way? And is there any limitation for private dimensions?


Best Regards & Thanks,

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Yes, you can export master data tables (no limitation for private dimensions). You always export via the provider (the model).

0 Kudos
Hi ,


Thanks for the reply.

Could you please provide any sample abap code to write the data back to ACDOCP or any custom table in S4/HANA if any ?



0 Kudos
Dear Max,

Since October we are trying to set up this connection without sucess.
We don't see the SAC objects when opening the remote source SACDES (point 2 of the section "SAP HANA configuration"). We get some errors. Before I show you the errors, I have a question.

We set up SAML on our SAC. Any authentication muss be made under SAML.
Would it be a problem with OAuth2.0 and your solution described above?

0 Kudos
Dear maximilianpaul.gander

Thanks a lot for this blog. I have followed the same steps to implement but I stuck at one point where we cannot see any SAC model to select while creating Data source under SDA Source (Remote Resource) in BW system. Can you please help if we missed any access privileges or steps.

But we could see those model from remote source in HANA Verification.



unable to see SAC Models

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hi Suresh,

it looks like the BW ABAP user does not have select privilege for the tables, Please check with your basis team which user owns this data source. And try to grant privileges to the BW ABAP user.



Hi Zili,


Thanks for your response.

it is resolved now, but we are facing other problems as Delta records are not updating in Replication table after we do change in SAC so SAP suggested to upgrade the DP agent version (2.6+).


0 Kudos
Hi Suresh

Could you please tell me how did you solve the problem where you were not able to select any SAC Model while creating Data source under SDA Source?

We are facing the same problem.



we were able to implement the new export service in our BW on HANA system. We created DataSources and loaded the data. However, after some time one of the DataSource stopped working and became inactive. When activating, it gives the following error:

Unfortunately, the error message is cut off and cannot be displayed properly.

When checking the DataSoure, we identified one column, which suddendly shows the datatype NCLOB in the source, even though it is a normal date field and nothing was changed in the SAC model.

Are there known issues for the export service? Adding the SAC model again with a new DataSource does not fix the issue. Restarting the DPA also did not help.

Other DataSources for different SAC models are working just fine.

Best regards,

Hi maximilianpaul.gander

great Blog and we would like to incorporate this approach in our current SAC Planning project. Is this described procedure including the DPAgent covered by the so called "run-time" licencse in the HANA environment? Or this there anything we should look out for licencse-wise?

Thanks for a quick answer and best regards

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hi janphillipp.wulf

It depends on where and how you use the API and the DP agent. See these examples for BW4/HANA where it is specifically mentioned which options can be achieved without HANA Full License. However, please double check with your account team to be on the safe side as I am  not a licensing (or HANA) expert.

0 Kudos
Thank you for the quick reply, this helps us!

HI maximilianpaul.gander

Excellent post!

We created the source system using the path prefix “sap”.

One aspect is really bothering us: if we use this source system in eclipse and if we search for an item (input=string or *) the performance is abysmal.

Any tips to improve performance ?

Best regards

0 Kudos
hello i need to export commitment line item plan data (FUNDS MANAGEMENT) FundsMgmtCommitmentActualItemQuery    from SAC to S4 HANA on premise. what would be the normal procedure. if i select create export from data modeling data management in SAC it creates an interface to planning table ACDOCP but that is not what i want since commitment item is not present in this interface. I need to be able to choose what elements of my data model i want to export. thanks
0 Kudos
Hello maximilianpaul.gander ,


we tried to replicate this using your post but we can't get the remote source working. Is it necessary to have hana run on https for this?


At the mopment it seems that there is an ssl handshake taking place and it can't complete the certification path.




Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
You can check DP Server traces and might get some more details.

I guess it is related to BTP has changed its certificate

try to upload the new certificate DigiCert Global Root G2 into your DP Agent.

If issue still exists, you can open an incident.
Hi maximilianpaul.gander

Thank you for a great blog - and the drawing of the delta export options is really good. Is that a part of some official document you can share?


0 Kudos
If anyone encounters the same issue: we fixed the issue by executing the program RSDS_DATASOURCE_ACTIVATE_ALL for the DataSource
0 Kudos

Moin Max,

thanks for your helpfull blog: Please allow me one question, can you tell us, if this is your recommended and strategic future plan using SAP SDI for (full data) SAC Writeback connections?

If you have some time, this is a closer view to our background:

Right now, we (BWonHANA 7.5; BPC 10.1 Standard; SAC Reporting; and upcoming in 01.2025 SAC Planning) are not using SAP SDI. For externel SAP BW APIs with SaaS-Origin we are using SAP BTP IS. For internal origin we are fine using also SAP SDA Connections.

Using SDI for only getting Master Data (in the end also via ODATA) in a low range is a another investment to do, beside the huge BTP invest. As you know, we have to setup Servers, pay for Linux licences and security talkings, because it is a new way in from outside to our OnPremise platform – next to the prefered BTP IS solutions. With SDI/DP-Agent this would be the third technical solution beside BTP (Non SAP SaaS) and CLC-Connections (SAC Live, SAC ODATA Legacy).

We found nothing in this direction on your roadmaps, either how it will works with the upoming „seamless planning“. We are interested in using SAP Datasphere with SAC Plannning in future planning scenarios. And also here we are questioing ourself, is SDI  the right way to go with?

I know, it's a tough question, but maybe you have some insights from the SAP laboratory. Can you confirm, that SAP BTP is not your supported option to consume an ODATA-Connection from SAC Planning and SDI is the solution for all your future planning sceanrios in BW/4 and Datasphere?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Best Regards from Hamburg,
